Current playable version for 10-03-2017 ... 7.pk3?dl=1
Ogg versions of music (updated) ... g.pk3?dl=1
changelog for - 10-02-2017
- finished map22
- finished map24
- finished map25
- finished map26
- finished map27
- finished map28
- finished map29
- finished map30
- finished map31
- fixed particle bridges moving up if you're underneath it.
- particle bridge inherits from a zscript actor that lets you jump onto it from underneath. Thanks To Gutawer for zscript help!
- changed automap strings for kills,treasures,crystals (now that its available)
- teleport particles only activate when teleporting, freeing up memory otherwise used by it
- rewrote script for Power Wand, and may actually use it. Its a bit weird so I'll need more feedback on it.
- added handling for if your time is greater than 999.
- lowered chance for ghosts to fade to 1/4
- dragon boss done, added dinos (John Hammond would be so proud)
- picking up new special weapons doesn't remove other weapons (You still lose them at the end of a level though)
- returning from a teleport sets your last used weapon back (due to change above) (nevermind still need to fix)
- IDFA cheat no longer breaks weapons (good news for you cheaters!)
- lowered tree demon boss's health to 175
- made fireball much more destructive
- fixed a bug where some scripts were still using setammocapacity when no longer needed.
- fixed minor texturing & scrpting in map01
- renamed Gargoyle to Devil to avoid conflicts with another enemy
- added several E4 enemies
- added laser trap for E4
- fixed bug where explosive shots were throwing decorations in map20 around like crazy. WHUT
- added stuff for secret level
- new alternate hud sprites for powered shots
- new powerup - flamethrower!
- made the eastern crystal a bit more visible on map21 and tweaked bridges to it some.
- more small changes to early levels
- added small hints for multi-switch puzzles
- made jump and teleport potions fullbright to match other potions (and to make more visible)
- tweaked all 3d models to be gzdb friendly (most of them at least)
- lowered lava damage from 2 to 1.
- rewrote script for Power Wand again. (This is version six or so. I guess I don't know what I want)
- added secret weapon
- new weapon powerups for E3 secret level
- cookies!