[ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Tormentor667 »

Nash, you are sick :D
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by doony »

I'm really bad at programing but I'm very curious if is possible to make the weather changes with real days like
Monday: rain
Tuesday: sun
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by GENTEK »

WOW! Totally AMAZING Nash!!! :shock:
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Gez »

lance flairs!
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Oh shit that's awesome
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by demo_the_man »

would i be able to set it to hold a certain time and weather effect?
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Nash »

Next up in pointless features you'll disable immediately; dirty camera lens effect!!!
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Caligari87 »

That's actually really cool, I could see myself setting up an effect like that for a player wearing a gasmask or something.

EDIT: I should clarify: Nash, would you be okay if I eventually stole the conceptual "dirty lens/screen" feature with my own code implementation? ;)

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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Ozymandias81 »

:woh: - Scratching my eyes until I bleed harshly - :woh:
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Nash »

doony: Yes Oops, you meant real days? Like in-real-life? ZDoom can't retrieve the computer's system date and time so nope! :(
demo_the_man: Yes
Cali: Go ahead!

Everyone else: Thanks bro's glad u like my cool grafic's
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Fused »

I've been playing around with Bumi for a while, and I have found two notable things so far.
First thing is that for some reason when I replace the base player class with a new one, the sun glare will bug and display wrongly after a while.
The second thing is that a pre-made test map I made completely crashes after adding Bumi's template items and features.

I will see if I can reproduce the latter.
This was tested using Zandronum 4.0. This also happends on the latest stable release of GZDoom.
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Nash »

Massive changes developed in my standalone game that this engine was written for, going to have to find the time to backport these into the ZDoom-friendly version (UGGHHHH) but here's what's changed that will come in future:

- Map change API that finally works (it was horribly broken before; you would get duplicate suns and moons spawning in the sky, weather and time data that wouldn't clean themselves up properly etc)
- Massive restructuring. Players and all related scripts and data are now properly constructed and deconstructed between map changes.
- Implemented the concept of a global GameInstance into the gameplay framework
- Correctly support player dying and resurrecting
- Construction and deconstruction of player and weather data should now be fully functional.
- Force rebuilding of exterior textures list along with compilation process
- Prettier-looking clouds (FINALLY!) thanks to the return of +FLATSPRITES in GZDoom, the clouds are now rich in colour and alpha transparency
- Made SkyboxLight subtractive, produces nicer-looking clouds that get lit by the environment colour.
- Made f_sky flat look correct in the editor
- Changed sun tint colour to match Morrowind's
- Significantly improved lens flares. No longer requires TIDs and TID shifts and any of that nonsense. The line traces are now TID-less. Also, you are no longer required to setup script activation linedefs for skies on walls. As long as a surface is a normal, valid sky, the sun's lens flare will be drawn properly - all floors and walls. IT JUST WORKS!
- Converted rain and underwater loops to mono for now because they don't work correctly with OpenAL
- Major cosmetic changes all across the board (coding and layout standards, code beautification, variable naming and upper/lower-casing conventions, started work on not setting member variables directly and instead use functions to get and set them, etc etc etc- by adopting Unreal Engine coding standards)
- Completely rewrote the weather chance system to be less erratic - adopted Morrowind's solution (weather chances are only calculcated every 20 in-game minutes; is customizable)
- Make clouds smoothly disappear during foggy transitions, looks better actually
- Updated the skydome textures
- Made a generic _W_SpawnPrecipitation function that is shared by all weather types. Consolidated all precipitation spawning functions into a single function - now rain, snow, and whatever else are handled in only 1 spot
- Full camera support - now screen effects (lens flares, halos etc) and sound tracing are correctly calculated depending on which camera you are viewing from (it used to be that things only worked correctly if you are viewing from your own first person view and switching cameras would break everything)
- Made a generic-use HudMsgOnActor - used for any 3D -> 2D applications
- Halos on light sources (just like how JJ Abrams or Hideo Kojima would like them ;)) - complete with distance-based alpha fade and support for different halos depending on what light source it is
- Camera lens dirt (I actually added this before I ever played Doom 4) - currently only works for the sun though
- Screen space rain droplets - when it's raining and you're looking up towards the sky when outdoors, water trails will drop over your view (like in Fallout 4)
- Rewrote sound environment ray tracing to be self-contained and massively cleaned up the code - this stuff is much more compact and easier to debug/add to now
- User-configurable weather interval update frequency - helps a lot for slow computers

When? When It's Done
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Fused »

Do you have any plans on making seperate versions with, for example, only the day a night cycle included and no extra things such as a whole calender system? I feel like having so many features in it is a bit overdone and I don't require a whole calender system or cheats.
And will you ever implement clientsided scripting and actors to support multiplayer, or multiplayer support altogether?
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Nash »

Probably not, because this whole thing was solely written for one type of game (the game I'm making) and to be honest I wasn't even planning on releasing the source code in the first place, until my game is fully shipped... The game I'm making is currently based off GZDoom therefore GZDoom's netcode, so, again, no plans to do anything beyond making it work with whatever works with GZDoom's netcode. If (and that's a huge IF) I decide to rebase my project to Zandronum's codebase (will be a shit ton of work to GPL'ize it, fortunately I have experience in this department)... then I guess I will have to do something about the multiplayer stuff to be Zan-netplay-friendly then. Huge if.

(PS if you want to do day and night, can't you just use UDMF and primitive scripting to change the sector colours? That's what Tormentor667's Blade of Agony is doing - there's scripted night/day effects but they're not real-time. You don't even need any fancy "engine" for that. Plus interpolating the time of day with colours doesn't make sense without any form of time-keeping mechanism in place anyway, that's why the calendar system is in there...)
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Re: [ON HOLD] Bumi: Real-Time Day/Night & Weather

Post by Nash »

Foliage sprites that update their appearance depending on the current in-game season, like in Daggerfall. The disappearing grass is because the sprites for the various grass variatons are incomplete. Technically all of the grass' states are being updated, but since the sprites are missing, they turn invisible. Once a full set of the sprites are created, obviously they won't disappear.

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