RELEASE: Wolfenstein 3D TC Version 3.1
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- Posts: 278
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:39 am
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
So, any chance of a Doom Builder 2 configuration? The one provided isn't for DB2 and I can't get the resource files to play very nice with DB1.
- Posts: 39
- Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:57 pm
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
Nice piece of work, I like how it keeps the 'spirit' of the original, but without all the fist sized pixels. Having as much fun as when I got the Original Wolfenstein in the mail and put it on my old 286/16, thank you.
I had never seen the two additional SOD episodes, were they user made, or commercial?
I had never seen the two additional SOD episodes, were they user made, or commercial?
- Posts: 17937
- Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:22 pm
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
They were commercial episodes created and sold by FormGen. Now they're bundled with Spear if you get it from Steam (and probably from the Id Store too, I guess).
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:01 am
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
So, no answer on Doom Builder?
I mostly ask because I'd like to go over it and give it the Wolfendoom treatment (add floors, ceilings, lights) because I think Wolfendoom is lacking in a few areas.
I mostly ask because I'd like to go over it and give it the Wolfendoom treatment (add floors, ceilings, lights) because I think Wolfendoom is lacking in a few areas.
- Posts: 17937
- Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:22 pm
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
If you want the resources to play nice with DB2, here's what you need to do:
1. Get 7zip if you don't already have it
2. Extract the content of the .pk7 files.
3. Zip the extracted content and use it as the resource for DB2.
1. Get 7zip if you don't already have it
2. Extract the content of the .pk7 files.
3. Zip the extracted content and use it as the resource for DB2.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:01 am
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
I tried that. It doesn't work.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:11 am
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
ok, forget all that I figured it out myself!
here it is: ... addon.html
and within is a sheet of the new textures, a sheet of my new weapons and my weapon mod is in there too! to run these, simply replace wolf3d_highres.pk7 with hires.pk3 in your considated.bat shortcut and add -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3 to the end to enjoy the gunpack too!
let me know how you get on.
Hi osjclatchford, how to properly install and run mod?
Help. Replaced, not working, whats wrong?
REM If your zdoom.ini file is in a location other than the default, put the path to your ZDoom .ini file here:
SET ZDoomINI="..\zdoom-%username%.ini"
REM This defines the IWAD to use if a PWAD is loaded
SET IWAD="..\doom2.wad"
REM If a command line parameter was provided, automatically load the IWAD as defined above
SET /A ArgCount=0
FOR %%C in (%*) DO SET /A ArgCount+=1
SET Addons=""
IF /I %ArgCount% GTR 0 SET Addons=%IWAD%
REM Change to the Wolf3D TC directory so that you can drag and drop from other folders and it will still work
CD "%~dp0"
REM Check to see if Wolf3D .ini file is already there
IF EXIST "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3D.ini" (
REM If so, run normally
START ..\zdoom.exe .\hires.pk3 -config "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3d.ini" -file %Addons% %* -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3
) ELSE (
REM If not, do initial setup for first run
COPY %ZDoomINI% "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3D.ini"
START ..\zdoom.exe .\hires.pk3 -config "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3d.ini" +exec Wolf3D.cfg -file %Addons% %* -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3
ok, forget all that I figured it out myself!
here it is: ... addon.html
and within is a sheet of the new textures, a sheet of my new weapons and my weapon mod is in there too! to run these, simply replace wolf3d_highres.pk7 with hires.pk3 in your considated.bat shortcut and add -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3 to the end to enjoy the gunpack too!
let me know how you get on.
Hi osjclatchford, how to properly install and run mod?
Help. Replaced, not working, whats wrong?
REM If your zdoom.ini file is in a location other than the default, put the path to your ZDoom .ini file here:
SET ZDoomINI="..\zdoom-%username%.ini"
REM This defines the IWAD to use if a PWAD is loaded
SET IWAD="..\doom2.wad"
REM If a command line parameter was provided, automatically load the IWAD as defined above
SET /A ArgCount=0
FOR %%C in (%*) DO SET /A ArgCount+=1
SET Addons=""
IF /I %ArgCount% GTR 0 SET Addons=%IWAD%
REM Change to the Wolf3D TC directory so that you can drag and drop from other folders and it will still work
CD "%~dp0"
REM Check to see if Wolf3D .ini file is already there
IF EXIST "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3D.ini" (
REM If so, run normally
START ..\zdoom.exe .\hires.pk3 -config "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3d.ini" -file %Addons% %* -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3
) ELSE (
REM If not, do initial setup for first run
COPY %ZDoomINI% "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3D.ini"
START ..\zdoom.exe .\hires.pk3 -config "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3d.ini" +exec Wolf3D.cfg -file %Addons% %* -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3
- Posts: 2059
- Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:02 am
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
eh?NitroWolf wrote:=EDIT=
ok, forget all that I figured it out myself!
here it is: ... addon.html
and within is a sheet of the new textures, a sheet of my new weapons and my weapon mod is in there too! to run these, simply replace wolf3d_highres.pk7 with hires.pk3 in your considated.bat shortcut and add -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3 to the end to enjoy the gunpack too!
let me know how you get on.
Hi osjclatchford, how to properly install and run mod?
Help. Replaced, not working, whats wrong?
REM If your zdoom.ini file is in a location other than the default, put the path to your ZDoom .ini file here:
SET ZDoomINI="..\zdoom-%username%.ini"
REM This defines the IWAD to use if a PWAD is loaded
SET IWAD="..\doom2.wad"
REM If a command line parameter was provided, automatically load the IWAD as defined above
SET /A ArgCount=0
FOR %%C in (%*) DO SET /A ArgCount+=1
SET Addons=""
IF /I %ArgCount% GTR 0 SET Addons=%IWAD%
REM Change to the Wolf3D TC directory so that you can drag and drop from other folders and it will still work
CD "%~dp0"
REM Check to see if Wolf3D .ini file is already there
IF EXIST "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3D.ini" (
REM If so, run normally
START ..\zdoom.exe .\hires.pk3 -config "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3d.ini" -file %Addons% %* -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3
) ELSE (
REM If not, do initial setup for first run
COPY %ZDoomINI% "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3D.ini"
START ..\zdoom.exe .\hires.pk3 -config "zdoom-%username%-Wolf3d.ini" +exec Wolf3D.cfg -file %Addons% %* -file osjc_wolfguns4.pk3
- Posts: 16891
- Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:20 am
- Location: An ancient Escape Shuttle(No longer active here anymore)
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
i don't get it too, but you don't need to quote the whole thing...that's the waste of the page. 

- Posts: 12
- Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:01 am
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
I've been trying to figure this out for some time now. For whatever reason, DB2 is not loading up the maps properly -- the vertices are there, but all of the texture and sprite names are wrong, so it's nothing but grey ?s everywhere.
It's driving me crazy. WTF am I doing wrong here? I feel like an idiot.
Can someone just give me a basic step-by-step guide to opening up, say, E2M1 in Doom Builder 2 properly? Assume I'm starting from scratch here with a fresh install of DB2 and the TC.
Using the configuration file spits out an error and maps don't actually load when I try. Maps load in Doom in Hexen format, but I'm faced with the ?s. Using DB1 the maps load but it's still endless ?s everywhere and the program spits a file path error message when I quit.
It's driving me crazy. WTF am I doing wrong here? I feel like an idiot.
Can someone just give me a basic step-by-step guide to opening up, say, E2M1 in Doom Builder 2 properly? Assume I'm starting from scratch here with a fresh install of DB2 and the TC.
Using the configuration file spits out an error and maps don't actually load when I try. Maps load in Doom in Hexen format, but I'm faced with the ?s. Using DB1 the maps load but it's still endless ?s everywhere and the program spits a file path error message when I quit.
- Posts: 2096
- Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:54 am
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
That's the content of the .BAT that is supplied with the mod. It helps you load everything in the right order and use its own settings.Captain J wrote:i don't get it too, but you don't need to quote the whole thing...that's the waste of the page.
Try changing the ..\zdoom.exe and other file paths to the actual filepaths.
By the way, you're supposed to extract the mod archive inside the folder where you installed zdoom/gzdoom.
- Posts: 209
- Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:47 am
- Graphics Processor: nVidia (Modern GZDoom)
- Location: Kadingir Sanctum, Hell (Postal Code: 666)
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
I have been trying to add HD textures to this mod but when they go in it only shows the top left corner of them in 64x64 I want to get them in 512x512 but just can't. I am including a link for others to download these textures (from New wolf's HD Texture Pack, reformatted for GZDoom) I hope someone else can get them to work and release it on Wolf TC page as an addon (which I will download immediately)
link is here: ... sp=sharing
link is here: ... sp=sharing
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:32 am
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
Hello. I've recently found this project and It's very good. There's just a little problem with some secrets not recognized. It looks like secret areas may sometimes be relocated to nearby wall (accesible with 'noclip' cheat code) - you can reproduce it for example in maps E2M1 or E4M1. I don't know if this happens while loading maps to ZDoom or some error during convertion (I'd suspect the second).
- Posts: 1112
- Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 12:49 pm
Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 2.0)
Try scaling 'em to 64x64 using TEXTURES.hoover1979 wrote:I have been trying to add HD textures to this mod but when they go in it only shows the top left corner of them in 64x64 I want to get them in 512x512 but just can't. I am including a link for others to download these textures (from New wolf's HD Texture Pack, reformatted for GZDoom) I hope someone else can get them to work and release it on Wolf TC page as an addon (which I will download immediately)
link is here: ... sp=sharing