An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Mayhem666 »

It seems to be a childish thing, people need to get over it, it's really useless to hate someone till the end of time, it just makes tensions. And the Sarge's thing, it's been what? One or two years that it happen, Is it necessary to care about it anymore..?
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Big C »

Mayhem666 wrote:It seems to be a childish thing, people need to get over it, it's really useless to hate someone till the end of time, it just makes tensions. And the Sarge's thing, it's been what? One or two years that it happen, Is it necessary to care about it anymore..?
I don't care much about Sarge---he's gone. Unfortunately some of his hangers-ons like to hang around here and not all of them understand how to endear themselves to this forum.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by demo_the_man »

Motion seconded and past. We really need to get over mark4. Yes he did some shit, yes he made several websites headlines, yes he said alot of shit that made the main community exile him. Hes exiled, gone, never to return. Good riddance, now the next motion of work is creating another community map project that uses all of the things that we have learned since mark4 left. We should still stand proud as a community instead of bickering in these endless cycles on we should cooperate on something that shows that mark4 was not the big shit he was, and is small potatoes compared to the communitys greats. Yes the netcode is funny, everyone stop bitching about it. It most likely will be fixed eventually. It is important to be a community, not a rabble. We need to act like men and women with minds and common sense. Not the childish bickering that people have turned to.

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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Big C »

I generally concur, but the current problem as I said isn't as much with Sarge himself as with the poorer half of his community (read: not people like johnny and SigFloyd, they're good) not grokking good netiquette.

As for Nash and Edward, the more I think about it the less I respect both of them now. Their little spat should never have turned into a public matter and they should have stuck to PMs or foe-listing each other if it mattered that much.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Wiw »

No, I have nothing nice to say about Sarge. He's pretty loathsome.

The conflict between Nash and Edward, though, is something I've been through myself on another forum. It ended disastrously. This, though, it something that has more chance of being repaired than mine.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by xenoxols »

I think that the foes list is kind of dumb, because your "foe" could be posting something cool or useful. It's not like anyone who ever made a mistake is always being dumb.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by wildweasel »

xenoxols wrote:I think that the foes list is kind of dumb, because your "foe" could be posting something cool or useful. It's not like anyone who ever made a mistake is always being dumb.
Well, there is the ability to display only one individual post ("This post has been hidden because the poster is on your Foes list. Click here to reveal."), so you might not be missing out.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Minigunner »

At least it works, unlike Doomworld's.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Jaxxoon R »

So it's nice to see Nash went completely hostile towards the entirety of the community and potentially everyone immediately outside of it that are just looking for some modding guides/examples just because they wouldn't come to his aid in his pointless squabble with Edward850. And apparently this isn't the first time he has pulled something like this.

Seems to me he's simply a vindictive person and whether or not the community as a whole was more mature doesn't matter; someone would just set him off eventually and this whole thing would've happened anyways.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Big C »

I agree with you but also note that this apparently isn't Edward850's first offense around here either.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Trance »

So after 11 pages I have to ask: has this thread actually accomplished anything? It seems just to be a place where people do little more than rattle on constantly about the Nash vs. Edward fracas. This is exactly the sort of poisonous behavior the thread was ostensibly against.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Big C »

Trance wrote:So after 11 pages I have to ask: has this thread actually accomplished anything? It seems just to be a place where people do little more than rattle on constantly about the Nash vs. Edward fracas. This is exactly the sort of poisonous behavior the thread was ostensibly against.
I *started* it to try and brainstorm how to curb things like the Nash vs. Edward fracas off at the pass before they bled into open forum fury. Since then the topic's somewhat drifted back and forth.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Athel »

Well, we can all agree: drama is bad.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by Big C »

Yeah. Basically I was pissy with Nash for enacting a scorched-earth policy on his resources, and that plus Tormentor/Esselfortium's spat plus some of the Brutal DooM-related shitposting in Projects was three strikes for me. So I made this thread in frustration.

Now that I think about it, the big thing that annoys me about this is that the whole reason I prefer to post here and not, say, Doomworld, is because I liked the more laid-back atmosphere here---I never liked Doomworld all that much because something rubbed me a bit wrong about the Post Hell subsection's existence. Mostly how snarky and unprofessional the whole idea was---like they were more interested in having something to have a cheap laugh at than try and manage the forum effectively.

And while this place is better IMHO, it also has some persistent problems which I've already mentioned by now.

Oh, also:
wildweasel wrote:The problem with defining a solid number of strikes is that, in a few peoples' cases, the "strikes" can be really piddly, guideline-related offenses (like bumping threads, abusing the emoticons, etc), or they could be hideous major offenses (like warez, flaming, porn, etc). I feel like, sometimes, a person needs to be warned for a thing without flat-out punishing them for it, but in other cases, swifter action needs to be taken.
Maybe classify three minor strikes with a brief tempban and major strikes with a ban-ban? Basically separating misdemeanors and felonies, if you will?

Just an idea.
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Re: An open letter to the ZDoom community regarding drama

Post by demo_the_man »

A better system would be to create a shaming tag that is permanently stuck to their posts. Like general moron, or "necrobumper extraordinaire" "habitual shitposter". Also after thier second warning they get their avatar turned into weasels ketup bottle for as long as a moderator thinks fit. If these don't work ban them, they have had thier chance to be a better person but failed.
Also does anyone have any way to reach nash, i need to use some of his resources

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