The status bar IS based on the one used in the Mac port. Hi-res and all. Though it is modified to fit PC Wolf. I do not believe there is currently a way of modifying the layouts and design of it in ECWolf.3371-Alpha wrote:I personally would prefer a statusbar similar to the Mac version, tough widescreen. Doom and other id tech 1 based games have widescreen statusbars I wonder why no one's attempted on wolf3d?
Hmmm, could change it to the "pop" sound used by guards and bosses. But, I thought it'd make a nice change.3371-Alpha wrote:Either way, here're somethings I noted about the latest version: the MP40 when used by the SS sounds a little too beefy now, sounds like a chain gun;
The grunt/oof sound is not possible in ECWolf, at least last time I checked.3371-Alpha wrote:BJ still doesn't use the Mac version's grunt/"oof" sound when pushing on walls that can't open
The fonts are only more textured, they are not of higher resolution. The icons, the episode logos and skill faces, are however. I do not believe it is possible to modify the background other than changing the colours.3371-Alpha wrote:the menus' updated font isn't bad it looks really weird without high-res backgrounds to match; good job with restoring the 99 ammo limit and removing the head sway, they didn't fit in well with Wolfenstein.
Thanks for the feedback.