Ok now i downloaded it, tried it for 1 level of Doom 2.
One thing i noticed is the view high ... feels like baby crawling on the floor
I know the player is supposed to be a 8yo kid but maybe you could consider upping the view high a little so at least the player won't have the impression to be crawling on the floor. But despise this little thing i'd say it's not a bad wad for a first one
One more thing : I suggest you at least include a story to introduce the boy. Like why he is all alone with a shotgun in a place full of demons and stuff. This could help some people to accept the concept of a kid shooting all around like that. Of course you could add some kiddy stuff (like instead of monsters you could replace them with teddybears or any other toys) This would also help the player to immerse himself a bit more into the character.
By the way there is a small error in the "GAMEINFO" file, just remove the first line and it will run well. That's what i did to make it run.