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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Ardeshir »

Greetings ! Is there a way to reduce the number of monsters ? I enjoy this mod, but I feel like I have way more monsters and sometime harder monsters (A cacodemon replaced by a hell knight for example) than I used to have on normal difficulty without the mod. I could reduce the damage to compensate but I don't find it enjoyable to have so much monsters. I would prefer a few dangerous one to a lot of puny one.

I apologize for my terrible english and hope that someone will be able to help me. :)
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Devianteist »

Ardeshir wrote:Greetings ! Is there a way to reduce the number of monsters ? I enjoy this mod, but I feel like I have way more monsters and sometime harder monsters (A cacodemon replaced by a hell knight for example) than I used to have on normal difficulty without the mod. I could reduce the damage to compensate but I don't find it enjoyable to have so much monsters. I would prefer a few dangerous one to a lot of puny one.

I apologize for my terrible english and hope that someone will be able to help me. :)
As far as my knowledge goes, you'd have to edit the map(s) you are playing on to remove/replace the monsters accordingly. You could also perhaps use the Console (the little ~ button opens it) and change the difficulties (Hurt Me Plenty, Ultra Violence, etc.) according through it. You'll have to look through the ZDoom Wiki to find the command. I'm not sure what it is myself.

EDIT: Also, you're English is fine. If an idiot like me can read it, you're good to go.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by xenoxols »

Edit the difficulty spawnfilters in the MAPINFO lump.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Ardeshir »

Thank you xenoxols !
I do not know anything about DooM modding but after a quick google search with the informations you gave and a bit of Notepad.exe I managed to solve my problem.
Thank you again :)
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by -Ghost- »

Is it me, or do headshots feel kind of inconsistent? It feels like a lot of my shots aren't connecting, or just aren't doing that much damage, especially with the regular shotgun. It's actually been faster to shoot zombies, imps etc in the chest than the head.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by johnny »

Alrighty, I made a small update that fixed a good chunk of the lift blocking problems so they're way less frequent, but still can occur. I can't figure out what the fuck is making it happen, but I think it has something to do with the growing blood pools. I might also be completely wrong. I have a feeling this is what's delaying mark so much, there's a lot of small tedious loose ends that need to be tied up everywhere and they're no fun to do.

Hmmm let's see what else did I do... I tweaked the zombieman a little, he's actually kind of a legit bad guy now. His special is a burst fire that sounds like the superdragon from perfect dark. Also I made it so there's a chance to fatality enemies when they're on their knees dying or in last stand mode, but it's a pretty low occurance. When barons/knights are doing their standing up bleeding out thing though, that's pretty much always a fatality opportunity.

I updated the randomizer to contain random barons and knights now too. They will usually be the normal two guys, but occasionally will spawn a Hell's Fury or a Hell Warrior. Cyberdemons also will now sometimes be Bruiser Demons (sub-boss from KDIZD in map8 in the big star thing). What would you guys want as far as random zombies go? Like, just skins? There's already a minigun, rifle, and shotgun guy, I don't really know what more variety could be added there. I could put chainsaw guys in I guess, and maybe the rocket zombies? Those guys are usually just a pain in the ass and he wouldn't have his own fatality. Maybe a weaker plasma rifle guy? Let me know and I'll make something happen.

I also fixed kdizd_J, apparently I broke the keys at some point. I just tried playing it and it was all messed up. It's good to go now though, and the orange/silver/green keys will show up on the statusbar too, albiet really tiny. I recommend grabbing dark_doom/dd_flashlight from the OP link and playing kdizd with it, it's spooky and awesome.

And yeah, Ghost, something is different about the headshots. Looking at the code, it seems like the hitboxes only pop up when enemies do their initial A_FaceTarget thing before shooting at you. He might have done them in ACS this time around but I'm not sure. They definitely feel different, and they don't look like they're always on like before--you can see how the enemy health bar doesn't pick them up so there's not a hitbox actor always sitting up there. I dunno, mark seemed to change a lot of stuff just for the sake of changing it. I might just incorporate the new sprites/slightly different attacks into the old code because that shit was rock solid. We'll see when the official release comes out if everything's up to par, if not I'll just revert becauseeeeeeee if it ain't broke, don't fix it, ya know?

Ardeshir - yeah you'll have to open it up with slade and edit mapinfo, the skills are set as all ultra-violence with differing damage levels since that's what most people play on. Change spawnfilter = hard to either normal, easy, or baby (HMP, HNTR, ITYTD)

For the next update I think I'm gonna add a big obnoxious titlemap just because.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by PurpleJackson »


I freaking love your mod but the lack of damage done to low level enemies causes a bit of a disconnect for me. Im not sure if its that or if the guns have lower accuracy than in the Jan 6th test build but its definitely something I'd hope you'd release a mutator for.

I understand your trying to balance the difficulty which is something i personally adjust using the BD co-op add-ons that increase enemy count and add to existing maps, but watching a zombieman take 2 or 3 AR bullets to the face doesn't 'feel' right to me. The SSG while still powerful doesn't 'feel' right either and i'm sure anyone who loves that thing as much as I do can agree to an extent.

I want to be able to enjoy all the amazing work(having melee binded to a key instead of being an equipable weapon is absolutely brilliant) you have done while still being able to pop heads like in Sarge's test videos with the base weapons.

Do you think this is something you'd consider?
-Ghost- wrote:Is it me, or do headshots feel kind of inconsistent? It feels like a lot of my shots aren't connecting, or just aren't doing that much damage, especially with the regular shotgun. It's actually been faster to shoot zombies, imps etc in the chest than the head.
I wish i had read this before I posted. I couldn't really say it any better
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by -Ghost- »

Okay, good, I was worried I was going crazy when those headshots felt weird. :P

As for a randomizer, I think mixing in some melee guys like chainsaw or scientists would be cool. You're right that the roles are filled pretty well with the regular 3; I think just variations of the skins with different stats would be fine, like a tougher/weaker version of each to get some nice variety in a crowd. (helmets, no helmets, etc.)
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by johnny »

That is partly the weird new headshot system and partly my fault for jacking up the low level enemies' health by 20ish points for no reason. I just reverted all of the health levels back to what they were for BDJ19 and reuploaded, so go ahead and redownload and enjoy. The headshot system will still be wonky but the zombies/demons/imps will go down noticably faster now. I don't really know why I changed them in the first place, my bad!

Randomizer--gotcha. I can nab zombie variants from smoothdoom and the beastiary no problem. I'll try and keep them similar enough that the fatalities will blend well.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Alteisen »

Can we also have like a grenade reskin? Kinda like from Quakers?
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by johnny »

I guess yeah, but what's Quakers?
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Doomguy5th »

johnny wrote:I guess yeah, but what's Quakers?
He's talking about the ones from the Ultimate Brutal Arsenal. I actually showed Quaker Uboa's grenades, first he gave the grenades the skin from the UBArsenalv2 without scaling anything (the grenades that time looked like a boulder compared to the BFG), then he decided to use them for v7, but having them as a DECORATE weapon failed, so he used a separate ACS function, which I have no idea how to even use ACS.

If you are going to, I believe the sprites were made by Eri... wait sorry, here's the proper credits for the sprites.

Code: Select all

// Sprites by Necronixxus, WildWeasel, and Xaser, Edited by Sergeant_Mark_IV
Also dude your addon is awesome as heck. I didn't really like SigFloyd's Addon, mainly because the weapons felt like they were firing 1mm bullets, but this addon really takes it up a notch. Not just sprite-wise, but balance-wise (well, for me). I actually love this addon, and would love to see more. Also, where did you get those sprites for the rifle Iron Sights? They look so familiar from... Brutal Doom Tuin Edition.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by Somagu »

The SSG ejects two shells when you only reload one.

Very satisfying variant you've got here. Good work!
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by -Ghost- »

johnny wrote:That is partly the weird new headshot system and partly my fault for jacking up the low level enemies' health by 20ish points for no reason. I just reverted all of the health levels back to what they were for BDJ19 and reuploaded, so go ahead and redownload and enjoy. The headshot system will still be wonky but the zombies/demons/imps will go down noticably faster now. I don't really know why I changed them in the first place, my bad!

Randomizer--gotcha. I can nab zombie variants from smoothdoom and the beastiary no problem. I'll try and keep them similar enough that the fatalities will blend well.
Thanks, I think that fixed it a little bit. It is still kind of wonky, like the shotgun's buckshot seems to have a chance to just go through their heads, but they're going down quicker again at least.

As for Demons and such you can probably do the same, I recommend checking out the Demonicron ( mod for some cool variants too.
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Re: BrutalDoomJay20 - melee combos ahoy

Post by user5124 »

For inspiration, is there a more diverse and well implemented range of replacement monsters than those found in complex doom? You can even (very, very rarely) find bfg wielding, awesome looking zombie soldiers in it.


I just finished all of "scythe" for the first time using brutaldoomjay20 on UV. What a blast it was! It's been a while since a mod got me to play a whole map pack to the end (last time was complex doom).

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