[HUD] Fullscreen HUD for OSJC's Descent into Heresy

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[HUD] Fullscreen HUD for OSJC's Descent into Heresy

Post by Gollgagh »

OSJC's Descent into Heresy is a fantastic Quake-in-Heretic mod, but the default Heretic status bar was just not doing it for me, so I put this together to dip my toes into the world of Doom modding. It's nothing you haven't seen before, but I'm fairly proud of how it turned out.

It features ammo counters and weapon indicators specific to DIH. I would also like to eventually include some kind of item timer, but that will have to wait until I'm a bit more clever.

All assets are .png so I have no idea how that effects compatibility. The left and right are uneven, so it'll probably look kind of terrible in 4:3.

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Re: [HUD] Fullscreen HUD for OSJC's Descent into Heresy

Post by osjclatchford »

This officially has the osjc seal of approval... well done love this :wink:
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Re: [HUD] Fullscreen HUD for OSJC's Descent into Heresy

Post by Legend »

this looks really cool. comes out rather tiny though in the screen. At least for me.

any way to make it play nice with this ... &start=180

They can't both be used at the same time otherwise it results in the original heretic hud sitting up high.

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