Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by Toyoch »

Ed the Bat wrote:
ReX wrote:I just checked the HLRocket definition, and Damage is showing at 70.
That's its base damage, meaning its impact inflicts 70 * random(1,8), meaning up to 560 damage. It also does up to 512 damage with its explosion, meaning each single rocket has the potential to reach up to 1,072 damage. That may not be enough to one-shot the Nihilanth, but this is still a massive impact.
I tried it again(clev21 > iddqd, idfa, idclip then look for them) and this time it took two rockets to kill Nihilanth(shot when he's vulnerable, of course), oneshotted the Gonarch, and I fired twice on the boss Stukabat to kill it. I can see the RNG is being wild there, and I don't know if those explosion damage are also affected with the RNG you mentioned.

[EDIT] Also tested on Gargantua at the end of Paranoid : It took me 13ish rockets which is fair, but each hits will make the garg flying(so fast that it looks like it teleports around on hit).
Last edited by Toyoch on Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by Ed the Bat »

Explosions are not subject to RNG, but they are based on distance. The explosion will only do the full 512 at its very center, and it drops off from there.

There are also a lot of unusual nuances to how the bosses are coded, which can affect how their battles go. I'd need to take some time to do some testing in order to learn more.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by ReX »

Toyoch wrote:Also tested on Gargantua at the end of Paranoid : It took me 13ish rockets which is fair, but each hits will make the garg flying(so fast that it looks like it teleports around on hit).
Now that you mention it, I also noticed that the bosses seem to "teleport" to another location when hit. A few months ago I had reported on GZDooM that the Gargantua suddenly had no mass, and it was explained that changes to GZDooM's code made our definition obsolete. We changed the definition to be consistent (i.e., Mass 0x7FFFFFFF) with changes to GZDooM. I wonder if something else has now changed.

For the past few months we have been struggling to keep up with changes in GZDooM that retroactively affect what we did in Paranoid. We thought we had fixed everything, but it's a huge task to re-test the entire game each time there's a change to GZDooM. Hopefully, we'll get it all sorted out when Rachael & Ed the Bat produce the "gold" version.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by ZikShadow »

Updated the addon thing again.

(MBU) = Might be useless later when the Gold version updates it proper with model/code changes. ... _addon.pk3

- Added the HD pack weapon sounds.
- (MBU) Moved some of the sounds, the islaves/vortigaunts actually use hw_shoot1 for their electric impact instead of gauss2 (odd, I know), so I replaced it with that one, same thing too for reload1/2/3.
- The HD weapon pack that I'm using as a reference is actually the ones with Ambient.Impact's better looking Gearbox's HEV hands (VERY visible when you compare the thumbs in 9mmhandgun and 357), so I'll be trying to replace all of the weapon sprites now instead of just the odd one.
- 9mmAR done.
- Shotgun kinda done, I only replaced the frames where the sleeves are visible, so, might need to revise it later.
- 9mmhandgun done, (MBU) decided to combine both reload animations due to not having a magazine_empty/not_empty state.
- Hornetgun done (give all doesn't spawn it for some reason).
- (MBU) Retextured the model drops, haven't found them yet ingame, so, no idea how it looks for now.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by _mental_ »

Download link for Paranoid on the main page is broken: attempt to open gives

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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by ReX »

_mental_ wrote:Download link for Paranoid on the main page is broken: attempt to open gives... 404 Not Found error
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I will fix the download link on the DooM Nexus page when I get the chance.

Meanwhile, please continue to use the Paranoid download link on Page 1 of this thread.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by ReX »

Toyoch wrote:... it took two rockets to kill Nihilanth(shot when he's vulnerable, of course), oneshotted the Gonarch, and I fired twice on the boss Stukabat to kill it. ... Also tested on Gargantua at the end of Paranoid : It took me 13ish rockets which is fair, but each hits will make the garg flying(so fast that it looks like it teleports around on hit).
Ed the Bat wrote:There are also a lot of unusual nuances to how the bosses are coded, which can affect how their battles go. I'd need to take some time to do some testing in order to learn more.
A couple of notes:
1. RPG ammo tends to be on the low side throughout the game, and is coupled with a max carrying capacity of 10 ammo units. This means that the player won't be loaded up with RPG ammo like s/he would be in DooM (with a possible max carrying capacity of 100 units). Still, if it takes only 2 RPG shots to kill off the Nihilanth, this warrants further examination. I have only tried to battle the Nihilanth with the Gluon Gun, and it is very difficult (primarily because the Gluon Gun delivers much less damage in the equivalent amount of time as an RPG shot).
2. You get to fight the Gonarch first in the secret map (Map 18, accessible from Map 14). Ammo can get tight in that map, and I was relying heavily on the Hornet Gun. I did not use the RPG (and perhaps I didn't have any ammo), and as a result it was a difficult fight. Similarly, I did not use the RPG in the Gonarch encounters in Maps 20 & 21. As a result, the fights were difficult, as intended. If a single RPG shot can take it out, then we need to look at this further.
3. The original Nihilanth battle had spawning enemies before and during the fight (not including the enemies that the Nihilanth spawns). Because I always found that fight to be extremely difficult, we reduced the health of the enemy and did away with the "externally" spawned enemies entirely. Perhaps we need to reconsider bringing these back.
ReX wrote:... I also noticed that the bosses seem to "teleport" to another location when hit. A few months ago I had reported on GZDooM that the Gargantua suddenly had no mass, and it was explained that changes to GZDooM's code made our definition obsolete. We changed the definition to be consistent (i.e., Mass 0x7FFFFFFF) with changes to GZDooM. I wonder if something else has now changed.
Has anyone else experienced this bizarre "teleporting" behavior? This was not occurring with earlier versions of GZDooM. I'm not sure that Graf will examine this issue more closely, as he considers this project too large to troubleshoot.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by Mere_Duke »

I've noticed a bug. In this location:
The bug itself:
After I use my holodisc, it immediately spawns multiple "envelopes" it this location.
Note, that it occurs ONLY if you save/load at least once after level start.
I use GZDoom 2.4.0

Edit: After a while I recognized there are the similar places later in the game, so: I was speaking of the first level of the 2nd episode.
Last edited by Mere_Duke on Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by Ed the Bat »

I don't know what a holodisc is, so I couldn't say what would be causing... whatever this is.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by Mere_Duke »

Ed the Bat wrote:I don't know what a holodisc is, so I couldn't say what would be causing... whatever this is.
I mean the inventory item with recorded audio message
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by Ed the Bat »

I am able to partially reproduce this issue. It seems to be some problem with the bubble spawner actors. I can confirm that this issue does not seem to be present in the current development builds of Paranoid Gold.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by RastaManGames »

It's kinda silly, but...
Someone gonna remake Paranoid and Paranoiac in Half-Life like a mod?
GoldenSource can't handle huge areas, but mappers can separate huge maps to some big-mid maps.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by ReX »

RastaManGames wrote:Someone gonna remake Paranoid and Paranoiac in Half-Life like a mod?
That would be a twist, for sure.

I can't volunteer for this task, as I don't know the first thing about modding for Half-Life.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by ZikShadow »

While I can see the indoor areas being made in Goldsource, the outdoor areas are a definite no go.
Mostly due to how if you create a particularly large fully lit area, the engine wouldn't be able to take it and basically "fade out" the far out areas.
If someone were to remake this mod in Half-Life 1, a lot of the large areas will need to be scaled down significantly.
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Re: Paranoiac Released [2017-03-31]: Download Page 1

Post by Rachael »

The light fading was turned off for outdoor areas, so that should not even really be a problem. Doesn't Goldsrc support fog, anyway?

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