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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Doomguy5th »

user5124 wrote:For inspiration, is there a more diverse and well implemented range of replacement monsters than those found in complex doom? You can even (very, very rarely) find bfg wielding, awesome looking zombie soldiers in it.


I just finished all of "scythe" for the first time using brutaldoomjay20 on UV. What a blast it was! It's been a while since a mod got me to play a whole map pack to the end (last time was complex doom).
I hope this is the most recent version, because I'm not looking for another download from But I must thank you so much.

BDJ actually lags a lot less than any version of Brutal Doom that I've played.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by USSRBear »

Invulnerability sphere doesn't work??
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by PurpleJackson »

Thanks johnny. I was afraid I was raining on your parade so I was happy you agrees that the humanoid demons needed a debuff. This is honestly one of the best mods out there and i've tried quite a few versions of BD. It well made and has some seriously brilliant things going on.

Once Those headshots are the way you want them i hope you'll try and create some fresh death animations and perhaps a new fatality or two, or whatever else that mind can come up with.

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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Patriot1776 »

My main criticism of this is that the chainsaw's swinging attack is too sluggish to even be useful. Has the chainsaw speed been upped in this new version?
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Max Dickings »

Patriot1776 wrote:My main criticism of this is that the chainsaw's swinging attack is too sluggish to even be useful. Has the chainsaw speed been upped in this new version?
Yeah I'd have to agree, I feel I never had an incentive to stop using the alt-normal move.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Devianteist »

I'm guessing I'm the only one who found it ever-so satisfying to go cleaving through a room with the chainsaw, lobbing heads off as I went? Never much cared for the alt-normal attack, unless I was in a situation where something needed to be stun-locked.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Patriot1776 »

Reason I point that out is that in SpergLord's Brutal DooM SE on the other hand, the chainsaw swing attack is much faster and so much more useful. Combined with the berserk pack, the chainsaw in Brutal Doom SE becomes extremely useful. Revenants can now be dropped with just one swing of the berserk-enhanced chainsaw, and that's what I'm missing the most from BDJay, when it would be very much helpful on mappacks where Revenants tend to get thrown at you a lot, like Jenesis.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by USSRBear »

Bugs found so far:

Invulnerability sphere doesn't work
Corpses and gibs block doors and elevators
Cyberdemon rockets pass through Spiderdemon
As noted, headshot hitboxes are really strange
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Alteisen »

The gibs still block the elevators and door ways. I'd have to noclip to get through them.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by johnny »

Doomcraft - Sorry I missed your post before, but I got those sprites from a random wad on **LINK_DISABLED**.org. I believe they were made by mike12 himself. That's awesome to hear about the lag though. Really it's mostly because Graf's recent updates to gzdoom have sped shit up so much. He's damn good at what he does. Here's the wad with the rifle ADS sprites: http://static.**LINK_DISABLED**.org/wads/bdse-m ... lever8.wad

User5124 - I had never heard of complex doom until now. God that wad is awesome. I'll definitely be using that for inspiration, as well as playing the shit out of it cause it rules.

PurpleJackson - No problem man! I'm kinda torn about what to do regarding the headshots... I'll go into more detail below. (WOOOO FIXED!) In this new update I cooked up a new baron fatality just for you since there was only one of them. It's nothing special but it's 2 where there was 1!

Patriot1776 and Max Dickings - I sped up everything about the chainsaw. It begins swinging much faster, and the swipes/downtime in between swipes happen much more quickly now. It's a little stronger too--4 swipes to take down a baron, who has the most health besides the cyb/mastermind. I think you'll both approve!

USSRBear and Alteisen - Fuck. I meant to fix the invuln sphere right before I uploaded this but forgot. I'll take care of it in a second after I finish typing all of this. (Done.) I know about the corpses and gibs blocking doors/lifts, the problem is finding WHAT corpse, corpses, or/and gibs that are doing this. There's a thousand million actors for gibs and dead bodies and I'm having a hell of a time finding it/them. I don't know if it's one thing, two things, or ten things that are fucking stuff up. When I initially updated BDJ to v20, pretty much everything blocked lifts/doors. I've narrowed it down to a smaller but still large amount of actors, and the blocking happens much less frequently as I've fixed some of them, but until I find the culprit or sarge releases the official v20, it's gonna keep happening. Problem is I don't know exactly WHAT I did to fix the ones I did fix, as I was adding/removing all kinds of flags to all kinds of actors and somewhere along the line of trial and error it started blocking less often. I'm still working on it, but I'm fresh out of miracles at this point. As of 2:59 AM CST, I am 99% sure el problemento de lift/door/anything being blocked by something when it shouldn't be has been fixed. I spawned ten trillion of every kind of enemy and killed them in every kind of way in multiple doorways and lifts and it all worked a-ok. Stuff passes through the spiderdemon because sarge set him to be a not-solid actor to simulate being able to walk underneath him. He has a stomp attack now but I personally have never seen it in action, I don't know if it even works. This sounds equal parts cool and lame to me so I might just change him back to how he used to be.

ANYWAY, new version! I made a new fatality for the baron since he's only got one. You kick him in his balls and then shoot his head off. It's not a work of art, but it fits in. I have the sprites for a new manc fatality too that I pulled from an old BD version (no idea why he deleted it) and I'll put that one in the next update. I also turned the plasma rifle altfire into a spartan laser. I changed some sounds around once again--I slowed down the assault rifle sound and now it is perfectly in sync with the firing frames. I also pitch shifted this, added more bass to that, things of that nature. I finally got the recoil for the guns set up in a way I'm happy with as well, and I've been messing with those for an eternity so that's cool. These updates must all seem pretty damn similar to you guys, I tweak huge amounts of little things.

I also made the super obnoxious, over the top titlemap that I wanted. I don't normally put so much effort into superfluous shit like this, but I had an idea and had to make it happen. It wasn't a HUGE waste of time as I learned a thing or two about ANIMDEFS and how to make a texture work like a gif--soooo just a medium-sized waste of time.

Now, about the hitboxes/headshots... I'm a little torn on what to do with them. I could go back and pull the old system out of BDJ19 and put it in 20 which would take a good chunk of time, or wait until sarge gets the official version out which is supposed to be soon but who knows. I'm assuming he'd have the kinks worked out at that point. Then I will have wasted all that effort putting the old system in when the new system works fine/even better. It's your call fellas. I'm not against spending a lot of time working on this, I mean I wasted a shitload of time on that titlemap yesterday and it doesn't even affect the gameplay in any way. This stuff is fun for me. Let me know what you guys want.
JUST FIXED HEADSHOTS. FUCK YEAH. They work exactly as intended now, and they pop up once again on the enemy healthbar. I'm uploading the fixed version as I type, so it'll be ready for download by time you read this. Also invuln sphere is fixed now too. So much for being out of miracles, I just pulled two huge ones out of my ass in the span of a few hours! YES

I've also been toying with the idea of bringing the berserk pack back. Beating up enemies and having them go flying/explode without a fatality is pretty fun, so I was thinking about making the punches just do that until you find a berserk pack. As long as you've picked one up, fatalities will happen just as they do now. Basically, no berserk = smash mode always, berserk = fatalities 70%-ish of the time. At the same time I feel like this undermines one of the core concepts of this mod. I want the fatality bonuses to be available at all times because that's what gives it that fun arcade-style gameplay, and I think this'll make people do fatalities a lot less overall. Again, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide.
Last edited by johnny on Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:47 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Crudux Cruo »

On the beserk pack... you dont need to nerf fist fatalities. essentially all beserk is is a melee upgrade. just keep it as it is now, but have beserk packs give a damage bonus to melee.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Devianteist »

I say that the Berserker Pack should be similar to DOOM 3's, but without the headache inducing FOV changes and stuff.

What I exactly have in mind is that, when it is acquired, the Doomguy goes into a little rampage of nothing but punching and kicking. This would take a bit of work and/or the return of the fists as an individual weapon (which is a no-no imho, cause this mod's melee system is FANTASTIC).

That's my two cents.

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Re: BDJ20 - melee/grenade hotkeys, combos, new fatalities IT

Post by johnny »

So headshots ended up not being as "fixed" as I previously thought. The shotgun/ssg for some reason would only do tiny amounts of damage to heads, so the rifle was pretty much the only workable headshotting weapon. I went ahead and restored the old hitboxes from v19 because it ended up being way simpler to do than I had anticipated. If you happened to grab the update earlier today, you'll have to redownload.
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Re: BDJ20 - melee/grenade hotkeys, combos, new fatalities IT

Post by Slax »

Aww. The exit message is gone. So sad.

Had a sarge fatality put me in a permanent iddqd state. Permanent as in it went away after another fatality. That was... unexpected. And fun!
Also saw a dying chaingunner turn into a zombieman at some point. Dunno what that was about. Regular ol' BD flub, I suppose.

Those grenade sounds, man. They're the best. So silly, so BOOM.
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Re: BDJ20 - melee/grenade hotkeys, combos, new fatalities IT

Post by -Ghost- »

I think making the Berserk pack just a melee upgrade would work well, since removing the random fatalities would take a big chunk out of what your mod does. Maybe it ups the fatality chance even more and increases your general damage?

Great main menu, by the way. :P

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