HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R17 (17 Feb 2025)

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Re: (UPDATED!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.2

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Greetings Patriot, I'm taking note of that... Now that I'm thinking about it probably you're right, perhaps the demon shards are actually excessive damaging and need to be a bit less buffed, specially in those conditions you describe, so in next release of H-Pack I'll look over at it and try for a more friendly behaviour of that shards to the player.

I'll keep you informed! :winker:
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.3

Post by Hexereticdoom »

A new update of HXRTC Ultimate Pack is available, check first post for more details.

This release includes a few more new enemies (some of them from Realm667, some other ones by me) and a new monster weapon available for your arsenal, the Hell Warrior Shield!

Also, the spawning stone & ice shards from defeated StoneDemons and IcyDemons have been considerably reduced, and halved their damaging power, for increasing the possibility of surviving on tricky ambush situations. But beware: some of the new enemies (FrozenBones, RockyFatso) are able to spawn those shards, too! :twisted:

As usual, keep having fun! 8-)
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.3

Post by Xanirus »

Been absolutely loving this mod so far.

I do however have a suggestion. I recommended removing "TNT1 A 0 A_SelectWeapon("Knuckles")" from the MiniBeserkPack. Unlike the regular berserk pack, which is usually (hopefully) strategically placed by the level designer to be used once picked up, I think it's best for the player to decide whether or not to use his fists when he picks up the mini one, since that one can appear anywhere.

If the player is low on health and trying to heal himself while being chased, I'm pretty sure equipping his fists is the last thing the player wants to do when, say he's currently fighting an army of monsters with hitscan weapons with no cover or invulnerability. :shock:
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.3

Post by Patriot1776 »

Hexereticdoom wrote:A new update of HXRTC Ultimate Pack is available, check first post for more details.

This release includes a few more new enemies (some of them from Realm667, some other ones by me) and a new monster weapon available for your arsenal, the Hell Warrior Shield!

Also, the spawning stone & ice shards from defeated StoneDemons and IcyDemons have been considerably reduced, and halved their damaging power, for increasing the possibility of surviving on tricky ambush situations. But beware: some of the new enemies (FrozenBones, RockyFatso) are able to spawn those shards, too! :twisted:

As usual, keep having fun! 8-)
Thanks much for considering my concerns on the Icy/Stone Demons. About to try the new version out! :D When I was playing through Memento Mori with 1.1 and got to MAP09, "High Tech Grave", I came across the berserk pack-Bull Demon horde trap, and fearful of how quickly I was likely to die from flying ice/stone shards, I bailed outta my game without even attempting to trigger the trap, even though tripping it is required to progress forward. There is another map I can think of, from 'Requiem', "Natas Ot Etubirt" that puts you at one point in a similar situation that I was pretty sure would be a guranteed fatal encounter, no chance of surviving at all without actual cheating, with the icy/stone shards being as bad as they were. That is a good call too of putting in some more icy/stone variant enemies so that the loss of danger factor from icy/stone shards is made up for some, and most importantly, spread out a little more across more enemy variations instead of being over concentrated in the bull demons and spectres. I'll give feedback of my opinion on this arrangement too.
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.3

Post by Xanirus »

This new Diabloist Archvile seems a little OP to me. The regular Archvile's weakness was that he has to get a direct LOS on you for a few seconds once he starts engulfing you, and if you don't escape, it can damn near kill you in either 1 to 3 hits. However this new one's engulf seems a little bit like an "I win" button for him the second he lays eyes on you and decides to use his engulf attack.

It might hurt less than the regular Archvile, but at least that attack gave you a chance to avoid it by breaking LOS. But combined with large crowds of enemies (which is usually the case) IMO it comes off as very cheap. The damage is instantaneous and 100% to hit, which means you're taking damage the second you enter the same room as him. It may not be so bad in in-closed rooms when all you have to do is worry about just him and a few stragglers, but in wide open areas with tons of enemies there's pretty much no way of avoiding it, especially when you have to even find him first.

His other projectile attacks are fine though, I'd rather he just use those.

EDIT: In fact....you still take damage if you're engulfed during his dying animation. Seems like the attack duration is separate and not tied to the monster's state.
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.3

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Xanirus wrote:I do however have a suggestion. I recommended removing "TNT1 A 0 A_SelectWeapon("Knuckles")" from the MiniBeserkPack. Unlike the regular berserk pack, which is usually (hopefully) strategically placed by the level designer to be used once picked up, I think it's best for the player to decide whether or not to use his fists when he picks up the mini one, since that one can appear anywhere.

If the player is low on health and trying to heal himself while being chased, I'm pretty sure equipping his fists is the last thing the player wants to do when, say he's currently fighting an army of monsters with hitscan weapons with no cover or invulnerability. :shock:
A very good suggestion, I tested it and yeah, finding it more handy that way. It will be implemented in next release! :)

Respect from Diabloist... I'll have to check it carefully, might take me a bit of time but I'll see what I can do to make him less overpowered. (Anyway, thank goodness I reduced him his HP to 666, instead of the original 1000(+), what a real nightmare could be that way...) :blergh:
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.3

Post by Xanirus »

Thanks for the reply. I have yet another idea, regarding the UI. There's a lot of ammo types for the guns, and I can understand why the text is kept small; so it's not intrusive. Would be cool though if your selected weapon highlights the ammo on the UI.
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.3

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Xanirus wrote:Thanks for the reply. I have yet another idea, regarding the UI. There's a lot of ammo types for the guns, and I can understand why the text is kept small; so it's not intrusive. Would be cool though if your selected weapon highlights the ammo on the UI.
Actually I'm preparing a quite major update of the HUD, and that will be one of its new features!

Just need a little more work/testing and will be ready very soon... :)
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.4

Post by Hexereticdoom »

OK doomguys, another release is ready for download on first post! :3:

Not much changes in this actually, in addition to some minor fixes, most of previous enemy tags have been updated by new and more appropriate ones (you'll notice them if using the JP Healthbar addon) and the Miniberserk Pack doesn't make you change automatically to the fists anymore when picking up one. (However, Normal Berserk Pack remains unchanged).

By the way, the HUD has been upgraded to v3.0, some elements have been reorganized and improved: Time Level panel moved to K-I-S section, both left/right Keys panels moved & merged to a single panel to Ammo & Arms section, and Health & Armor panel updated with bar meters, plus a new one indicating your air capacity for underwater level places. (Note that with this last new addition, the player is not immune to drowning anymore, like in previous H-Pack releases).


EDIT: Oh yes, almost forgot it... Now also the global Ammo panel highlights the ammo type that uses your current weapon!

Hope you keep having fun! Doombye for now... 8-)
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Re: (UPDATED ONCE MORE) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.5

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hi again, another update of the H-Pack is ready for download. This one contains several fixes and improvements respect the previous versions, also some new eye-candy (and ear-candy) additions are available.

In 1.5, you'll be able to find new decoration elements like new lamps and colourful torches (respective SFX included), a new type of tree with hanging skulls, multi-coloured Evil Eyes, interactive & shootable zombie sticks, some Daisy the rabbit's head scenes (poor bunny), etc. Plus you can find a couple of new items, the Mega Computer Map and the Sacred Soulsphere. First one reveals every corner of the map plus enemies & items, second one grants you 200 HP (no armor included).

If you wanna check it out, get to first post download links as usual. :shucks:

Doombye, everyone... 8-)
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Re: (UPDATED ONCE MORE) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.5

Post by -Ghost- »

More items and decorations are always welcome.

Could you bring back the double barreled shotgun and just make the quad shotgun a rare drop? It doesn't really fill quite the same role, since you can either fire all 4 shots for what's almost always overkill and a waste of ammo, or one shot per barrel, which isn't really any different from the pump shotgun.
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Re: (UPDATED ONCE MORE) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.5

Post by Hexereticdoom »

-Ghost- wrote:Could you bring back the double barreled shotgun and just make the quad shotgun a rare drop? It doesn't really fill quite the same role, since you can either fire all 4 shots for what's almost always overkill and a waste of ammo, or one shot per barrel, which isn't really any different from the pump shotgun.
Hmm, you know? Curiously, I've been thinking about it these lately days... Sometimes also myself misses it in some way.

So conceivably for next release, the old but good SSG could get back to the arsenal... :shotty:
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Re: (UPDATED ONCE MORE) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.5

Post by -Ghost- »

Thanks, the quad shotgun is cool and great when you need a lot of firepower up close fast, but it's not quite as versatile as the double shotty.
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN... YEAH) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.5a

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Good doomish news, doomguys... 8-)

Just have released a quite heavy revision of the H-Pack (not 1.6 yet, but 1.5a instead) with a lot of bug fixings and several tweaks, and some tiny fresh features, including the return of the good old Coach Gun (with a cool new skin) and a new astonishing weapon: the Black Hole Maker!!! (Secondary fire included!)

You'll find a bit more surprises going to the first post and pressing the Download button... :tongue:

And by the way, beware with the Evil Eye decorations... They could be able to make you shit in the pants! :p

Cheerio, and keep having fun! B-)
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Re: (UPDATED AGAIN... YEAH) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.5a

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

Idk, maybe this just isn't my sort of mod, but it seems like a lot of weapons just....lack punch. Especially when it's compared to all the projectile-firing enemies who bite into my large amounts of health and armor endlessly, suddenly making me very annoyed. It's less like a health system, and more like i'm just chucking medkits, soulspheres and health bonuses onto a fire to be burned. With me dying if the fire goes out.

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