This is something I have been working for the past 6 months off and on (mostly off)
Its an attempt to make a somewhat complete overall of demon souls a game I love and bring it
to life in Hexen with a bit of a doom vibe.
Spoiler:Keep in Mind DoomSouls is meant for GZDOOM and should be run with Hexen as your iwad also keep in mind that DoomSouls is a work in progress
don't be turned off by the tutorial level at the start I made it a long time ago and have put very little work into it
-make sure to press your activate button in order to climb the ladder and also pass through the fog (and yes you are suppose to die)
so far the game is only 5% finish and that's an optimistic view point i'm still working on it though and should have big update in the near future
What I have done so far
- a trash tutorial level
- parts of the nexus
- Parts of Boletarian Palace
- Health bar and Stamina Bar
- Souls system including picking your souls back up when you die
- Skeletons that have a health bar when you look at them and get aggressive when move into their range and then go back to their spawn when your out of range ( a bit buggy)
-Basic leveling up in the nexus