I apologize for my terrible english and hope that someone will be able to help me.

As far as my knowledge goes, you'd have to edit the map(s) you are playing on to remove/replace the monsters accordingly. You could also perhaps use the Console (the little ~ button opens it) and change the difficulties (Hurt Me Plenty, Ultra Violence, etc.) according through it. You'll have to look through the ZDoom Wiki to find the command. I'm not sure what it is myself.Ardeshir wrote:Greetings ! Is there a way to reduce the number of monsters ? I enjoy this mod, but I feel like I have way more monsters and sometime harder monsters (A cacodemon replaced by a hell knight for example) than I used to have on normal difficulty without the mod. I could reduce the damage to compensate but I don't find it enjoyable to have so much monsters. I would prefer a few dangerous one to a lot of puny one.
I apologize for my terrible english and hope that someone will be able to help me.
I wish i had read this before I posted. I couldn't really say it any better-Ghost- wrote:Is it me, or do headshots feel kind of inconsistent? It feels like a lot of my shots aren't connecting, or just aren't doing that much damage, especially with the regular shotgun. It's actually been faster to shoot zombies, imps etc in the chest than the head.
He's talking about the ones from the Ultimate Brutal Arsenal. I actually showed Quaker Uboa's grenades, first he gave the grenades the skin from the UBArsenalv2 without scaling anything (the grenades that time looked like a boulder compared to the BFG), then he decided to use them for v7, but having them as a DECORATE weapon failed, so he used a separate ACS function, which I have no idea how to even use ACS.johnny wrote:I guess yeah, but what's Quakers?
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// Sprites by Necronixxus, WildWeasel, and Xaser, Edited by Sergeant_Mark_IV
Thanks, I think that fixed it a little bit. It is still kind of wonky, like the shotgun's buckshot seems to have a chance to just go through their heads, but they're going down quicker again at least.johnny wrote:That is partly the weird new headshot system and partly my fault for jacking up the low level enemies' health by 20ish points for no reason. I just reverted all of the health levels back to what they were for BDJ19 and reuploaded, so go ahead and redownload and enjoy. The headshot system will still be wonky but the zombies/demons/imps will go down noticably faster now. I don't really know why I changed them in the first place, my bad!
Randomizer--gotcha. I can nab zombie variants from smoothdoom and the beastiary no problem. I'll try and keep them similar enough that the fatalities will blend well.