EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

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Re: 3DGE 2.1.0 Test3 Released (12.13.2017)

Post by Coraline »

CeeJay wrote:A bit wonky when setting up. When switching from windowed to fullscreen I got a solid black background, restarted the game. Also, had to manually adjust the aspect ratio. Isn't it possible for EDGE to automatically detect these sorts of things?

Now, things I noticed after a very quick play: The exagerated shaking effect when the player is hit is still there. It is too much and it goes on for a little too long. It's like the player is having a seizure.

Also, something about the HUD face is broken. It got stuck in "rage" mode, and wouldn't change even when I restarted the game. Same pain state and all.

That is all for now.
Damn! The code I wrote to fix the fullscreen/window changes was accidentally removed somehow, must have not been paying attention. I'll fix it up! Sorry about that :/

Screen shaking effect is being written into COAL, that update will come shortly.

HUD face code needs slight reworking, we fixed it so it reacts faster but for some reason it is getting stuck in a state somewhere in the coal_hud.ec code. Will look into that too.
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Re: 3DGE 2.1.0 Test3 Released (12.13.2017)

Post by Enjay »

Coraline wrote:For now, we will have to use the SDL2 binaries from 2.0.5. We made the decision to not try and fix that mess and just continue working towards OpenAL since SDL2 is already being phased out. When 2.1.0 Final comes out, OpenAL will already have replaced SDL2 for audio processing =P Sorry if that's inconvenient Enjay,
but at least we know that using 2.0.5 fixes those problems. ;)
Not inconvenient at all. It makes sense not to spend much effort on putting a sticking plaster on it if you are phasing it out soon anyway.
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Re: 3DGE 2.1.0 Test3 Released (12.13.2017)

Post by CeeJay »

Feature suggestion: Autosaving and possibly improvements to the saving mechanics/menu.
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Re: 3DGE 2.1.0 Test3 Released (12.13.2017)

Post by RUNSABER »

Pleased with the new updates and additions to the engine! This can make 3DGE 64 and some of our projects really get the best creativity within the sandbox. Also the changes with the IMAGE.DDF code will be helpful as well :) Sometimes I load PNG skybox images into the game but if I want to save on space I can just use JPEG instead :D I would like to test it with some levels I'm working on but I'm still getting the same errors and crashes from before - with the game being aborted before I can start. I'm using the DOOM 2 iwad, and my CONFIG file from my old TEST 3 folder since that one works better than any of the releases so far. I've tried uploading my crashlog and debug info, as with that no such luck either. I'm trying to get a new 2-in-1 laptop anyway thats touch compatible and that can run GZDOOM Builder, and hopefully GZDOOM and 3DGE so that I can map on the go.
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by Coraline »

EDGE 2.1.0-RC-1 has been released via SourceForge! Binaries for Linux are coming later as I didn't have time to compile and upload before work!

https://sourceforge.net/projects/edge2/files/3DGE binaries/2.1/2.1.0/RC-1/

There is a huge list of changes between 2.1.0-Test3/2.0.4 and 2.1.0-RC1, so make sure to check out the CHANGELOG. Downloads are available currently for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms.

This release candidate is one of many that we are putting out before 2.1.0 Final, in the hopes that we can catch bugs and serious issues before the final launch.

Attached is a listing of the currently known bugs in the engine - before you ask for help, please look here first.


Known Bugs

- SDL2 Audio Support is still a mixed bag - later RC builds will replace the SDL2 audio sub-system with OpenAL, so we are not fixing this issue at the moment. If SDL2 2.0.8 gives you audio problems, try switching to SDL2 2.0.5 - this has been reported to fix the sound anomalies for some.

- Switching from Windowed mode to Fullscreen mode might leave your screen blank or black. Quick Fix: Simply restart EDGE and it will appear normally. Fullscreen mode is in a state of flux so if possible please do not use it - windowed mode at your desired resolution is the best choice for RC1.

- Sometimes menu navigation (especially Multiplayer) can be buggy - this will be improved in time

- Controller/Mouse/Keyboard support is broken for two-player splitscreen - this will be improved in later RC builds

- Traditional DOOM HUD bar is not scaled properly via coal_hud.ec - this will be fixed in a later RC

- Rise of the Triad is not yet playable with the original RTL (TED) levels yet, very minimal work in scripting code for that gameplay

- Wolfenstein3D is not yet playable (working on the BSP conversion) - this will be fixed in a later build
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by Enjay »

Looks nice so far and, just to confirm, SDL 2.0.5 still fixes the sound for me.

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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by chronoteeth »

lil bump, but is it possible to do interruptable frames? like lets say i have a weapon that shoots a bullet but like, has the obvious visual recoil, but if i were to fire during that recoil/certain frames, it'd fire again, like if i put refire on certain frames whenever the button is pressed again it restarts the animation. just wondering if its possible
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by wildweasel »

That can be done in ZDoom with A_WeaponReady instead of Refire, so I wonder if putting a Ready pointer on a state would do it (if the weapon is set for no auto fire).
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by RUNSABER »

@Teef: Try experimenting with a custom weapon state using STATES(INTERRUPT/INSERTYOURCUSTOMSTATENAMEHERE) and use your commands to call that state at anytime during the state's frames. It's either going to initiate that state after you press the fire button, or completely interrupt it and start another state via the #command. I hope that wasnt confusing. This computer I'm using can run 3DGE fine so I might play around with it. It doesnt guarantee that I'll get back to fiddling with this engine if I can't use it whenever I want, whenever. So it might look like this:

Code: Select all

Experiment with whether a comma after your command call or a semicolon would be effective in your studies. I need to start writing bare DDF again. Ever since I've had trouble running the engine I lost inspiration and a desire to continue pushing my limits with the engine's capabilities.
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by chronoteeth »

whoa when did hashtag commands come a thing? also the custom states is prolly gonna be awesome because if i can do multiple interrupts thats awesome
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by RUNSABER »

Bruh, commands have always been a thing, they've been hot since 1.36-1.4 tbh! Normally, #READY is used to return or force a weapon to return to it's ready state, for example after you fire your Super Shotgun, you can either use RELOAD, or create a separate state for the super shotgun's reloading frames. You can force a weapon to be deselected after weapon fire by adding #DOWN; (which calles the Down States for when you lower your weapon [HARDCODED]). I've seen you guys set up custom state frames via RTS that are called from DDF such as ENABLE_TAGGED_RTS. The OG Shut Up & Bleed is a perfect example of what can be done with RTS calls. You can do much more straight from DDF itself, allowing for more complex animatons. It's not exactly perfect like G/ZDoom, whereas if you already have sprites onscreen in your HUD, any sprite frames called from scripts overlap on top of the on screen sprites. This is like trying to use a grenade while firing a weapon. The weapon fire should either be interrupted, or the grenade toss is called after the weapon firing states instead of both happening at the same time. Maybe some work on that can be done by the devs for a future release. I might need to throw some examples in to explain this :idea:

Most of what I learn from 3DGE comes from studying past code from the pre-1.36F era, studying Ceejay's & Teeth's work in mods, looking at DECORATE to see what about it that can work in DDF and what doesn't (this is how I created custom power ups using COAL which is still a little vague) and experimenting with my own accidental coding. If anything I have you guys to thank for being so damn creative!

Here are your hard coded commands that work universally in the Tech Engine:
#Up; (selects primary weapon)
#Down; (lowers weapon)
#Ready; (readies weapon)
#Remove; (removes sprites/weapons/monsters/items from HUD)
#Attack (when fire is pressed)
#SecAttack (when secondary fire is pressed)
#Fly (flying states for things)
#Gib (jumps to gib states)
#Resurrect (jumps to resurrect frames i.e. archvile or nightmare resurrect respawn)
#Idle (when a thing is idle)

I may have missed something. But ANY command that is called besides these hard coded commands are custom commands. If I want a STATES (WARMUP) state for my Smooth Chaingun, I just set up the state how I normally would set up ATTACK states, only use the few frames available where the Chaingun is spinning, and I can arrange this state BEFORE my ATTACK state and it will play in sequence as soon as I press the fire key, or call it using #Warmup. A comma versus a semi colon is very important. Commas allow the state to continue playing regardless of the call, whereas a semicolon stops it immediately after the call.
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by StroggVorbis »

Is EDGE/RTS going to be capable of interruptable reload states, for example in shotguns? Because I missed that in Doom Forever & Duke it out in Doom, made you a sitting duck in the wrong situation :P
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by chronoteeth »

i dont know a lick of coal or rts. the code just confuses me.
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by CeeJay »

chronoteeth wrote:i dont know a lick of coal or rts. the code just confuses me.
Yeah, me too. I only really "half" understand it. Which is why most of my HUDs are copy-n-paste jobs and usually simplistic in nature. The only bit would be the health/ammo bars I use in Doom Forever, Heathen and that weird Egyptian-themed mod of mine. Trust me, it was a beast to get working correctly and nearly caused me to tear my hair off in the process out of pure frustration.

RTS is a little weird but isn't anywhere near as hard to understand in my opinion. Less code lingo and more straightforwad wording.
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Re: EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1 Released on 10.3.2018]

Post by RUNSABER »

I was also thrown a curve ball when it came to working with coal at first. It wasn't until I discovered that the HUD acts like a grid and the elements bound to it are tied to coordinates. Afraid of breaking things but daring to take a chance, I reverse - engineered the base engine's content by taking apart the EDGE HUD and rearranging it to create A Zdoom/PrBoom Style HUD. I also had to do the same to make a DOOM 64/ PSX HUD - all experiments to see what the code can do and by golly it can do it all if you can get the hang out it.

I'll say the *hardest* challenge with coding so far has been boss health during battles. I'm sure there was an easy way to do it by using COAL/RTS/DDF together yet my knowledge on Coal was crud back in 2016, resulting in a hacky hunk of codey mess that somehow manages to hold up for now. Fast forward, I can create currency using ammunition as a folly counter while COAL keeps track of how much "gold" I have. That's hacky, too :mrgreen:

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