Hiya again. I've been messing around trying out Faspons with all the IWADs and a whole bunch of PWADS. The crash issues I was having seem to be with the Sunlust WAD itself though I'm not sure why. While playing with that WAD another isssue arose whereby the minigun would just stop working sometimes. It would have ammo in it but it just wouldn't fire as if empty. This happened with both the reload option on and off. I'm not sure whether to report this issue to the dev of Sunlust as the issue only happens with Faspons... there again, Sunlust is supposed to be Boom compatible and I can't see any changes to the weapons in that WAD... Hmmm. *confused*
I have to say that I'm really enjoying the extra challenge while playing with Faspons. It's given the IWADs a new lease of life.
I do have one small thing I'd like to point out though. The sound of the Shotgun Guys' guns don't change over distance. The guns are always loud and in your face, even if they are placed far across the map. It's pretty disorientating trying to pinpoint where they're shooting from! The issue only seems to be with the Shotgun guys...
I also have another couple of suggestions. They're purely aesthetic so feel free to just ignore me!
I really like the new explosions from the RPG. However, they don't really match the explosions from the barrels. If it were me, I would change the barrel explosions to better match (perhaps the Duke Nukem barrel explosions as seen in Smooth Doom or Cosmetic Doom?).
The other suggestion is to use this HUD as a HUD replacement instead of the Ultimate Doom Visor thingy:
My reason for suggesting it is that the above visor is done in lower resolution with nice chunky pixels. I just think it's more in keeping with the pixelly Doom look... I suppose you'd have to add a grenade counter to it though...
Like I say, purely aesthetic so take my suggestion with as much interest as you like!
EDIT: Just adding more info.