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...Y'know, now that you mention it, Benellus DOES bear a bit of a resemblance to ol' Loki's Mask, what with the Invulnerability Sphere for a face and all.
PRINCE SHAMALAMADINGDONG wrote: Hi there, I have releaseded a 1.2 version of a Uber'd project! Now go play that thing, be god of gunshots and have agood day!
1.2 Choonglog:
- Captain Akimbo's BOMB item has been replaced, temporarily turn into Benellus, the god of shotguns!
- Optional minibosses were added to map03 and map05
- Map03 has been slightly extended for the miniboss
- High tier and boss enemies will no longer have Xdeath. (You can't gib 'em basically.)
- It is easier to gib an enemy now.
- Many new gibbing animations. Thanks to cap'n of the J.
- Barrels have been added, hooray!
Did you switch to make this only compatible with the developer version of GZdoom? I only ask, because with version 1.1 I was able to launch with GZdoom no problem.
With 1.2 It gives me this error.
Regardless it works fine on the developer version. I was just wondering.
Now you're talking! It took many days to make fancy death animations for this mod, but now they're all finished and my really, absolutely forgotton quest is completed.
1.3 Changelog
CHANGED: Benellus powerup now lasts 12 seconds instead of 10
CHANGED: Pinky demons provide score now.
CHANGED: Ghost revenant decoys (Only in hard difficulty) no longer have +NOCLIP on them.
CHANGED: Barrels are nearly immune to Cap'n Akimbo's altfire projectile, now you can move barrels and fireblu cubes around. They also violently shake when they're about to explode.
CHANGED: Harlequins have their health reduced, making it easier to gain the extra score.
CHANGED: Final boss has 17000 health instead of 30000, how it was THAT high I will never know.
REMOVED: Bonus points for not losing any health or not using bombs, seemed way too difficult to try that.
ADDED: Decided to add back a menu that appeared in private betas
ADDED: UBER score! Worth 5,000 points!
ADDED: Obituraries added to many enemies.
ADDED: More secrets!
ADDED: Originally, you couldn't get out the second half of level 5 and return to the first half. Now there's a teleporter back, incase you missed anything.
ADDED: The final boss could easily be destroyed with a bfg up close, now it has a special attack if you're too close.
ADDED: Speaking of BFGs, the akimbo bfgs are here!
ADDED: New enemy: The enemy, there's only three of them in the entire wad, they will drop a special item for your class.
For captain akimbo, it's rare ammo used for the akimbo bfg's altfire, use wisely.
FIXED: Benellus no longer has a red screen flash when damaged
FIXED: Many errors in the console were fixed, unknown textures and some decorate mistakes were taken care of
Last edited by Darsycho on Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
Alrighty, the only thing left to do is have a animation for the BFG alt fire. (Currently, it's a silly placeholder)
The next version will be posted on /idgames.
1.4 Changelog
ADDED: BFG sprites and animation, missing alt fire animation though.
ADDED: Epilogue
ADDED: New sprites for the final boss
ADDED: Starting at 100,000 score, hitting a score milestone will also provide you with a backpack.
ADDED: Fancy bullet impacts
ADDED: Decals for weapons and enemies