HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hi there, how is it going doompals? Yes... Another release of the H-Pack has just landed. :wink:

This time, the main novelty is the incorporation of new score items in pelf-shape, that is, coins and cash in varied and diverse ways. From now on, those evil doomfoes can drop some of these valuable pieces of money, so as a secondary objective (primary one is to kill and don't get killed, don' forget) you can collect those rewards and go back home a bit richer when you finish those hellish levels/wads! And of course, the HUD has also been updated to show your current wealth. And remember... the more dangerous the enemy, more big bucks you will obtain! :trippy:

Besides as usual, this new release includes more bug fixings and a few balance tweakings. As you know, there is always room for general improvement... And don't forget, I am still open to any cool suggestions!

Hope all of you keep enjoying it... So long, and have a nice doomsday! 8-)
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Johnyledger1 »

Kind of off topic, but not. Just wondering if you are going to update your Original mod of WOS? WOS_HXRTC-U5 was the last update. It was awesome. I just wondered if there would be any new features to that? :D Thanks.
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

.....sigh. You know now, the only thing i'll be wanting is a shop. In-menu or otherwise.
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Johnyledger1 wrote:Just wondering if you are going to update your Original mod of WOS? WOS_HXRTC-U5 was the last update. It was awesome. I just wondered if there would be any new features to that? :D Thanks.
Well, the truth is that I stopped to making updates of WOS-HXRTC as standalone some time ago, because I finally merged it with the complete HXRTC Pack, that allowed me to expand it with more new features and specially with the monster weapons (Revenant's Hell Missile Launcher, Mancubus' Flame Cannon and Hell Warrior's Shield).

However, it's not a problem at all for me to make another update of WOS-HXRTC if you wish. I'll try to make it with most of the features included already in current HXRTC Pack, but having to exclude some of them (the special monster weapons, for example) for keeping compatibility with another mods.

So, expect a future WOS-HXRTC release quite soon! :wink:
Silentdarkness12 wrote:.....sigh. You know now, the only thing i'll be wanting is a shop. In-menu or otherwise.
Yeah, in fact that would be a nice complement for the game... If I only knew a possible way to implement it. :|

Actually I don't know if that could be possible in Doom's engine, somewhat similar to Strife game. I'll have to investigate...
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

There is a special lump for conversations such as in Strife.

Also, if you want a more simplified system, look at what was done in Stronghold or in Guncaster.
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Silentdarkness12 wrote:There is a special lump for conversations such as in Strife.

Also, if you want a more simplified system, look at what was done in Stronghold or in Guncaster.
Thanks for the info, I'll check it out! :thumb:
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Silentdarkness12 »


Yep. The DIALOGUE lump.
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by -Ghost- »

A shop would be an awesome addition to this. Maybe you can build in HP/armor/ammo upgrades to it that way so we can start at the default and work our way up? It'd be a good way to make taking down those tougher random monsters rewarding.

I don't know if you're still adding monsters or not, but a bit more variety in the zombies would be nice. Civilian/scientist melee ones, maybe ones with and without helmets, etc. Even if it's mostly just visual variation it makes fighting groups of zombies cooler.
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Re: ($$$ MONEY, MONEY... $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

Honestly, I have one complaint with this mod, truly, and that is the fact that weapons seem to lack punch. Why am I going through large amounts of ammo so quickly? Why is the Quad Shotgun's single fire weaker than just using the pump shotgun, or even the single fire on the double-barrel? Or at least, it feels like that.
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Re: ($$$ COINS, CASH & GEMS $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7a

Post by Hexereticdoom »

OK boys, it's the turn for yet another release of the H-Pack. This time is the v17a, which is a pretty heavy revision of the previous v17.

What's new then? Several things, as usual. But this time I've attempted to give the best of myself for fixing some particularities and correcting some strange behaviours still present in back versions until now. Above all, most of the weapons have been carefully re-balanced, and now they can provoke more damage to enemies than before (randomly up to 2x in each burst & blast), including the Quad Shotgun, that previously was a bit debuffed (thanks for the tip Silentdarkness). Also, the recoils and pitches of each weapon have been revised.

On the other hand, the classic Doomguy's skin has been replaced by an updated one, the Doom 3 Marine Guy by Espio, at the same time that the mugshot graphics (for now it's the FreeDoom guy one I've established by similarity, at least until I find another better one!) :ninja:

Last, but not least, it's the incorporation of more score items available for your empty pockets: coins, cash bags, and now GEMS! Despoil the bad guys and get a huge bounty in shape of valuable diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and more! However, it is not gold all that glitters, and those pesky rats can also release some counterfeit coins with a ridiculous value. But don't give up, just keep shooting and looting! :whip:

More or less, that's all for now... See ya, and keep having nice doomdreams! 8-)

EDIT: Almost forgot to say... The 'Shop' element in ZSDF is still in experimental state, but I've been testing and trying some things (thank goodness I encountered this thread) and the progress for now is OK, but I need some time and patience to polish it and implementing it some way in the H-Pack. Expected to release it in some future version (1.8 or 1.9, who knows), so keep an eye for it... :winker:
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Re: ($$$ COINS, CASH & GEMS $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7a

Post by Sergeek »

I had a peculiar occurrence I never encountered before. I'm not sure if it is because of this mod, I'm not so proficient on technical side, but still, I want to ask, excuse me if I'm wrong.
Been playing version 1.7 with good old TNT: Evilution PWAD, everything went great, before I got to MAP 14: Steel Works. You see, I'm doing 100% run, so I'm trying to collect every item on level, but I'm stuck on this one, can't find the last thing to pickup. I tried picking up even non-artifacts that don't count, even those chainsaws, with the help of "take" command - yet map cheat shows nothing but corpses, both "items" and "countitems" commands show nothing. What am I missing?
I'm using the latest development build of GZDoom (June 4).
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Re: ($$$ COINS, CASH & GEMS $$$) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7a

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Released a 'hotfix' update for 1.7a, available in first post as usual. This one contains several bug fixes related with missing GL dynamic lights and some other critical changes:

- The direct hitscan attacks have been replaced by very fast tracers, in a quite similar way like the Brutal Doom ones. (Previously, only the Waffen Nazis had this attack type, but now has been extended to all zombies and some spider enemies).
- Introduced new key cards and skull keys with 'rotating' effect (borrowed from Gifty's Smooth Doom mod).
- The enemy corpses behaviour has been changed; now once you kill a monster, its dead body will disappear completely in a lapse of about 4~5 min. This means a couple of things: first, the game performance will increase a bit, specially in heavily enemy-cluttered levels, where mountains of corpses are quite frequent. Second, some dropped items by foes often could be hiding by enemy corpses and being easily missed by the player, but now if an enemy cleared area is explored shortly after (once the dead bodies had faded out) all those possibly missed items will be seen with a naked eye.
- From now, the Archviles won't be able to resurrect dead enemies anymore. Yeah, that's it. No more evil devil re-spawning! Seriously, there is nothing more annoying than you had cleared completely a previous enemy-shattered area, and suddenly a released f*****g Archvile starts resurrecting 'non-stop' all those dead monsters. In exchange, their 'healing' movement has been replaced by a quite harmful fireball burst attack, so you only have to take cover and do not need to worry about possible enemy respawn.
- An extra thing: the animation of Romero's head (pain & death) has been updated with an 80's arcade game effect. :biggrin:

That's almost all for now, and v1.8 is on the way for keeping improving... 8-)
Sergeek wrote:I had a peculiar occurrence I never encountered before. I'm not sure if it is because of this mod, I'm not so proficient on technical side, but still, I want to ask, excuse me if I'm wrong.
Been playing version 1.7 with good old TNT: Evilution PWAD, everything went great, before I got to MAP 14: Steel Works. You see, I'm doing 100% run, so I'm trying to collect every item on level, but I'm stuck on this one, can't find the last thing to pickup. I tried picking up even non-artifacts that don't count, even those chainsaws, with the help of "take" command - yet map cheat shows nothing but corpses, both "items" and "countitems" commands show nothing. What am I missing?
I'm using the latest development build of GZDoom (June 4).
Well then... According to what you describe, it seems that remaining item may have been destroyed by one of the most powerful arch-enemies of Doom bonuses... A closing door, or maybe a crusher ceiling.

If that was the case, I'm afraid that you can not do more about it. Sorry... :(
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Re: [THE END?] HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7b

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Well doomdudes, announcing there is another release for the H-Pack available for download.

This one is a quite special update, because it can be the last one for a long while, due to myself starting to center my view to work in some other projects, BD related ones included. What it means, this project is NOT abandoned yet, but it will not keep receiving often updates as these last weeks. I hope sincerely you enjoy this 'for-now-last' version of the HXRTC Ultimate Pack, and have fun in the same way that I had fun making/updating it... :winker:

Respect to the changelog in v17b, apart from the relevant bugfixings, there have been several improvements in some physics & eyecandy elements: fire smoke in burning barrels, torches and floor flames, toxic clouds from exploding radiactive barrels, etc. Also most of Big Bosses' deaths have been considerably improved, enriched with some nice 'fireworks' resembling effects. Furthermore, the Evil Eyes' behaviour has been remodeled: now they are like a new hostile enemy to fight, still motionless but able to throw fireballs at you, and they're quite resistant to weapon attacks (aprox. 1/2 HP of a standard Big Boss enemy), but equally you can defeat them. Anyway, you need to be careful!

And one more last surprise: the old Vulcan Rotary Cannon has been replaced by the new M134 Minigun. Keeping similar powerfire, but with the advantage of counting with a linkless ammunition feed system, and no need to reloading it at every turn! :)

Still to do: sadly, the provided 'shop' element (for buying some extra weapons & items with your accumulated earnings, you know) has not been implemented yet, personally I need to work more deeply on the dialogue code and more time to master it and putting off errors and bugs. Hope it will become available in a quite far future release, though...

OK, for now that's all, or nearly all. See you soon in an alternative project, and keep having nice doomdreams! Hasta la vista... 8-)
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Re: [THE END?] HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7b

Post by TheLightBad96 »

Its been a while that i been able to suggest any worthy ideas for any project but i still got a couple.

Standard ideas
Weapon ideas
These are my ideas explained to the best of my ability to provide as much information as possible hope you like some of the concepts brought before you and feel free to question me on why it would be a good/bad idea
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Re: [THE END?] HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.7b

Post by wolf00 »

intratec mac-11 ? i think intrantec mac-10 fit much more use .45 ammo like colt 1911[kris vector fit nicely too & can use akimbo too] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHT8IVCXE7I all these gun can be funtional replica due to doom timeline ..

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