[Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
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- Posts: 207
- Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:24 am
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
The issue is that newer GZDoom releases are much more strict with custom menus: you can't override the default menus now. They'd have to be redone in the new style.
- Posts: 441
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2017 1:01 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
I fixed the menus by changing the menudefs to AddOptionMenu, as per my post on Oct 20th.
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:37 am
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
By completly changing the name of the text file to AddOptionMenu?Korell wrote:I fixed the menus by changing the menudefs to AddOptionMenu, as per my post on Oct 20th.
- Posts: 441
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2017 1:01 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
No, you edit menudefs and change the Demonsteele options to use the AddOptionMenu command instead of the OptionMenu command. You need to do this where the standard menus are referenced because they are now protected menus so you can only add new options to them, you cannot rewrite those menus from scratch. Any custom menus created can continue to use the OptionMenu command. So in the Demonsteele menudefs file I have the following:john190 wrote:By completly changing the name of the text file to AddOptionMenu?Korell wrote:I fixed the menus by changing the menudefs to AddOptionMenu, as per my post on Oct 20th.
Code: Select all
ListMenu "MainMenu"
StaticPatch 94, 2, "M_DOOM"
Position 97, 72
PatchItem "M_NGAME", "n", "PlayerclassMenu"
PatchItem "M_RDTHIS","r", "ReadThisMenu"
PatchItem "M_OPTION","o", "OptionsMenu"
PatchItem "M_LOADG", "l", "LoadGameMenu"
PatchItem "M_SAVEG", "s", "SaveGameMenu"
PatchItem "M_QUITG", "q", "QuitMenu"
AddOptionMenu "OptionsMenu"
StaticText " "
Submenu "DemonSteele Options", "Changes-TurnThePage"
OptionMenu "Changes-TurnThePage"
StaticText " "
StaticText "General Options", 1
Option "No gun recoil", "dst_cl_norecoil", "OnOff"
Option "Switch when out of ammo", "dst_cl_autoswitch", "OnOff"
Option "No Iron Maiden music", "dst_cl_nomusic", "OnOff"
Option "No low health warning", "dst_cl_nobeeping", "OnOff"
Option "No announcer", "dst_cl_noannouncer", "OnOff"
Option "Display graphical effects", "dst_cl_toasterzdoom", "ToasterOptions"
Option "Remove score display", "dst_cl_nopoints", "OnOff"
Option "Remove spawn intros", "dst_nointro", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Gameplay Options", 1
Option "Spawn Arrogant weapons", "dst_arrogantweapons", "ArrogantOptions"
Option "Start with Omen", "dst_omenstart", "OnOff"
Option "Start with Backpack", "dst_backpackstart", "OnOff"
Option "Infinite power meter", "dst_infinitemeter", "OnOff"
Option "Testament spawns on", "dst_noshotgun", "TestamentOptions"
Option "Omen spawns on", "dst_nochaingun", "OmenOptions"
Option "Disable special moves", "dst_nospecials", "OnOff"
Option "Gun kills give souls", "dst_gunsouls", "OnOff"
Option "Traditional Doom health", "dst_doomhealth", "OnOff"
Option "No Combo penalty when damaged", "dst_nodamagepenalty", "OnOff"
Option "Run speed modifier", "dst_runmod", "RunModOptions"
Option "Original air control", "dst_oldaircontrol", "OnOff"
Option "No weapon spawns", "dst_noweapons", "OnOff"
Option "No health spawns", "dst_nohealth", "OnOff"
Option "No armor spawns", "dst_noarmor", "OnOff"
Option "No pistol", "dst_nopistol", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
StaticText "Figure These Out Yourself", 1
Option "OH FUCK, SKELETONS!", "dst_2brutal", "OnOff"
Option "FOR THE SWARM", "dst_enemymultiplier", "MultiplierOptions"
Option "Fake Difficulty", "dst_multiplierhealth", "MultiplierHealthOptions"
OptionValue ToasterOptions
0, "All effects"
1, "Less effects"
2, "Minimal effects"
OptionValue TestamentOptions
0, "Shotgun/SSG"
1, "SSG Only"
OptionValue OmenOptions
0, "Chaingun/Chainsaw"
1, "Chainsaw Only"
OptionValue ArrogantOptions
0, "No"
1, "Replaces Skulltag Weapons"
2, "Randomized Appearances"
OptionValue RunModOptions
-1, "Immobile"
25, "Modern FPS Protagonist"
50, "Slow"
75, "Doom Speed"
100, "Default"
125, "Fast"
150, "Faster"
200, "Even Faster"
400, "Even More Faster"
600, "Yet Even More Faster"
1000, "HELP"
2000, "FUCK"
OptionValue MultiplierOptions
1, "2x"
2, "3x"
3, "5x"
4, "10x"
5, "20x"
6, "50x"
7, "100x"
OptionValue MultiplierHealthOptions
0, "Return to Serenity"
1, "Never Say Die"
2, "Take No Prisoners"
3, "Facing Hell"
4, "Killing Machine"
5, "Angel of Death"
AddOptionMenu "CustomizeControls"
StaticText " "
StaticText "DemonSteele Controls", 1
Control "Sword Attack", "+attack"
Control "Weapon Attack", "+altattack"
Control "Use Iron Maiden", "invuse"
Control "Dodge", "+speed"
StaticText " "
Control "Flashlight", "IfZandronumHadTheReloadKeyThenIWouldntNeedToDoThis"
Control "Taunt", "zdoomtaunt"
Control "Weapon Action", "+launchoctopus"
StaticText " "
Control "Use / Open", "+use"
Control "Move forward", "+forward"
Control "Move backward", "+back"
Control "Strafe left", "+moveleft"
Control "Strafe right", "+moveright"
Control "Turn left", "+left"
Control "Turn right", "+right"
Control "Jump", "+jump"
Control "Crouch", "+crouch"
StaticText " "
Control "Next weapon", "weapnext"
Control "Previous weapon", "weapprev"
StaticText " "
Control "Shihong Mode: Strength of Aeons", "ShihongHotkey1"
Control "Shihong Mode: Guns of War", "ShihongHotkey2"
Control "Shihong Mode: Ghost of Perdition", "ShihongHotkey3"
Control "Shihong Mode: Dance of Eternity", "ShihongHotkey4"
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:03 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
Could I trouble the board for some clarification on what the "fake difficulty" and "for the swarm" settings do?
Btw I've been playing the crap out of this mod whenever I'm off work the last few days, so I have to say I really appreciate the craftsmanship. That's saying a lot considering the size of my steam backlog X_X Its nice to revisit it since the addition of punchy mccybergirl. I actually appreciate her design more overall, though I know her gameplay is a bit flawed. My criticisms / advice for what they're worth, which deserves a hefty grain of salt cause I don't produce shit, is to redesign her guncard side special homing missiles to something else entirely, or find a way to have the homing activate sequentially projectile by projectile or follow the cursor. If it worked like Tone's core in titanfall 2, I'd be all in favor, but right now its kind of a chaotic mess and too much resembles the forward gun special which I quite like.. I'm not sure if they're releasing cluster missiles or if they're just instant turning from a dead enemies, but cluster bombs would be better, or have the missiles cluster out from the sky. Random suggestions, but I trust your creative liberty. The speed mode seems good but the sonic trap seems a bit underpowered for energy cost when theres more satisfying options. Also I want to offer my encouragement with regards to the issues with the autopistols. Paradoxically (since I just suggested scrapping an idea) when I saw your post to switch them out for generic uzis, I think that you should stick to your creative vision rather than take the easy way out. There's no reason they can't be a good weapon, just tweak fire rates, damage, accuracy, ammo count etc until they're as battle worthy as you would fantasize them to be. Battle mode 4 turret's max power shot is truely impressive, but I feel that on the balance, the angelic armor of HaeLin is a much more satisfying ultimate weapon. Also, I think focusing your efforts on Zandro 3 at the expense of other sourceports is a fine idea, cause its my preferred one to play on ^_^
/end rant
Back to my original thing though, what are those options? For the swarm and fake difficulty?
Btw I've been playing the crap out of this mod whenever I'm off work the last few days, so I have to say I really appreciate the craftsmanship. That's saying a lot considering the size of my steam backlog X_X Its nice to revisit it since the addition of punchy mccybergirl. I actually appreciate her design more overall, though I know her gameplay is a bit flawed. My criticisms / advice for what they're worth, which deserves a hefty grain of salt cause I don't produce shit, is to redesign her guncard side special homing missiles to something else entirely, or find a way to have the homing activate sequentially projectile by projectile or follow the cursor. If it worked like Tone's core in titanfall 2, I'd be all in favor, but right now its kind of a chaotic mess and too much resembles the forward gun special which I quite like.. I'm not sure if they're releasing cluster missiles or if they're just instant turning from a dead enemies, but cluster bombs would be better, or have the missiles cluster out from the sky. Random suggestions, but I trust your creative liberty. The speed mode seems good but the sonic trap seems a bit underpowered for energy cost when theres more satisfying options. Also I want to offer my encouragement with regards to the issues with the autopistols. Paradoxically (since I just suggested scrapping an idea) when I saw your post to switch them out for generic uzis, I think that you should stick to your creative vision rather than take the easy way out. There's no reason they can't be a good weapon, just tweak fire rates, damage, accuracy, ammo count etc until they're as battle worthy as you would fantasize them to be. Battle mode 4 turret's max power shot is truely impressive, but I feel that on the balance, the angelic armor of HaeLin is a much more satisfying ultimate weapon. Also, I think focusing your efforts on Zandro 3 at the expense of other sourceports is a fine idea, cause its my preferred one to play on ^_^
/end rant
Back to my original thing though, what are those options? For the swarm and fake difficulty?

- Posts: 369
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:00 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
for the swarm is a spawn multiplier, which is only active on the fake difficulty. there is a secret difficulty setting thats invisible, and the fake difficulty setting will let you designate which actual difficulty it uses in terms of max health/enemy aggressiveness/etc.
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:22 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
can you please make a man characcter i personally have an issue to play female characters due to immerion break for me personally
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Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
If your immersion is broken, please contact your immersion vendor for warranty information.shadstarn wrote:can you please make a man characcter i personally have an issue to play female characters due to immerion break for me personally

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Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
The obvious takeaway, given this commenter's history, is that the protagonists are not girly enough.
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:03 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
Secret difficulty level? Please explain

- Posts: 7
- Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:03 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
Also I noticed something. I've been occasionally trying to do a 1 2 combo of stungun palm to big punch special, but it isn't possible. You have to perform a normal attack animation, though holding primary fire after the secondary will prevent the hands from rising, but performing specials is no good until you've done a normal punch of some sort. This character neeeeeds to be able to followup stungun palm with hold + SS melee mode special What better way to deal with archviles after a couple well placed nades eliminate their flamey spams?
- Posts: 369
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:00 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
just keep cycling through the difficulty setting menu. you'll find it. 
as for the megaton punch, its SUPPOSED to be very hard to set it up. when you have your combo chain up, the damage is kinda absurd. that said, I find that doing a forward dash and then doing the input for it while dashing forward helps with landing it.

as for the megaton punch, its SUPPOSED to be very hard to set it up. when you have your combo chain up, the damage is kinda absurd. that said, I find that doing a forward dash and then doing the input for it while dashing forward helps with landing it.
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:22 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
how can i find my post i just get thrown the whole thread ... so annoying
- Posts: 218
- Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:22 pm
Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
why cant we have a male protagonist i love the weapons OR JUST A VOICE MOD .. male voice hurt sounds or human sounds
- Posts: 21706
- Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:33 pm
- Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
- Operating System Version (Optional): A lot of them
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Re: [Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~
Do it yourself.shadstarn wrote:why cant we have a male protagonist i love the weapons OR JUST A VOICE MOD .. male voice hurt sounds or human sounds