The Luger's more accurate with no autofire while the Walther's slightly higher in damage and has autofire, I feel like they're different enough. In any case, suppressed weapons generally don't really lose velocity, if anything you'd probably gain velocity and have reduced recoil from the extra weight + longer barrel from attaching a suppressor on. The myth exists 'cause people tend to use subsonic ammo in those weapons to reduce audio even further, and subsonic ammo's called that specifically because it's slower to the point where it doesn't emit noise 'cause it's not breaking the sound barrier, hence the weaker output. A good compromise I feel to not having a whole new ammo is to probably not to make the bullet weaker, but slower in travel time.Ninlhil wrote:Have you guys considered making the Luger and the Walther more different in their function? Like making the Walther a suppressed weapon, and reducing its damage accordingly? There just seems to be no real difference between the two pistols.
I did actually implement a Welrod in to BoA through an addon (that's still currently in progress, so I won't divulge much), and it certainly breaks a few of the stealth maps. Less threat from enemies when you can just shoot the alarms from a distance without anyone hearing.