[WIP] GORE: Horde of Titans - Now on GitHub

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[WIP] GORE: Horde of Titans - Now on GitHub

Post by Ozymandias81 »

A Project by Ozymandias81 (v0.1.2-180215)


Some taste of the Story:
In the year 6666 UAC has failed its mission to bring back peace on planet Earth: you are the only hope for humankind survival, and in order to do so you must find the Necronomicon, an eerie mythic weapon/artifact guarded by a bunch of titans inside Deceit mountains. This is only the Start, so it's up to you to know how the story evolves over the course of your trip on a dying Earth.

What is and what will be Gore?
This project is, in many ways, inspired by "Quake", "Stronghold", "Serpent: Resurrection", "Ultimate Torment & Torture" and "AEons Of Death".
My aim is to reach GZDoom limits (and mine in terms of mapping & sanity :lol:) in order to create some amazing single player experience (yes, it's only intended for it and this will not change), trying to do something that will remain for people, to release a sign of my passage in this life, to be finally somebody.
While this mod will be REALLY difficult to complete, the final release will be an amazing doomish adventure through the Insane! :D


1) Play with 3 different classes (Skrylax, Kragoth & Visor), with 2 new bindings for stupid laughs & taunts (Duke, Caleb & Lo-Wang!) + a simple zooming bind added;
2) Enhanced Doom weaponry + New Flashlight (thankx a lot to Endless123 & jdredalert for fixing it!), Fists & Kicks that uses Stamina, Silenced Pistol, Quad-Shotgun, Minigun, Grenade Launcher, FreezeRifle, Flamethrower, PyroCannon, BFG10k, Cryobow & the Necronomicon, everything fullfilled with some new ammos (see spoilers below);
3) Four language settings, English, French, German & Italian;
4) A new Hi-Res HUD with air and charge (flashlight) indicators;
5) 20 huge maps subdivided in 9 themes (caves, earth/water, mountain/wind, ice, swamp, metaltech, hell, hades & flesh) filled with monsters & thousands of 2d/3d objects + Titlemap, Endmap & Startmap, which is also the skill map chooser (these will be in ZDMF/UDMF format);
6) Over 70 re-defined r667 monsters with new Burn/Crush/XDeath states + new bosses (Gargantuan Horror is here) and a pair of new monsters (Piranha is here);
7) Over 3k textures from various authors & games such as Crusaders Of Might & Magic, Heavy Metal FAKK II, Heretic II & Quake IV + some from scratch (I will release them on some forums in the future);
8) Tons of sounds & music from various authors & games + some from scratch;
9) New keys & combinations of them, new powerups, new puzzle items, new voxels, new 3d interactive/non-interactive models;
10) New Strife-Like interactive NPCs actors spreading all over the maps;
11) Awesome compiled libraries to enhance overall gameplay experience (lowhealth warnings, cold breath, swim effects, climb effects, weather effects...)
12) And it's only the start....

All these things will be DoomBuilder ready and Free of use for builders. Please God, Save Me.


Long Footage 1 - 19/11/15

Footage 1 - 16/02/15

Horde Of Titans - PreAlpha of Gore

I Want To See Some Screenshots:
I Want To Know What To Expect:
I Pretend The Credits:
I hope you everybody will enjoy this "beta" for satisfying your PWad appetite. :lol:

Download Link: I Need To Play GORE Now (last update 18/02/15 - size 145mb)

If you encounter some problems on downloading it, just wait 1/2 hours because this could be that I'm updating the link!

Also check the new GitHub repo from time to time, surely I'll work only from there if everything will be fine

I Wanna Follow Gore on GitHub

ToDo List (this list could not be properly updated sometimes):
WARNING: YOU NEED GZDoom-g2.1.p655 or newer & DOOM II IN ORDER TO RUN GORE! :rock:


...and if anybody of you is interested on some more stuff of mine or just contributions, here you are links:

Brutal Wolfenstein 4.5+ - Released but still WIP
Coincident MINISPHERE - Released
Elektronika (Ozymandias81) Impulse Tracker Modules
Custom Monsters
Last edited by Ozymandias81 on Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:38 am, edited 78 times in total.
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Re: [WIP]GORE Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Ribo Zurai »

Alright, I didn't have high hopes for a file that large. But I liked the level design. However, I noticed a HUGE framerate instability in that level, even with Freeze command activated. You should look at that.

Too bad it was only one level, but by using the Nextmap command, I saw some interesting level starts that drove me curious. Can't wait to see more.
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Ozymandias81 »

But as you can see the 1st map can be finished, and if you warp to map99 you will find so many things about this project... expecially the breathe effect outside the cold courtyard. I'm sorry for the framerate, my PC is wide fast, try to scale shaders...
BTW, thanx!
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by grouchbag »

I'm no mapper and have trouble spotting bugs,but I like this already.I can tell you it runs smoothly in my laptop if that's any help.It doesn't lag or anything.I like the gameplay so far.Wish you good luck!
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Mav3rick »

Like this lots, didn't have lag too.
Now there are few things that i like to say, im not very far into the level but the player feels light and more in the cave part runing on the floor seems runing on a slippery surface which was odd, the level so far seems to go into a hunt switchs and fight between actions, for more clear point, try no to make the levels where from A to B end in A-fight-B and this process is repeat too much, try to get them on variety ;)

The guns seems more slow than normal and maybe weaker too, the chaingun can have a alt funtion to keep spinning the cannon i got killed few times for the slow wind up and slow stop motion :/

i do like the air bar :D is was a nice add, oh btw the hud and letter are balanced or optimized to work on 4:3?? so far all is very tiny :s i use 800x600 :P
good and nice work you have here hope and wish more content from this look like a great and long adventure to get into :D
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Ozymandias81 »

grouchbag wrote:I'm no mapper and have trouble spotting bugs,but I like this already.I can tell you it runs smoothly in my laptop if that's any help.It doesn't lag or anything.I like the gameplay so far.Wish you good luck!
Thank you so much grouchbag, sorry for my late reply but I need some "netiquetting" and my days are very full of things to do, expecially in the real world... But I hope that some more updates will grow the HYPE! :-)
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Enjay »

Ozymandias81 wrote:But as you can see the 1st map can be finished
Not on easy game settings it can't. :P The final grey baron (Warlord of Hell?) is tagged to run script 36 which opens the final gate. He's only flagged to appear on medium and hard.
Spoiler: This Guy
I suggest that isn't the most satisfying way to get the exit open anyway. You can just run through the final cave ignoring most of the bad guys, target the important one and then run through the exit when it opens.

I have to admit, I've been avoiding this mod. I saw the name and assumed it was yet another gore mod. I saw the file size and thought, "140MB just to get some extra blood that I will play with half a dozen times and then never play again? I'll pass".

Then I saw people talking about a map and I thought "might as well give it a go". I'm glad I did, it's pretty damned impressive. I agree that the going back and forth looking for switches and doors got a bit annoying but I did enjoy the map. It looks great. I enjoyrd the fights and I thought the use of textures and monsters was very good. Perhaps I just wasn't paying attention but I'm sure I got a message something like "I bet this has something to do with that hell gate" but I'm pretty sure (but not entirely) that the route I took through the map meant that I hadn't seen the particular hell gate in question before getting that message.

The map definitely slowed down my machine however, most of the time it was acceptably playable. I was usually getting frame rates in the 50s but in a few areas that dropped to the 30s and occasionally below even that, though never for long and so it never became unplayable.
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Ozymandias81 »

First of all, I must thank you for some resources that I've got from your projects (now I don't remember, it's 00:26 and I've worked hard in the real life till 17 'o clock, but there is a readme and a credits folder that will explain all) and, hell, yes I forgot to add the script to the easy monster (but I think I will choose to open the passage when all monsters will be killed). The Hell's Gate is a place that you will explore on future maps, where the story will become creepy as much you can imagine (I hope so in doing it), but if you are curios type "nextmap" from the console and explore some weird startmaps which will be a reminder for me on "what to do next?".... and then explore map99...
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Ozymandias81 »

After Enjay reply I decided to fix some minor errors in map00 (an advice for players in bindings) and map01 - The Grisly Cavern, which could be now finished without problems from Merciful to Bloody skills (could be played at Unmerciful skill, but not tested BTW). Wait for other releases in the next weeks.
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by grouchbag »

Ozymandias81 wrote:
grouchbag wrote:I'm no mapper and have trouble spotting bugs,but I like this already.I can tell you it runs smoothly in my laptop if that's any help.It doesn't lag or anything.I like the gameplay so far.Wish you good luck!
Thank you so much grouchbag, sorry for my late reply but I need some "netiquetting" and my days are very full of things to do, expecially in the real world... But I hope that some more updates will grow the HYPE! :-)
No problem.Have been playing it again,and I am VERY impressed!Thanks for replying,and again,good luck! :D
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by EksFaktr »

Sorry for the late response, I've been catching up my Doom backlog and only just finished the Adventures of Square XD

While I haven't managed to make it past the first level of this yet, I am absolutely LOVING what I've played so far. Reminds me a lot of the stuff that was being done for Quake 1 back in the day. Mappers pushing and prodding the engine trying to see what they could do to it and still remain playable for people. Definitely love the style you're taking for this and can't wait to have a finished version. =)
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by chronoteeth »

Please remove the offensive cheat messages.
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Ok Chronoteeth, the offensive cheat messages are fixed now (looser remains). Sorry, I did'nt mean to offend anyone, it's just some sort of "Duke Nukem" slang style that I'm trying to implement... We are in 2015 BTW, I hope you will continue to follow my project... Thanks for the criticism.
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by chronoteeth »

Duke nukem never called someone "gay and with excessive condoms."

Just be careful for the future
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Re: [WIP] GORE - A GZDoom Project by Ozymandias81

Post by Ozymandias81 »

For anybody interested in this PWad, I've revamped the project post + a new splendid fix for Flashlight, which now acts as a phalse weapon (mugshots don't goes on a rampage when holding the fire button!). Thankx a lot to Endless123 & jdredalert!
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