Phobus wrote:If you want my personal opinion on what's killing this forum, so to speak, it's the combination of very ambitious things that never get finished and the fact that nobody (even people like me who complain about it) bothers making maps for ZDoom anymore. This place had a bigger draw and audience back in the early 00's when everybody was excitedly making Doom maps with extra features, so we had stuff to play, discuss and be inspired by every day or two, or so it seemed.
The early 00's was also when DW was heavy into making ZDoom maps, thanks to a number of high-profile mappers and projects. They all moved on, new celebs took their place and the masses follow them instead. (which is basically how it's always been)
On another note regarding projects, isn't it about time that forum was cleaned up a bit? Maybe separate finished projects from WIP's, and possibly even separate maps from gameplay mods? (would be a very small subforum but at least it'd make it easier for those of us who do want to play new maps)
(a mistake I made with Virus, WRT ZDoom).
Virus got finished, so that wasn't a mistake. (it's those who keep popping up with threads that are worthy of a [newproject] tag that are the problem)
I suppose that's why Doomworld has such an active mapping community - there's always maps coming out and community projects and competitions where people can drop a quick map in.
We all know what drives that community, but tbh I don't see why we can't have those kind of projects and competitions here. A quick map with some basic ZDoom stuff won't take much longer than a vanilla map if people know what they're doing, and there's far more ideas available for community projects. Hell, you could even copy a theme from DW and apply basic rules to it, and it would still turn out very different. (eg. 1994 tune-up for ZDoom, which I have thought about starting in recent months but didn't bother for obvious reasons)