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Okie dokie, project uber 1.0 is now out. Check the first post for download.
Lots of things still need to be done, such as replacing the placeholders sprites, bug fixes, new classes to add, some things could be reworked, some changes here and there, lots of things. I also might either make separate maps for multiplayer, or a separate gamemode for multiplayer.
Ah, I did a mistake that makes map05 impossible, there is a part where you need to kill four cardinals (The floating cyberdemons) and it would reveal the exit in the center of the map, I forgot to have the script actually run though.
So if you ever run into this part and pretty much have no idea what to do next, just type "puke 2" in the console and it should fix it, do it only after you've killed the four cardinals though.
This mod is really cool, so some questions about this:
1. How many classes is this mod gonna have?
2. Is that bug on map 05 gonna be fixed in next version?
3. How many enemies are needed to be replaced?
4. Were you thinking of making more levels in singleplayer (just asking, they were good)?
QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote:
1. How many classes is this mod gonna have?
I have four planned, maybe five.
QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote:
2. Is that bug on map 05 gonna be fixed in next version?
Yes, I'll be releasing 1.1 soon, but for now just use "puke 2" in console right after you kill the four cardinals (The floating cyberdemons).
QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote:
3. How many enemies are needed to be replaced?
What do you mean exactly?
QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote:
4. Were you thinking of making more levels in singleplayer (just asking, they were good)?
At the moment, no.
Edit: Added information on Captain Akimbo on the first post.
Captain Akimbo - Carries two guns at once and can fire both simultaneously. Weapons
1 - Dual Pistols - Fast firing, does more damage if monster is up close. Altfire shoots a deathball that uses health as ammo, last ditch effort weapon.
2 - Dual shotguns - One pump-action, one sawn-off. 'Nuff said
3 - Chaingun and rocket launcher - Title says it all.
4 - Dual plasma - Fire is basically regular ol' plasma rifle. Altfire shoots a slower firing but stronger plasma beam, hold altfire to strengthen the beam at the cost of more ammo.
5 - BFG - Not finished, works like regular bfg. Altfire is beta BFG. Will be changed.
Berserk: Berserk will make pistols even faster, and altfire more powerful. Bomb: Akimbo's bomb will shoot rockets everywhere and make him temporarily invulnerable. Keep in mind, this means you can now use pistol's altfire without taking damaging.
QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote:For enemies i meant placeholders.
Several, not sure what the exact amount is, but for the most part it's stuff I can fix myself. (Such as the final boss sprite)
However, there is a sprite that I tried to do myself but I can't sprite to save my life, such as...
Spoiler: Don't click unless you've passed level 3
This here is basically suppose to be a ''super'' version of the jetpack revenant. This version won't use a jetpack though.
What's missing is the shoulder cannons (tried to use doom64 mancubus cannons, looked bad), the extra arms (check the death sprites, you'll see), and some frames have part of an arm missing.
What I was thinking of was the shoulder cannons were connected to the mega revenant's back in a similar way of the mancubus.
Anyhow, just updated the first post with version 1.1 with some minor fixes.
Spoiler: 1.1 Changelog
-ADDED: Fixed some bloodcolors on some enemies, such as blue blood on cacodemons.
-ADDED: Several new props were added to map03.
-CHANGED: Pistol altfire is stronger, both on normal and berserk mode.
-CHANGED: Fusionar sprites
-FIXED: Several texture mistakes and misalignments here and there.
-FIXED: Melee revenants were slower on harder difficulties.
-FIXED: Map05 had a script that did not execute, thus making it impossible to continue on.
-MISC: Added some forgotten credits, such as Paul Corfiatis. (Map04 was built off of here --- ... -9/0scraps )
Last edited by Darsycho on Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just bringing a small discussion about what should BFG akimbo be like, because now it is Primary: Classic, Secondary: BFG 2704. Would you like to see this akimbo or with BFG 10k?
Hmmm, the plasma alt fire was basically the BFG-tier weapon here. I could make it where the plasma altfire doesn't charge unless you have a module or something, which would replace the BFG pickup. Of course this would mean missing the opportunity of having frickin' akimbo BFGs, the idea itself sounds overpowered as shit so having it as a secret weapon that you need to unlock/find sounds like a good idea.
Anyhow, if anybody's beaten this mod, please lemme know what your "final score" was, which is display right after the credits. (Oh, and what difficulty you played on, I probably should include that with the final score as well)
is jumping intended to be used? its not off by default, and i don't understand how i can beat the first level without it, but I wanna be sure I'm "doing it right".
I also found a max health in the second level by rocket jumping, and wanted to ask about that too. EDIT: found a to get it without. still not sure about the first level.