Aliens: The Ultimate Doom

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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Payload4367 »

The ERADICATION map set is mostly designed for single player, but I do plan on looking into co-op for it when everything else is done. I haven't tried it yet, but you may be able to use the pk3 mod (the file that comes with the map set) with other wads that support co-op.
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Sevrei »

Is it possible to play via GZDoom on Android? I've tried multiple ways but haven't had any success.
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by eadzon64 »

for me it's possible with Delta touch gzdoom source port
but there you need gles 3.2 and gzdoom dev
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Sevrei »

Edit: Thanks. I've installed Delta Touch and configured gles 3.2 and GZDoom dev. Eradication plays a bit sluggish for my Huawei P20 Mate but fun
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Kontra Kommando »

Great Play-though that demonstrates the whole mod.
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Kontra Kommando »

Payload has posted the full-version release of Aliens: Eradication on Moddb: ... radication
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Payload4367 »


DOWNLOAD (mod and mapset in zip): ... rc2-update


Changes from RC1 to RC2 (Graphics, weapon, alt fires, etc.)

Improvements, fixes and additions based on feedback from the modding community (See below).

-Alien BLOOD/ACID COLOR is a dull yellowish/green instead of neon green which is used for the Predator.
-MOTION TRACKER signals are no longer color coded for individual actors and are now represented by simple white dots. Facehugger warning has been removed.
-MOTION TRACKER audio is closer to the movie audio.
-Under water counter for remaining oxygen added to hud.
-FLAMETHROWER prevented from firing under water.
-Various sound improvements.
-KNIFE added to starting weapons (except the Colonist, who must find it).
-PISTOL no longer has infinite ammo.
-PISTOL can be switched from FULL AUTO to SEMI AUTO for Yutani-Operative and Synthetic classes.
-FLAMETHROWER fire rips through multiple enemies.
-FLAMETHROWER has alternate fire which tosses a fuel canister that can be detonated when shot. It can be picked up again and the fuel added back to your inventory.
-SHOTGUN now has proper frames when reloading.
-Player dismounts the POWERLOADER when changing weapons. You can get back in it.
-Player's view height raises when using the POWERLOADER.
-FLARES can be thrown at any angle with mouse look and leave behind a burnt out flare when expired.
-Various sprite improvements.
-TRACER FIRE speed increased for all weapons.
-Map 7 now has a timer until exit lift arrives for the Yutani Class.
-Various other map fixes.

Extra Credits for RC2: Zikshadow - Added combat knife
- Added under water counter
- Sprite fixes (shotgun, satchel charge, pulse rifle, iron sites, Bonus med kit, motion tracker, and more)
- Decorate (flamethrower, pulse rifle, power loader, weapon tracers, motion tracker, and more)
- SNDINFO (modified footsteps)
- Playtesting.
Last edited by Payload4367 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Valken »

Looking forward to this! Thanks for the updates!
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Gamerwarrior117 »

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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Payload4367 »

Gamerwarrior117 wrote:i downlaoded the mod. great work. But, i get these errors.
Hmmm. I've tested it with GZDoom 4.4.2. What version are you using? Also, make sure you load the pk3 file first, then the wad in your load order. Hope this helps.
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Gamerwarrior117 »

Payload4367 wrote:
Gamerwarrior117 wrote:i downlaoded the mod. great work. But, i get these errors.
Hmmm. I've tested it with GZDoom 4.4.2. What version are you using? Also, make sure you load the pk3 file first, then the wad in your load order. Hope this helps.
im using the latest version of gzdoom from DRD Team Development. does it have it that version of 4.4.2?

its working now. i guess using certain launchers are not compatabile or didn't load right.
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by karry299 »

For Alien Ultimate mod, how old does my GZdoom has to be ? The latest GZ runs the mod, but there are LOADS of loading errors and it doesnt quite feel like it works correctly.
Edit: right, in 3.0 it barely works. In 3.7 the flashlight can actually be turned on, but Q key still gives "unknown script" error.
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Re: Acheron Productions: Aliens-Themed Doom Mods/Sharing Gro

Post by maratnugmanov »

Kontra Kommando wrote: ... 0/#6535631

I have released the 1.1 update to the mod.

I've reduced the speed of the xenomorphs

I also fixed a few other bugs and glitches.
Is this the last Aliens: The Ultimate Doom mod version? This doesn't play well with the current GZDoom, the flashlight is not working and Q button gives an error too. What I love about this version of mod is the music and the pace. I've tried Aliens: Eradication's pk3 but it's a bit of a mixed bag with Doom maps. I love aliens crawling above me though.

And couple of words for Eradication's RC2: maybe i'm that bad but i don't have enough ammo for the first map as a colonist at least.
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[PROBLEM]No flashlight.

Post by dreamworkeraholic »

[PROBLEM]No flashlight.
Tried Tried ALIENS ERADICATION RC2 with GZDoom from 3.3.0, ..., to 4.4.2 - flashlight not working, plz help.
Flares work correctly, used OpenGL renderer, dynamic lighting is on.
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Re: [NEW Aliens: Eradication ] -Aliens: The Ultimate Doom Th

Post by Payload4367 »

Hello all!

The newest build of ALIENS: ERADICATION TC with many improvements and additions is here. After testing and tweaking the Eradication mapset, my attention turned to improving gameplay with the Doom/Doom2 iwads and custom maps/pwads.

The original goal of this project was to simply make a set of maps using assets from Kontra Kommando's Aliens: Trilogy/Ultimate Doom mod. While making these maps I would get an idea or two and edit the original Mod to implement the idea. A few ideas turned into dozens and the result is what I present to you today. This latest update focuses mostly on the Total Conversion when playing with the original Doom and Doom2 maps and custom maps that use mostly vanilla assets. The edits made to the mod in order to implement the ideas used in the Eradication mapset kinda broke the balance in these other maps/wads. After many hours of playtesting I am very happy with the game play experience. After testing wads like Scythe, Base Ganymede, Doom and Doom2 the way id did, Lunar catastrophe, and many others (see readme for a comprehensive list of wads that work well with ALIENS: ERADICATION TC) on all difficulty settings, I felt it was time for an update release. Enjoy and Thank you.

Download ALIENS ERADICATION TC (NEW UPDATE) - Mod DB: ... new-update

*New changes in this update*

Added ALT fire "Burst shot" to SHOTGUN that fires 3 shells in quick succession.
Added an adrenaline speed boost that last for 30 seconds and then recharges after a short time. This was added to compensate for the slower player speed in the mod. Some doom platforming
in various wads was impossible with this slower movement speed. This feature will help with wads that disable jumping allowing the player to use speed and possibly strafe running to
traverse these sections. It can also help with nukage areas and to help in particularly hard fights.
Rebalanced boss level (ERADICATION MAPSET) for all classes. The challenge was too much and felt cheap.
More balancing for iwad/pwad item placements and amounts.
Human enemies have a burning death animation when killed with fire.
Player can run while reloading from iron sights. Previously, player speed would remain reduced until reload finished.
Weapons revert to normal sights after reloading from iron sights. Pressing the iron sights key during reload animation will return to iron sights after reloading.

*Previous updates (just in case you missed them)*

Changes from RC2 to RELEASE:

Added IRON SIGHTS to pistol.
Player movement is slowed when using iron sights.
The FRIENDLY COLONIST now shows up in IWADS/PWADS as a cocooned human. You can rescue him with the "use key" or leave him to his fate.
Once released, he can be ordered to follow or stand ground.
More xeno CEILING BEHAVIOR. Previously, the standard ceiling Xenos would not jump back up to the ceiling after dropping the initial time.
They do now...randomly jumping back and forth between ceiling and floor.
Red border on MOTION TRACKER only appears when a facehugger is within range.
More sprite work (improved iron site on Pulse Rifle, Pistol iron sights, etc)
Fixed dynamic rotating emergency lights. They previously stopped working for some reason.
Keys represented on HUD when found. (forgot this from last update log)
Fixed smartgun tracer when playing with IWADS/PWADS. (was slightly bugged before)
More BRIGHTMAPS. Lots more...
Fixed BFALL1 and SFALL1 textures with appropriate dripping slime/acid.
Fixed some texture patches and alignments.
Changes from RC1 to RC2:

Alien BLOOD/ACID COLOR is a dull yellowish/green instead of neon green which is used for the Predator.
MOTION TRACKER signals are no longer color coded for individual actors and are now represented by simple white dots. Facehugger warning has been removed.
MOTION TRACKER audio is closer to the movie audio.
Under water counter for remaining oxygen added to hud.
FLAMETHROWER prevented from firing under water.
Various sound improvements.
KNIFE added to starting weapons (except the Colonist, who must find it).
PISTOL no longer has infinite ammo.
PISTOL can be switched from FULL AUTO to SEMI AUTO for Yutani-Operative and Synthetic classes.
FLAMETHROWER fire rips through multiple enemies.
FLAMETHROWER has alternate fire which tosses a fuel canister that can be detonated when shot. It can be picked up again and the fuel added back to your inventory.
SHOTGUN now has proper frames when reloading.
Player dismounts the POWERLOADER when changing weapons. You can get back in it.
Player's view height raises when using the POWERLOADER.
FLARES can be thrown at any angle with mouse look and leave behind a burnt out flare when expired.
Various sprite improvements.
TRACER FIRE speed increased for all weapons.
Map 7 now has a timer until exit lift arrives for the Yutani Class.
Various other map fixes.
Changes in DEMO 2:

Hud scaling is fixed for all resolutions.
Hatched eggs no longer count towards the total monster count.
Flares no longer pass through unbroken vents and no longer break windows.
Aliens behaviour is slightly more aggressive.
Smart gun locked behaviour improved.
The COLONIST has access to the colony's electrical and fuel systems creating opportunities to set fire and electrocution traps.
The MERCENARY must fight colonist, conducting a raid to steal valuable research and material related to the xenomorphs (who have gotten out, of course).
The YUTANI OPERATIVE must fight mercenaries, colonist, and xenos in a sweeping "Kill Them All, Leave No Witnesses" mission.
The COMBAT SYNTHETIC must find repair/replacement stations located through out the colony to heal and cannot use the standard (human) health kits.
The COMBAT SYNTHETIC has a data base of schematics for the colony compound, providing it with the full automap on start up.

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