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2) Open zdata.acs, edit line 101: TAG_OUTSIDESECTOR_END. Currently that is 1000. Expand it to what your maximum range is. Do NOT cross 20000. You must recompile Bumi for this to work.
Several examples of how Bumi can be used as a level design toolkit to drastically alter the tone and mood of your maps. The tint and fade colours are all customizable to suit your level's mood. Map designed by Real AtroNx.
Last edited by Nash on Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nash wrote:Gentek: Get the latest (most recent) package of GDCC from here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e4msp35vxp61 ... oElWa?dl=0 and then extract the entire contents of this package into the /gdcc/ folder inside Bumi
I need glasses lol Thanks Now I have Bumi.o but when I use Make_PK3.bat I have nothing... I have 7zip on my computer
Thank you! Having a blast converting some maps I downloaded with Bumi! Too bad the conversion to UDMF break some doors, need to find more single map without doors. BTW Arcadia not so scary with sky lol
Last edited by NantoCodd on Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Note you might wanna add +FORCEYBILLBOARD to the rain drops, so that users with gl_billboard_mode set to 1 won't have weird-looking raindrops when looking up
I found a useful tool for those who want to integrate maps with Boom or vanilla format with Bumi forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=34889This tools will automatically convert your maps to ZDoom UDMF format without breaking the linedefs.
Last edited by NantoCodd on Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Several examples of how Bumi can be used as a level design toolkit to drastically alter the tone and mood of your maps. The tint and fade colours are all customizable to suit your level's mood. Map designed by Real AtroNx.
Impressive, this looks like a scene straight out of the original Silent Hill.