Well, here it comes another mod update! Revision 4 is now ready for download, and as usual it includes some pertinent bugfixes, plus a few new features to keep it up!

So what's new this time? No worries, here it goes the detailed changelog:
- - The bestiary fauna has been increased a little with some fresh, recently recruited hellspawns, and as you can expect they are not willing to let you escape alive! Same as usual, right? Here's a brief report about them:
- + Diabolic Imp: its name says it all, this foe has not good intentions at all. Its ability to shoot a pair of weaving fireballs each time it swings its arms should be a good reason not to underestimate this thorny enemy.
+ Nuclear Demon: an interesting beast, this is in fact a 'pinky' Demon that has been exposed to those radioactive areas of the UAC labs for too long. And it's said that it is able to puke a burst of acid drops at will against its rivals... Eughh!
+ Nuclear Spectre: as expected, where there is a Demon, there is also a ghostly variant of itself. Watch out, these things could spray you with their venomous vomit and melting you into delicious puree for them!
+ Cacocritter: uh-oh, there it comes another one! A new caco-beast type for which there is not much data available yet, but it has been found that the more wounded it is, the fiercer its attacks are... So be aware!
+ Ghastly Imp: wait, another Imp? Yeah, but not an ordinary one at all. In fact, it is rumored to be a highly dangerous specimen, perhaps even more so than those already known. You better be well prepared just in case, mate!
+ Combat Slug: after long time and after having met several types of element-based slugs, at last the base specimen has been found! Although not for that reason is it the least dangerous of them... Do I need to explain why?
+ Raider Spider: oh no, another robo-legged brain thing... An Arachnotron, you say? Wish it were so, but it's MUCH WORSE... Why do I say that? Well, you will soon find it out for yourself, and you may wish you hadn't!
- Difficulty tweak for all the Slug-type enemies: their reaction time to charge and attack the player has been reduced by half, so they will be slightly more dangerous than before.
- Fix for Riot Shotgun: from now it's not possible anymore to break the reloading sequence pressing the 'Fire' button until it gets fully completed. (It was provoking a weird behaviour, so I preferred to solve it).
- The small flies from dead enemies can't provoke splashes on liquid surfaces now.
- Several minor bugfixes and code optimizations. - + Diabolic Imp: its name says it all, this foe has not good intentions at all. Its ability to shoot a pair of weaving fireballs each time it swings its arms should be a good reason not to underestimate this thorny enemy.

Keep having fun and take care my friends!