HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R4 (Updated 12 Sep 202

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hey, how is it going dear Doomguys? B-)

Well, here it comes another mod update! Revision 4 is now ready for download, and as usual it includes some pertinent bugfixes, plus a few new features to keep it up! :thumb:

So what's new this time? No worries, here it goes the detailed changelog:
  • - The bestiary fauna has been increased a little with some fresh, recently recruited hellspawns, and as you can expect they are not willing to let you escape alive! Same as usual, right? Here's a brief report about them:
    • + Diabolic Imp: its name says it all, this foe has not good intentions at all. Its ability to shoot a pair of weaving fireballs each time it swings its arms should be a good reason not to underestimate this thorny enemy.
      + Nuclear Demon: an interesting beast, this is in fact a 'pinky' Demon that has been exposed to those radioactive areas of the UAC labs for too long. And it's said that it is able to puke a burst of acid drops at will against its rivals... Eughh! :blergh:
      + Nuclear Spectre: as expected, where there is a Demon, there is also a ghostly variant of itself. Watch out, these things could spray you with their venomous vomit and melting you into delicious puree for them! :sadno:
      + Cacocritter: uh-oh, there it comes another one! A new caco-beast type for which there is not much data available yet, but it has been found that the more wounded it is, the fiercer its attacks are... So be aware!
      + Ghastly Imp: wait, another Imp? Yeah, but not an ordinary one at all. In fact, it is rumored to be a highly dangerous specimen, perhaps even more so than those already known. You better be well prepared just in case, mate!
      + Combat Slug: after long time and after having met several types of element-based slugs, at last the base specimen has been found! Although not for that reason is it the least dangerous of them... Do I need to explain why?
      + Raider Spider: oh no, another robo-legged brain thing... An Arachnotron, you say? Wish it were so, but it's MUCH WORSE... Why do I say that? Well, you will soon find it out for yourself, and you may wish you hadn't! :shock:
    - As a helpful item you'll receive with such an enemy batch, I present you the new and revolutionary Heroical Beverage! OK, and what it does this thing, by the way? That's the better part: if you are able to find one (or more) of this splendid liquid, your Level Experience Bar will raise a lot - not as foam, but almost- without having to fight versus enemies at all, and gaining this way more Level Ups and higher status levels a bit easier than before! (_)3

    - Difficulty tweak for all the Slug-type enemies: their reaction time to charge and attack the player has been reduced by half, so they will be slightly more dangerous than before.

    - Fix for Riot Shotgun: from now it's not possible anymore to break the reloading sequence pressing the 'Fire' button until it gets fully completed. (It was provoking a weird behaviour, so I preferred to solve it).

    - The small flies from dead enemies can't provoke splashes on liquid surfaces now.

    - Several minor bugfixes and code optimizations.
Get the latest updated download links at first post, as being usual... :wink:

Keep having fun and take care my friends! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R4 (Updated 12 Sep 202

Post by Spaceman333 »

I got the latest version and started playing again and I want to stress that this is one of my favorite mods due to all the content and features and systems it has...

...but at the same time this is the list of things that make me want to stop playing it after a few playthroughs: :evil:
  • Various Berserker kits that tint my screen red constantly. This feels horrible.
  • Stone Mancubus, Stone Imp, Stone Demon being way too resistant to damage. Even cryo weapons feel slow against them. They're common too and constantly cause the game momentum to stop too often. No other enemy has this issue.
  • BFG667 is still overpowered compared to all other weapons and relatively easy to get. It has very high damage and uses ammo so economically that using it as a primary without switching to other weapons is somewhat easy. Most other weapons become useless compared to it unless the map offers no cell ammo for a long time. It also costs only 16000$ from a random - yet surprisingly common - vendor that makes it ridiculously cheap.
  • Vendor prices for health and armor are far too high.
  • Golden tickets are too rare / expensive to be of any use on most playthroughs.
  • Most dual wield weapons are far too slow to reload to justify their benefit when many other weapons may not even have reloading at all.
  • Sniper Rifle scope's blinking red/green after everyshot is slowly giving me epilepsy, it feels painful on the eyes.
  • Shadowbeast (that rare Dark Grey big reptile walking monster that shoots yellow/green balls/blasts/ghosts) can turn invisible and invulnerable with no way to kill it. It will shoot spread of green blasts seemingly out of nowhere once its initial form is shot down - and keep doing so for a very long time.
I absolutely love the new updates and new content being introduced to the mod, but these above issues are killing the fun for me. :(
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R5 (Updated 1 Oct 2020

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Spaceman333 wrote:I got the latest version and started playing again and I want to stress that this is one of my favorite mods due to all the content and features and systems it has...

...but at the same time this is the list of things that make me want to stop playing it after a few playthroughs: :evil:

I absolutely love the new updates and new content being introduced to the mod, but these above issues are killing the fun for me. :(
Thanks for your feedback Spaceman333! I'm sorry to hear that there are still some things in the mod that are not completely to your liking, but I will try to check over and improve some of them for future versions of the mod.

At the present moment I have released a small update of the H-Project in shape of Revision 5 (R5) which brings some few tweaks and bugfixes respect from previous versions. Perhaps the most destacable one is that I have improved the sound effects of the Raider Spider, of which I was not very satisfied as they sounded previously, TBH. Also, a few enemy sprites offsets have been conveniently checked and corrected.

As I said once some time ago, there's still room to improve and some work to do, of course... But I'll will keep working and enhancing the mod for your fun, you know! :wink:

Enjoy as usual and have a nice Doomsday mates! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R5 (Updated 1 Oct 2020

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

I been wondering if you where thinking of making the sniper rifle use more ammo and a longer cooldown, maybe damage, just with the improvements bit in mind.
I dunno if I mentioned all about it, but I think overall with the sniper rifle it does more damage than any of the rifles to the amount it uses. Heck even the cooldown for the primary fire is pretty strong alone and spam worthy making a bunch of other guns really weak in compare to the SR with the damage to ammo output. At first I was thinking 2 for primary and 4 for scope, but that is hard to say with how powerful the overall gun is these days. :o
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus (Updated 1 Dec 2020) [

Post by Mister Neauxbauxdeay »

Pardon the bump, but just what exactly changed from the previous version to the current one dated two days ago? I noticed the new weather tweaker plugin, yet also noticed that the main file has some content changed in it as well, as a result of it having a more recent timestamp than the last package.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus (Updated 1 Dec 2020) [

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

I suppose he forgot or did not have the time to post it yet probably.
Though maybe it is a bit to write down all that stuff for us to fit here.
Though I wanna know if the sniper rifle is going to consume more ammo per shot suggestion is being taken, since it is the only gun I see balance is needed with at the moment.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus (Updated 1 Dec 2020) [

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hi there guys, sorry for not notifying about the last released version of the mod, but the past night just a few minutes later of uploading the main file, my internet connection dropped out and it didn't return until the next morning... That, and also because I've had a rather busy week with some family matters, I forgot updating the info both here and in MODDB... :|

Anyway, there are very few changes between the previous version and the current one, in fact it is just a maintenance release (as I put [MR] in the main post title) which includes only a few bugfixings and code optimizations that do not affect mainly to the gameplay. To be precise, the only significant and remarkable change implemented in this release is pretty much the same as I set not long ago in my other mod for Heretic:
HeXeReTiC Fantasy changelog wrote:- From now, the GZDoom/LZDoom's Drop Weapon command key has been internally disabled using some special flags, to prevent the player exploiting a cheat by repeatedly throwing and picking up all those weapons already obtained in the game, gradually filling up this way the current ammunition amount used by said weapon. (Although it is not a command normally used by players, I have preferred to permanently disable it for all weapons in the mod, including those that use infinite ammo or do not use it at all).
@Starman: I have some good news for you. As you suggested, and after some tests and trials, finally I have decided to make some updates and improvements to the M24 Sniper Rifle weapon for next release of the mod, apart from some new additional features, which I have planned to publish at the end of this month of December. So for now I ask you for a little patience, but surely the result will be worth it. :wink:

Keep up having fun my dear friends, and see you soon! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus (Updated 1 Dec 2020) [

Post by Mister Neauxbauxdeay »

Hexereticdoom wrote:
I have decided to make some updates and improvements to the M24 Sniper Rifle weapon for next release of the mod, apart from some new additional features, which I have planned to publish at the end of this month of December. So for now I ask you for a little patience, but surely the result will be worth it. :wink:
Speaking of which, perhaps some of the same could be done for the BFG 667 so that it isn't the be-all-and-end-all once the player finds it; like for example making it less efficient to use than other similar weapons to compensate for it's sheer power and the fact that it doesn't require reloading- not too different from what you've done for other cases of weapons that don't require reloading compared to those that do, if I understand correctly.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus (Updated 1 Dec 2020) [

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Yep, the next release will also include a moderate debuff in the BFG-667, for making it not too much powerful like it is actually...

Additionally, I have some plans to apply likewise a slight debuff for the BFG-X for balance purposes.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R6 (Updated 20 Dec 202

Post by Hexereticdoom »

OK guys, as I told you a few days ago, the next release of the mod was going to be published at the end of this month... And fortunately and after all, I have been able to anticipate the planned release date, so the H-Project Revision 6 is available for download from this moment! :)

This will be for sure the last update for this current year, or better said, this hateful and gruesome year... A year that will undoubtedly be difficult to forget, due of course to that disgusting microscopic aberration that has fundamentally changed our lives causing unimaginable damage to all of us in various ways, and worst of all is that this monstrosity that can't be seen with the naked eye, but is still there, and that thing still refuses to disappear forever from our world... I hope that the day will soon come when this critical stage that each and every one of us is going through, comes to an end, to its true end, and that over time it will become a bad memory... Until then, we have to remain strong, and only with our will and some sacrifice we'll be able to get out of this... :(

Well... now my friends, let's put that topic aside and let's focus on this... First of all I'm sorry, but just right now the list of changes is not ready to be published yet, but do not worry, when I get it finished it I'll update the post thread for maintaining you informed about, so please be patient... Meanwhile, you can access the updated download links at first post, as usual.

Keep an eye and stay tuned, pals! 8-)

EDIT: Finished the changelog! But instead of publishing it right here, I prefer to update again the thread...
Last edited by Hexereticdoom on Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R6 (Updated 20 Dec 202

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Im always glad that this mod is on continuous update state to the point that you can almost see new patches every month :wub: :wub: :wub:
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R6 (Updated 20 Dec 202

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Changelog for Revision 6 is now complete! Here you have, and sorry for the delay in publishing it:
  • - The bestiary has been increased once more with several gruesome hellspawns! Needless to say that they'll be eager to rip your insides out and prevent you to escape from their hellish realm. Wanna know more about them? Keep reading, then:
    • + Leap Drog: a nasty monster that is derived from a type of amphibian specimen, that once was infected by an abnormal amount of toxic waste from the UAC labs. Although it bears a small resemblance to a Cacodemon, it is NOT capable of floating in the air, but it can perform great leaps to attack whoever gets in front of it.

      + Leap Spectre: almost the same as above, but in spectral form (as you may have guessed). And like its normal variant, it is able to shoot at intervals small fireballs to its chosen victim. Take care with these jumping beasts, because they can hit you with some really painful head-butts! :!:

      + Countess of Hell: after a long time, the female close relative of the Hellknight and the Baron of Hell has finally arrived from the deepest corners of the underworld! (Well, not long ago the Impette did the same thing, right?) Of course, she won't be merciful to you when you meet her. Curiously, she never uses her fists to fight like her brothers, but rather prefers to avoid melee and attack from long distances with bursts of fireballs...

      + Murk Marauder: a sinister and fearsome warrior that is capable of attacking his opponents in very different ways: he can choose between throwing red ethereal axes at long range, attacking with one of them at melee, or on the other hand firing his sawed-off shotgun to make extra damage. A quite tough foe, so better do not underestimate him or you will regret!

      + Bionic Elemental: oh boy, this one is very fearful too... It may be similar to the Cacotronic in appearance, but its level of aggressiveness is even higher than the aforementioned one for sure! This floating droid can attack with waves of plasma balls that are quite hard to dodge, and when it gets low of energy, it will autodestruct itself and perform a final attack, so stay aware and don't get too close! :woh:

      + Armored Joker Imp: holy crap, more problems to go. As if there was not enough with one, the evilish twin brother of the already known Joker Imp enters the scene to complicate things. Easily recognizable by wearing a green armour similar to those sometimes worn by yourself (or also by some Renegade Marines) and being even better equipped with an Y-Mauser, this diabolical jester comes prepared to give you a really bad time!

      + Raider Commando: in principle this is an enemy with a human appearance, specifically it looks like a fat man wearing a blue uniform and equipped with a seeker-missile launcher. However, there are certain rumors from the headquarters that these guys are not really human, and not zombies either, but even a few gossip from evil tongues affirm that the Raider Commandos are actually mutants coming from an unknown galaxy. The question is, could this be true or not? Who knows... :?:

      + Putridgeist: the unrecognized leader of this new hellspawn horde. A floating, phantasmagoric -and rather disgusting- skeletal fiend which is protected by a barrier made up of orbiting souls, capable of deflecting some projectile types from your weapons. Also, this wicked spirit of hell is able to perform several fire-based attacks, and even to release really harmful sonic waves! I wish you good luck, specially when you get face to face with this awful thing... :shock:
    - With such a batch of new foes, the HXRTC Marine's arsenal has also grown up a little, and from now there is available a couple of new weapons to collect from certain places or to be obtained from some monsters. Here you have more info about them:
    • - Tri-Laser Machinegun: a sophisticated and powerful deadly laser-firing weapon that until recently was nothing more than a prototype under test; however, some members of the UAC began at some point to mass-produce them, which will undoubtedly be an advantage for you, especially when you manage to get one of them. Best of all is that this device is built in such a way that it does not need to be fed with Energy Cells like most electric and/or plasma weapons, but thanks to its special internal catalyst system (just like some of your other advanced shotguns) works perfectly with common chaingun ammunition! Isn't this toy wonderful? :biggrin:

      - Raider Bazooka: a pretty rare seeker-missile launcher which can be quite devastating against most elusive opponents, as its homing rockets rarely miss their target. Unfortunately, this type of weapon is rather scarce and can be only obtained from certain monsters, so getting it added to your inventory could be a difficult task. Not even the Trade Shop Droids have it in stock, so you'll have to be patient and trust your luck to earn this deadly weapon...
    - Although this is not a new weapon itself, the M24 Sniper Rifle has been slightly improved and modernized with a couple of new features. First, now it always shots two bullets at same time instead of only one and it's a bit more damaging, being able even to kill two enemies with a single shot, although it now requires twice as much ammo as before. (The player's graphic sequence of shooting and reloading has also been visually enhanced, but without affecting the playability at all). Second, the old long-range scope has been replaced by a more modern one, which includes a digital display that shows the reload progress between shots, and alerts with a small alarm signal when it is necessary to manually reload the weapon with a new rifle clip. :wink:

    - The BFG-667 has been moderately debuffed for not making it too overpowered, having reduced the total damage of its plasmatic shots around a 1/3 of their original value, and also the required interval between shots is now a bit longer. On the other hand, it is better from now to use this weapon only at quite long range, because a rather wide explosive radius effect has been added to both of its plasma shots when impacting on enemies or walls, affecting even the player's health if he gets too close. So then, like with the Black Hole Maker, use it with great caution! (Likewise, the BFG-X has received a slight debuff as for its plasmatic shots -around a 50%- for balancing purposes, although the rest of its features still remain untouched).

    - Added a new health+armour bonus item: the Ketchup & Mustard Hot Dog! Well, to be honest picking around up pizzas, burgers, fries and cola drinks is quite cool, but somehow you felt something was missing, right? Yeah yes, now with this tasty appetizer the fast-food circle is now more close than before! But hey please, don't eat too much and be cautious with cholesterol, OK? (_)3

    - Upgraded the internal HUD for compatibility with the new weapons.

    - Lots of bugfixings and code optimizations.
That was all for now! Phew... :sing:
Someonewhoplaysdoom wrote:Im always glad that this mod is on continuous update state to the point that you can almost see new patches every month :wub: :wub: :wub:
I'm also glad you keep having fun with it, man! Hope you enjoy this new release... :thumb:
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R6 (Updated 20 Dec 202

Post by dragomir »

Hi i am enjoying your mode.I think its one of the best mode :D . I have some questions.
1.some of the items and weapons functions are unknown.It would be great to have info about them.Like terror mask,drain potion etc.
2.You said possibility of meeting some special powerful allies but i only met one robot type character and it does not obey my command like brutal doom marines or follow me around.Can you give list of this powerful allies and what they do?And how can i get them?

3.This is actually a suggestion.can you implement some minions from Brothers in Arms mode?
I have some idea about some minions.

supportive minion(small imp like creature,not doom imp variant):He does not attack,instead just give unique items like radiation grenade,RPG shot,small health bottle,stealth suit etc.

Witch/sorcerer minion: give buffs to player or debuffs to enemy's,teleport and attack.

Demon minion(fly):Leech enemy health and give it to player.(like leech grenade of project brutality.

All three minions can be summoned from inventory with radio or some magic orb for a limited amount of time.You get this radio/orb with large health pickups,So its not rare like supersphere or frequent like ammo drops.

Or you get these minions by rescuing them in different levels and then they can be summoned from their respective orb/radio.In this case when they are summoned they fight alongside player for limited time and then leave.After that their orb/radio needs to cool down for a set amount of time.After the cooldown they can be summoned again.These minions should not be overpowered.
Anyway these are my suggestions :idea:.
Last edited by dragomir on Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R6 (Updated 20 Dec 202

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Now that The first official release of Corruption Cards Mod is here, HXRTC Project is also compatible? I got the question because apparently Aeons of Death is compatible with it haha

:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R6 (Updated 20 Dec 202

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Someonewhoplaysdoom wrote:Now that The first official release of Corruption Cards Mod is here, HXRTC Project is also compatible? I got the question because apparently Aeons of Death is compatible with it haha

:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
I tested it by myself and yes, Actually worked :3, its pretty nice and Corruption Cards take on consideration the effs of monster variants (Too bad I don't know how to upload a picture here on spoilers for a comical moment haha)

From the mod and the recent update, I could give some suggestions:

- The Steelish Ball could use a small nerf. Enemies with spine attacks like him and the Impete do a lot of damage, but the main problem of the Steelish Ball is how It can spawn that attack and his movement path is more chaotic in comparison to other flying enemies, making it a extremely difficult foe to deal with basic weaponry.
- I feel that HXRTC project could use a customized menu to define a lot of things about enemies, performance and other options, particulary some of the ones that are actually addons. Mostly the one used to reduce smoke and particle effects and the one of the renegade marines are examples of things that are needed as an options instead of addons.

Anyway and like I said before, I love the work of this gameplay mod and is always cool that is one that have continous updates. :wub: :wub: :wub:

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