I'll keep you informed!

Thanks much for considering my concerns on the Icy/Stone Demons. About to try the new version out!Hexereticdoom wrote:A new update of HXRTC Ultimate Pack is available, check first post for more details.
This release includes a few more new enemies (some of them from Realm667, some other ones by me) and a new monster weapon available for your arsenal, the Hell Warrior Shield!
Also, the spawning stone & ice shards from defeated StoneDemons and IcyDemons have been considerably reduced, and halved their damaging power, for increasing the possibility of surviving on tricky ambush situations. But beware: some of the new enemies (FrozenBones, RockyFatso) are able to spawn those shards, too!![]()
As usual, keep having fun!
A very good suggestion, I tested it and yeah, finding it more handy that way. It will be implemented in next release!Xanirus wrote:I do however have a suggestion. I recommended removing "TNT1 A 0 A_SelectWeapon("Knuckles")" from the MiniBeserkPack. Unlike the regular berserk pack, which is usually (hopefully) strategically placed by the level designer to be used once picked up, I think it's best for the player to decide whether or not to use his fists when he picks up the mini one, since that one can appear anywhere.
If the player is low on health and trying to heal himself while being chased, I'm pretty sure equipping his fists is the last thing the player wants to do when, say he's currently fighting an army of monsters with hitscan weapons with no cover or invulnerability.
Actually I'm preparing a quite major update of the HUD, and that will be one of its new features!Xanirus wrote:Thanks for the reply. I have yet another idea, regarding the UI. There's a lot of ammo types for the guns, and I can understand why the text is kept small; so it's not intrusive. Would be cool though if your selected weapon highlights the ammo on the UI.
Hmm, you know? Curiously, I've been thinking about it these lately days... Sometimes also myself misses it in some way.-Ghost- wrote:Could you bring back the double barreled shotgun and just make the quad shotgun a rare drop? It doesn't really fill quite the same role, since you can either fire all 4 shots for what's almost always overkill and a waste of ammo, or one shot per barrel, which isn't really any different from the pump shotgun.