"Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

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"Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Caligari87 »

Playlist link.

This got posted on /r/Doom. On the one hand it's pretty funny, and the first guy does "okay" for a newb. His friend is just... sad. I think I made it to the part where he gets frustrated and yells "Why do you have to press a button to go through a door!?"

Posting for general interest and commentary.

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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by SamVision »

Dafuk is with the the guy on the right? Does he have brain damage or something?
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Gez »

Well obviously they need to play with a port that displays a "Press E to open door/activate object" message when you get within activation range of a linedef you can use.

It should also display a "Press E to pay respects" when you get within range of a marine corpse.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by amv2k9 »

Oh dear :lol:
Wonder what will happen if/when they get around to Doom II and fight an Archvile.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Zanieon »

Judging by how slow they moves the aim, how they don't moves it up and down and NOT STRAFING OR AUTORUNNING, they are playing totally on "Oldschool Mode", also by the Health Packs, it's BFG Editions.

Damn, they are playing on a X-Box.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by edward850 »

Caligari_87 wrote:I think I made it to the part where he gets frustrated and yells "Why do you have to press a button to go through a door!?"
This is an act... Right?


Actually, the more I look at this, the more that keeps looking very very wrong. Somehow they screwed up the colour-space on their videos, resulting in everything appearing in a very tinged grey. They are playing in ITYTD in co-op of all things, and I can't really figure that logic out. And because they are laying off the run key pretty much the whole time, they are turning in a very casual rate.
They actually make XBLA Doom look clunky... somehow, which is weird, because it's basically Doom 1.9 with a joystick.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Reactor »

Such is the result of playing games with one linear route & putting invisible walls and Sudden Death Syndrome everywhere else.

This is sad...
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

That title is really uncalled for.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Caligari87 »

That's the title the two LPers posted on Reddit; they fully admit in the comments there that they played like idiots, and seem to be taking the negative feedback in stride.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/ ... inal_doom/

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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Medicris »

You know, there's a lot of people on that thread saying "you're just all grandpas" and "the level design is just bad and you only know where to go if you already know all the maps".

Christ, no one has any sense of direction or navigation? Do people have to be handheld along in an amusement course car? How would they manage to get out of the starting area of a Zelda game or Mario 64 without ragequitting? You pass by every locked door before you get the key. So you explore to find the key, then come back to the door and explore more. Game doesn't get any more complicated than that, and the maps don't even have complex overlapping rooms. They'd quit Metroid and Zelda in the first minute. It's not even just a case of being bad at Doom, it's a case of being absolutely incompetent at basic navigation skills. I'm at a loss, it's like they'd get lost in their own houses.

My very first time playing PC Doom 10 years ago (D64 was my first) I couldn't have gotten lost if I tried. Every room is a landmark and the way you have to go is lit up in bright neon signs and light-studded gates.
Last edited by Medicris on Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:20 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Zanieon »

Also, theres automap to help, which they didn't looked even once to get a better navigation.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by idGamer »

I kind of want to see them play HeXen now...
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Sgt. Pepperoni »

I'm really start to think that players nowadays becomes more and more [censored word] as the time goes.
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by Matt »

I have no idea what the controllers look like so I am certainly not going to judge them for failing to figure out which button opens the map. D:

Also, I am unduly, irrationally amused by their naming the cacos satans.

edward850 wrote:
Caligari_87 wrote:I think I made it to the part where he gets frustrated and yells "Why do you have to press a button to go through a door!?"
This is an act... Right?

You guys really need to watch part 2 though... it's basically Doom as it was meant to be played, as of December 11, 1993!
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Re: "Two CoD-Gen Idiots Get Lost in the Original Doom"

Post by mallo »

To us such thing is unimaginable... But to them, Doom is unimaginable. They are just used to CoD-type stuff. You can't blame them for sucking at something they're not used to. If they played more stuff like this, maybe they'd get good at 90's FPSs.

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