Re: (wip) Ashes 2063 TC - THREAD EVACUATION

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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by wolf00 »

manual reload can be nice,or you can add bayonet for ak47 or m16[m16a2 ?] you can think about these revolver/small caliber shotgun ,bubba tell me this: that guy steal your crowbar when you sleep .. :lol:
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by matuloco »

I played this with Hellbound and Nashgore and left me a pretty good impression, the weapon graphics are awesome and I didn't dislike the reload animations at all as they are fast enough not to slow down gameplay. I didn't mind not having an 'in gun' ammo counter but perhaps adding manual reload would be useful; making it significantly slower so it is more of a tactical decision between encounters (eg: removing a the spent shell from the sawn-off shotgun carefully as not to drop the other one, manually removing casings from the revolver drum, etc.).
Also I think more melee weapons would be handy since ammo capacity is lower and some new enemies will be melee based.
Anyway, good job man! can't wait to play this with the new map and the monster replacements.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by xenoxols »

What gun is that assault rifle? It looks like an M16A2.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by Vostyok »

xenoxols wrote:What gun is that assault rifle? It looks like an M16A2.
It's meant to be M16A4. Note x4 picatinny rails built into handguard and unlocking mechanism for carry handle. For swapping for scopes/laser pointer, etc (hint, hint)
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by xenoxols »

I was not aware there is such thing as an M16A4. Thought the newest was the M16A3.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by Vostyok »

Last edited by Vostyok on Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by xenoxols »

Haha, my school blocks weapon sites so I can't read it. Could use my phone's connection though.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by Wivicer »

There's one frame in the pistol's reload sequence that's blank, and two in the grenade launcher's. Is this on purpose? It looks strange to me.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by Vostyok »

xenoxols wrote:Haha, my school blocks weapon sites so I can't read it.
Huh. That's probably for the best :roll:

TLDR version:
Changed back to selective burst fire from full-auto for ammo conservation.
Fully modular for tacti-cool.
Current standard issue for US marines corps.

The blank frames were to represent out-of-sight loading. Don't worry, this is being changed, they just aren't finished yet.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by Vostyok »

matuloco wrote:...I didn't mind not having an 'in gun' ammo counter but perhaps adding manual reload would be useful; making it significantly slower so it is more of a tactical decision between encounters,,,

Although lots of valid points in whole post. You are right, I wanted reloads not to be a break in the action, more of a tactical concern and a punishment for spray and pray. The Sawed off in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does something like this. Maybe I'll implement this for the next preview release, and see how it flows.

Would like to see some deathmatch playtesting, but the weapons as of Preview1 are woefully underpowered. Thinking about melee weapon upgrade, not sure what though. Katana and chainsaw are archetypes, as is sledgehammer, but this has been done a lot. ....
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by xenoxols »

Vostyok wrote:
xenoxols wrote:Haha, my school blocks weapon sites so I can't read it.
Huh. That's probably for the best :roll:
They also block downloading .EXE files. And steam. And the git protocol.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by Vostyok »

xenoxols wrote:They also block downloading .EXE files. And steam. And the git protocol.
Probably cos of people like me, who installed the original GTA on all the faculty computers and hosted a lan game instead of doing coursework :twisted:
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by xenoxols »

There are no faculty computers. Everyone has to have their own computer. Speaking of which, one of the faculty stole an old laptop of mine. I have yet to ask him about it. Oh, and it is a boarding school, just so you know.
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by Vostyok »


Ho ho ho! I've been reading the mapinfo section on the wiki. I've just had an idea!
I'm changing the difficulty levels around in the WAD, so that the first 3 are Easy-Normal-Hard, which function as you'd expect. This will allow manual reloads of all weapons, ammo counter, normal damage, normal health and ammo supplies.

Ultra violence will be the start of the "Survival" difficulty.

Manual reloads will only be possible on certain weapons, and these will take slightly longer to perform (in the brilliant manner mentioned previously). Ammo counter is not present. All attacks do 1.5x damage, to you and to enemies. Ammo is reduced in quantity.

Nightmare will become Survival-Hardcore. It will function as it sounds.

These changes will not affect the stand-alone weapons PK's I'll be releasing, so you can enjoy DooM as normal. How does THAT sound for a compromise?
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Re: Ashes - Post-apocalypse TC -WIP (Weapon preview RELEASE)

Post by xenoxols »

I think you should include 40mm flares as alternate ammo for the grenade launcher. I'm pretty sure that they're more common than high explosive grenades.(Cause you don't need as special a license to buy them.

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