New Member Introductions

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by NotAPortalKit »

hi I'm SGPT or Kit if you call it that

I got here a month ago to share my gzlel doom mod (which sucks to this day, at least get the confetti gun before you go)
I normally make joke mods at my free time since I am kinda suck at modding.

I got introduced to doom after playing a lot of fps games and just searching doom
also I mod hl2 or sorse if you can call it that.

I mostly won't do that much doom mods that much, but I'm kinda of a source guy, but I do make mods.

Happy to be here y'all!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by An00bus »

Hey all!
Working on an eventually standalone total conversion mod based on a game my friend James and I started in high school in C#, the ninja character is based on the original protagonist of our game:
I'm here to check out other people's creations and get feedback and help from the modding community.
Hope to chat with you all more soon!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Modo »

Hello ZDoom Forums!
I started lurking here years go looking for cool stuff, but never participated until last year when I finally decided to sign in, hoping to learn some more to make mods for toasters like mine. I have a couple of projects in mind and some things will love to share after all this time.

Last but not least, I have a request for admins (As I can't bother users with private messages) Please, I opened my project topic on the wrong subforum.
It's "Post Mortem [W.I.P]" at Gameplay Mods. I guess it belongs to TCs and mods sub.

Nevermind. It's Fine where it is :)
Last edited by Modo on Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Gen5lock131 »

Kinda late but hi!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by WestleyWolf »

Hello My Name Is Westley. I'm a Graphics Designer for 10 years and a technician.

I came here many years ago to find mods i wanted to use, Now I Saw these sprites i liked and i want to be able to use them to some degree and i want to have some sort of cooperation with that.

I'm not very skilled at a lot of shooters but doom or GZDoom i should say is one of them where its not much of a problem except for some things because it can get insane when it comes to difficulty curves.

I'm Glad to be here with all of you!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by comesect nocisum »

Hello All, long time DOOM fan here from Dallas TX...grew up playing ID games, on finishing all chapters of ultimate DOOM/evilution & plutonia recently I went looking for more, glad I found y'all.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Sgt Major Kiwi »

Hi, I'm nes bros, or just nes, or Angelo. I was introduced to doom early on, as it was one of the first games me and my dad played together.
I mainly lurk, but I may decide to post some actual posting, where I might dish out low quality maps, mods that mostly use stock textures and always stock sounds, or ask for help :( .

that's pretty much it, I guess.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by KynikossDragonn »

Well, I partially introduced myself in the SWWM GZ project thread, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to continue the introduction here.

I'm that strange dragon people may have seen mentioned in Spooktober's credits gallery and SWWM GZ's credits.

I primarily play Unreal (1998), almost all of my knowledge in content creation in general is exclusively based around that game and that particular iteration of Unreal Engine 1. I'm relatively new to the Doom community, the last time I played anything with ZDoom/GZDoom was back in 2007. Suffice to say, I am pleasantly surprised at how active and welcoming the community is. It's nothing short of amazing what GZDoom has evolved into as a source port of a engine.

Unfortunately, most of my skills from Unreal are not easily applicable to GZDoom other than the tool I use to make music with. I am a very skilled mapper for Unreal, but that doesn't translate real well to Doom Engine. I do know how to work GIMP and I can, sometimes design decent enough 2D UI graphics for whatever. I am not a artist though. I vaguely know my way around Blender and basic 3-D modelling but I cannot figure out how to convincingly make complex organic shapes or animation. I'm limited to designing inanimate objects.

I'm not really great at being social, years of psychological (and physical) abuse more or less makes you weary of other individuals even if you know their intentions are good.

I am also a regular of the VOGONS forum of retro computing and getting old games working on newer systems. A few interesting source ports of Doom are discussed there as well, FastDOOM being one such project. I can also be found on YouTube, on Twitch, on Steam and even ModDB.

My methods of communication however, are quite limited. I've been making use of IRC almost exclusively. I had a very unfortunate dealing with Discord's "Trust & Safety" team when my account got caught in what I can only assume was a global mass ban during a service outage which I guess might have been some sort of attack on the service itself, a lot of innocent people got caught in the ban as well but the only correlation I noticed among the bans is they were using "BetterDiscord", as a result of both this and a disagreement over ToS I will nolonger use or trust the service ever again. And Steam's chat platform has become very unwieldy ever since Discord came into existence and Valve sought fit to try to "compete" with Discord in terms of "features", so I never am able to reliably communicate via Steam without running into memory leaks and abysmal performance.

I'm okay with being PM'd here incase anyone really needs to talk to me personally. I may, may not be receptive to requests for music or other content depending on how I'm feeling and if I'm already in the middle of something.

Finally, please do not try to convince me to use Discord.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Red-Azurite »

Here's an Hello from Arizona where the sun cooks eggs, I'm Red Azurite but Red's just fine.

I'm just some dork that has spent their life with content writing for 5 years and always looks to learn new skills, as such I've come to the forums to learn about working with Doom maps and all that.
But also to admire the work other people put into their mods... Although I'm always a bit skittish about posting things in established communities, but I try.

I work my job freelance mostly, but I'm more than willing to look over stories and other content on top of doing some writing for those who ask! I specialize particularly in book writing with themes of Mid to Low Fantasy and Cyberpunk.
Although I don't have the habit of checking forums, I'm always online on Discord at 'Red Azurite#5713' then there's my Steam, and my Twitter has open DMs-- Just beware of the furry trash I retweet or like.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Hazel-Rah »

Hey all, i'm a new Doom fanatic currently making my way through the series.

I've currently finished Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and i'm making my way through No Rest for the Living (which I'm finding to be pretty difficult even on my preferred difficulty of Hey Not Too Rough.)

Can't wait to play the rest of the games and dive into the modding community! Might even try making my own maps and stuff if I can figure out how Doom Builder works..and how map design works :P

Hope to see you all around :)
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Gunslaher_Pi »


New member. OG level designer for the Dukenukem3D series using Ken Silverman's "Build" program. Spent years inside map-space perfecting complete episodes.
Now I've turned my attention to GzDoom Builder and Slade3. It's been a ride and a half learning all the new code and processes. The same concepts and arguments
still apply however they're somewhat back-to-front and less user friendly.

I do however have one gripe about this forum. The complete contradiction that is the editing forum. "Locked" but states; "if you need help with something, post it here".
Before joining here, I reviewed quite a few posts regarding the rainspawner and the nasty, spiteful responses including one dude saying; "You're way in over your head" or words to that effect. I've extensively searched for tutorials for weather including applying the code however, no-one seems to be able to give a straight answer or a video
on how-to generate and install such a protocol to the maps.

If y'all can't be bothered then say it, if i could do a step-by-step with imagery to help those new to the Doom building experience I would gladly assist. Excuse my demeanor
but there's no reason to be D***heads and shut down newbies trying to learn everything from those more experienced.

Even Romero and Carmack had to start somewhere and they're my childhood heroes.

Thanks for the acceptance and for listening to my opening rant.
I'll be hanging around here for a while to listen, watch and learn.

Peace out.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Rachael »

Gunslaher_Pi wrote:I do however have one gripe about this forum. The complete contradiction that is the editing forum. "Locked" but states; "if you need help with something, post it here".
Sorry about that, it was kept for historical context (and to avoid breaking Google search results), but it was split into several different forums. The new set of forums have taken the function of the old editing forum, albeit with the intention of being more organized. I've changed it to reflect its historical nature.
Gunslaher_Pi wrote:Before joining here, I reviewed quite a few posts regarding the rainspawner and the nasty, spiteful responses including one dude saying; "You're way in over your head" or words to that effect. I've extensively searched for tutorials for weather including applying the code however, no-one seems to be able to give a straight answer or a video
on how-to generate and install such a protocol to the maps.
The engine was not natively built for these effects, so yes achieving them is much harder than it would be for an engine that has in-built support for it, and there's a lot of ways to skin that cat. The simple fact is - Doom never actually had weather effects - if you wanted them you had to make them by hand, and like I said, there's just so many ways to do it.

Me, personally? I would go with one of two approaches: A) use 2-sided linedefs with an animated rain texture on them - that's how I did it with a map back in the past. B) another way to do it (probably easier) would be to just put up a bunch of sprites with a really large texture on them that have multiple rain drops and are animated.
Gunslaher_Pi wrote:If y'all can't be bothered then say it, if i could do a step-by-step with imagery to help those new to the Doom building experience I would gladly assist. Excuse my demeanor
but there's no reason to be D***heads and shut down newbies trying to learn everything from those more experienced.

Even Romero and Carmack had to start somewhere and they're my childhood heroes.

Thanks for the acceptance and for listening to my opening rant.
I'll be hanging around here for a while to listen, watch and learn.

Peace out.
Appreciate the feedback, looking forward to more from you! Try not to take it too personally what people here say, especially with the older posts. :) I have a few ideas on how to implement a good weather system.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Gunslaher_Pi »

Appreciate it. If there's a simpler way then I'm all for it.

Originally, when creating rain effects in Duke3D, I had to
Individually offset raindrops at different intervals and height increments along with a random occurence argument. Unfortunately I lacked the computing power at that time and it tended to bog down my machine.

But the end result was fantastic.

Again. Thanks and let's hope someone can create a simple spawn weather object.

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Zero_Senki »

Long time lurker, but I had just made an account. So much stuff to do with all the mods, and now there's a Build source port in the works? What a time to be alive.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by nicolettelemasque »

Does anyone even check these?

Hi btw, I'm an artist, who cares; big fat shout out to everyone in this thread, big kiss to all of you.

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