I been here long time, just never made an account because I'm big on the lurk and until recently didn't have anything I felt was worth contributing.
But that's changed I suppose, so this is me. I play a shitload of DOOM WADs on my twitch with a degree of regularity: https://twitch.tv/thechunks
I also made some guides on how to(I) set up GZDoom with some popular WADS and whatnot on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ketarel
If anyone has any advice on how I could do either of those two things better, I am always open to constructive criticism. ..and even unconstructive criticism as long as it's funny.
Eh yep, that's about it for now I guess.
Hi, I am Renegade4339, formerly named as BenitezClanceIV. I have a big interest in modding, particularly Doom and Minecraft (i played Minecraft for nearly a decade now lol). i like magenta
Hiya. Im Bigbeandotgov. I mostly spend too much time on weirdo rpg maker 2003 games video editing, and drawing funny shapes in doom builder till it resembles a functional map.
Hey, I'm Takkun. Fell in love with Doom since I played the shareware on my first PC. It felt nearly "illegal" to a then sheltered 12 year old, and a major formative experience. I have a little coding experience, been gaming since the Christmas night my tiny hands picked a SNES controller for the first time, and I'm an amateur writer. Been looking back on the Doom scene on/off through the years but I am looking forward to see how deep the rabbit hole can really take me now. Cheers!
Hello. I am new here. I was introduced to Doom thanks to [very popular gameplay mod that I can't say name of] and doom eternal youtubers saying it was inspired by [very popular gameplay mod that I can't say name of]. After that, I got a shareware version of doom, booted it up in Dosbox, and played a bit. Got to E1M4 before quitting for a while, until I learned how to use sourceports such as LZdoom. Had some fun till I had to delete LZdoom because of it slowing down my laptop due to file size, then after that, reinstalled and played again on Zandronum and GZDoom, Mostly GZDoom because of windowed support until my laptop ran into more problems with ZDoom. It would repeatedly freeze completely if I let loose way too many particles, sprites and puffs. Took a long break before returning in order to try out more mods.
I have returned...
I was here years ago, but hadn't logged into my account which I am guessing was purged at some point.
Real life and other things of distraction sort of kept me on hiatus from making DooM stuff for the longest time, but I figured it was time to get back into my hobby of modding.
I've been playing DooM since it basically came out, back on Windows 95, and to me is still one of the most entertaining games I ever played.
I enjoy video games and candy, anime and candy, graphical editing and candy, programming and candy, and writing and candy.
Nice to meet you all again, as well as newcomers I haven't seen before!
Quick thanks to Graf for making GZDooM! Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated and has kept this game and community alive and going strong. <3
Hello, I am Ultimagnum. While this isn't actually my post on these forums, I still want to properly introduce myself here. I first got interested into Doom thanks to one of the several "So you want to play some doom?" images. While GZDoom is the source port I use the most, since I prefer playing with mods, I did my first playthroughs of Doom I and II using Chocolate Doom as a way to honor the original gameplay experience. I hope that I'll be able to contribute something to this community. Thanks!
hi i'm gamer and I play gamez... I got someone to show me this forum so I thank them.
Hi!, it's the guy who introduced "it" (those are his pronouns apparently) to this fine establishment, I wanted to show "it" what I like to work on and I hope "it" will fit right in... I went over to "it's" place to get "it" an account as "it" wanted to try that mod called "the adventures of delta" that one guy made... PLEASE make "it" feel very welcome
Much love -Dboi005
I'm CHUTZCRAFT, previously named RUNSABER and have been using ZDoom since 2008 before the Skulltag transition to Zandronum. That is sort of how I got into all of this, really! Modding is a very spare hobby of mine, as I would prefer to make maps over tickering with code. However, it made me a better level designer in the end somewhat. I'm currently working on another big project, EDGE64. In the real world, I am a professional artist and master illustrator, and run my Instagram and Twitter accounts as hub connections to potential buyers and other art enthusiasts. My preferred engine is EDGE, but I use GZDoom for Hideous Destructor and to play all of the latest projects by other members. Pleasure to be here!
Hey all, long time forum lurker. I have been playing Doom since around 96', I have been making demo projects and maps for doom for years and never released anything. I just recently decided that I was going to start releasing the things I make, as I figured what's the point if they are just sitting on my hard drive. Glad to be here and hopefully the projects I release will give you some entertainment as a way for me to give back for all the years that I have visited this forum for info and tutorials.
Caffeine wrote: ↑Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:24 pm
Hello, new guy here. I had an account but I never posted and apparently per the other thread I read it must have been purged.
Anyway, I decided to get back into Doom mapping recently so I figured I would remake an account here. I guess I should get on Discord, too.
Welcome back!
Yes, inactive accounts get purged/deactivated. To be safe find one or 2 topics per month where you can reply something.
Hey y'all, I've been lurking for months but I'm probably gonna have to start asking questions eventually so I figured I'd bite the bullet and make an account.
Magdiel012 wrote: ↑Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:03 am
Hey y'all, I've been lurking for months but I'm probably gonna have to start asking questions eventually so I figured I'd bite the bullet and make an account.