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Alright, I've wanted to make a Blood Dragon mod for doom for a while now, so here it is. A lot of things are still missing, so bear with me. It is Recommended that you play this mod with GZDoom pre-2.1 with Bloom Enabled via QEffectsGL. To turn off one-liners type "set quotes 0" in the console.(without the parenthesis) All weapons are now replaced. Currently only 2 enemies are replaced. Also, there is a strife version because why not.
Alright Fixed a couple of bugs but mediafire is being weird so I can't upload it now. About the other mod, I will return to it eventually, but for now, I'm working on other things.(like this)
@ xenoxols : you might want to get rid of all the lines mentioning "T900V" in DECORATE.T-900(in spawn state, check2 and check3 blocks) to always have a normal view instead of having the old terminator red view. Also lots of old terminator stuff not needed for this mod so you might want to remove them as well.
Let me clarify something. I made the terminator mod which this mod is based on but xenoxols modified it for his own terminator mod - which is fine because he already has my permission to do that. Then he wanted to start a new mod using the same terminator files as base for his new mod - which is also fine by me because as i mentioned he already has me permission to do that.
Of course it's now really polished and as elaborated as some would want but keep in mind it's a Work In Progress and he already mentioned that this mod isn't finished yet so at least give him the chance to finish it before the final verdict. To be honest my first mod was way worse than this one