well I tried to simply add 2nd player start but I think there's a teleport trigger on map and scripts based on playerclass, that seems working properly only in Single player at current state. For the tracker was enough to change the script from "void" to "enter" type, but in this case I wasn't that lucky. I'll do some research to see if it could be improved somehow!
yes for the sight sprites I was expecting that, maybe as quick fix without touching them, we could do some A_SetPitch in ironsight state (I think of a value about -2.2)
I had a quick try but in current state structure it keeps incrementally aiming up in the sky lol. plus when going in realready state from selecting weapon and not from "unsighting" it could need a workaround for not make it pitch down same as when coming back from sight state.. anyway I think the easiest way should be this one.