Mortal Kombat Deadlock

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Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Dynama »

Yea you guys know what it is once you saw that logo on the right side of this thread. As some of you may have notice a few months back, I am creating a fighting game using the zdoom engine. Realizing that I am going nowhere with the roster because they dont really fit with each other, I have decided to stick with one franchise and it is none other than my favorite fighting game series and that is
Mortal Kombat
I liked the name deadlock so I am calling the mod
With Mortal Kombat X on its way, it provided me with alot of ideas as to how the gameplay will stand

Each Character will have two variations in which both will have different styles of gameplay. Lets take a closer look at one of the first characters: Scorpion
Scorpion has two variations
Ninjitsu: This Variation emphasizes more on scorpions ninja skills as well as using weaponry rather than his spectral powers
HellFire: Scorpion will use his spectral powers in his fight
Please note that I am not trying to copy Doomero work. That guy is a legend here and this is nothing compare to the work that he does, because he is really good

Last edited by Dynama on Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by mincartoon »

Ha! I mistook it for MDK; Murder Death Kill from Judge Dredd...
but it's actually Mortal Kombat :P
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by DOOMERO-21 »

Nice, i have a question and maybe will happen on your project: how you hurt your enemy? with a custommissile (including combos) or custommeleeattack ? on my case i use setactorstate, this activate when the missile collide with the enemy and enter to xdeath state. My problem on this is when the 2 chars execute the combo, at the same time, both are afected, i think will happen the same on your mod, i was trying to only afect 1, but is hard.
Last edited by DOOMERO-21 on Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by HexaDoken »

DOOMERO-21 wrote:My problem on this is when the 2 chars execute the combo, at the same time
Isn't that not a problem actually?

I mean, in every single fighting game I played both fighters could hit each other at the same time. Sometimes even resulting in an extremely rare scenario when you draw!

Missiles are probably better here since you can do actual hitboxing instead of using the silly hitscan attack that will probably break things.
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Dynama »

I used a hitboxe actor as a base projectile and I used A_spawnitem ex to spawn that a specific location and used sxf_transferpointers to indicate that the character is responsible for that given attack
I gotta say that A_spawnitemex is pretty handy because it provides me with not only the projectile, becauuse the sxf_transferpointers is pretty much allow both characters to exchange blow with one another. The projectile will then give the actor the certain pain and death state that I want.

Code: Select all

tnt1 a 0 A_stop
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Forward", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Backward", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Combo2", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Combo3", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Combo4", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Crouch", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Jump", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Block", 1)
TNT1 A 0  a_spawnitemex("Blocker",610,0,0,0,0,0,0)

SCAS B 1 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
SCAS C 1 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
SCAS D 1 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
SCAS E 1 a_spawnitemex("punch1",100,0,125,0,0,0,0,sxf_transferpointers)
SCAS F 1 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
SCAS G 3 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
SCAS F 1 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
SCAS E 1 A_TakeInventory("Combo1", 1)
SCAS D 3 A_JumpIfInventory("Combo1", 1, "Combo1b")
SCAS C 3 A_JumpIfInventory("Combo1", 1, "Combo1b")
SCAS B 3 A_JumpIfInventory("Combo1", 1, "Combo1b")
SCAS A 3 A_JumpIfInventory("Combo1", 1, "Combo1b")
goto spawn 
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by DOOMERO-21 »

HexaDoken wrote:
DOOMERO-21 wrote:My problem on this is when the 2 chars execute the combo, at the same time
Isn't that not a problem actually?

I mean, in every single fighting game I played both fighters could hit each other at the same time. Sometimes even resulting in an extremely rare scenario when you draw!

Missiles are probably better here since you can do actual hitboxing instead of using the silly hitscan attack that will probably break things.
Is a problem for mortal kombat games. Try playing mortal kombat on snes or mame, try to control the 2 chars and execute an uppercut, you will see only 1 char will recive the combo, on my case both are afected, is a problem and i need to fix that.

The case for break the attack when execute at the same time the combo is a good idea, i think the crash state for the missile, will be necessary.

Dynama: i used the same method.
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Nash »

Always love to see non-Doom stuff being made for (G)ZDoom. Keep up the good work!
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Dynama »

Well I am using TOB because it can allow me to change the player height so each move that I am doing right I am able to change the height of the character. Ill get back to you and see if this would work
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by DOOMERO-21 »

Dynama wrote:@Doomero
Well I am using TOB because it can allow me to change the player height so each move that I am doing right I am able to change the height of the character. Ill get back to you and see if this would work
I see, TOB have a decorate command for change the height, on my case i used a_changeflag("ghost",1) when the char is crouching, so the uppercut with thrughost flag not damage the crouch state of the enemy.
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[WIP]Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Dynama »

After long hours of gathering up the resources that I need to make this project happen, I have finally made some progress and added some new stuff to this project
First and foremost I recreated the interface to make it more mortal kombatish
I was also working on Kung Lao in the process and I gotta say that I enjoyed putting him in the mod because kung lao has always been my favorite character in the MK series
Being that I ran out of ideas for variations style name, I decided to just call it HATTRICK
In this variation, Kung Lao will be able to using more of his hat in the fight than anything else and because of that, he has little to know combos.
His other variation, "SHAOLIN FIST", will emphasize more on both speed and combos rather than his specials.
Sadly he is still a work in progress and hopefully I will get it done for by the end of next week

Other than that I added a main menu when you start the game

Keep in mind this stuff is still going on and plus I am juggling work hopefully I will get shit done in time
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Ozymandias81 »

I always loved Mortal Kombat and its sequels, expecially 2 and IX, but I never read on menus "VERSES" or "FIGHT CPU"... :-(
Have you take consideration on changing them with HUMAN vs HUMAN / HUMAN vs CPU? Also, if you need some better title banner graphics, I can do some of them for you... Another question? Deadlock seems to be some sort of Bob Marley's dreadlocks :lol: ,can I suggest you something like DOOMED, REST-IN-PEACE or RETURN TO OUTWORLD instead? Good work and :rock:
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Slax »

Go for EX characters for bonus points. Palette swap with alternate move sets.
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Dynama »

@ozymandias81 thanks for the support. Right now I am fiddling with the menu every now and then VERSUS and FIGHT CPU is definetly going to change. I will probably create a script that can give you a sub menu for versus that uses HUMAN vs HUMAN and HUMAN VS CPU. Good idea. Also I would be more than happy to see some graphics that you make. The more the merrier. Also I like the term deadlock becausethe definition means that two opposing parties in which no solution can be made. Fits well with mortal kombat and especially with the story I am cooking up

@Slax that's the idea Ican use for some characters. Just Ineed to learn about changing the character colors in zdoom
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Re: Mortal Kombat Deadlock

Post by Alekv »

You keep working on your mod?
I liked it very much, but that's a good idea to use the hi-res graphics in the background, especially trees, they throw themselves strongly in the eyes. I apologize for my English =)

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