Hello everyone Doomguys!
Huh, it's been a while since I last wrote here, right? And also no updates to the mod have been posted since then... Well, to be honest, I needed to take a good rest after so much editing work and testing with my Doom and Heretic mods, apart from that I must confess that it is increasingly more and more difficult to improve them and introduce new interesting features, because I consider that after having dedicated a lot of time, both mods have reached a good point of consolidation...
For this reason, it is quite likely that from now on, the mods will receive updates less frequently than before, because as I said, there comes a time when it is not easy to continue introducing improvements, since I can no longer think of how to do it. IMHO, I think it's better for both mods to stay mostly in their current state rather than make some wrong moves and screw them up somehow... As it's usually said,
"if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Of course, and thanks to many of your suggestions my friends, surely the H-Project mod would not have been what it is currently now, so with all my heart I wish you to continue having a good time playing and enjoying it, which is precisely with the purpose for which I created it in its day, quite some time ago...
Having said all this (and let it be clear that it is
NOT related to April 1st fool jokes at all), I bring you the most recent update of the mod in shape of Revision 15, which is mostly a maintenance update, although it does include a few graphical and gameplay improvements, apart from the relevant fixes and optimizations that have been usual in each published version.
Here you can read the latest list of changes included in R15:
- - Updated the Opti-Maser Ballista pickup sprite with a more polished and size-reduced one, since the previous sprite (apart from clashing with other pickup sprites in comparison) could cause some random-spawning problems due to its too large original pixel size, although it had been given a smaller scale in Decorate code.
- The friendly Heaven Angel (you know, that little holy creature who saves quickly your current game when you press the One-Key-Savegame action button) has now a completely new look, much prettier and sexier than before. [Thanks to CherubCorps for providing his/her nice-looking sprite resources!]
- All the text labels that appear above the spawned Trade Shop Droids, Ticket Barter Droids and Special Combat Droids have been graphically renovated with simpler but more legible characters, and most of them now use two text lines instead of just one, thus being somewhat a bit more practical for the player than the previous ones. (At least, that was my intention...)
- Improved a bit the graphic effects of the spawned black holes created by the Black Hole Maker weapon; now from the moment they are temporarily generated, some additional particles are shown that more clearly warn of the absorption effect of the black hole, while the latter shows a slight bobbing movement until it disappears.
- Some other minor bugfixes, tweaks and code optimizations.
So then, dear Doom mates, that is all for now... But don't forget the mod is still open to possible future updates and corrections, even if it is not with the regularity of past times... As I said, I hope you continue having fun and enjoying the mod, since after all, that's what really matters...
Cheerio, and of course as usual... Have a nice Doomsday, everyone!