Meanwhile, this is a very horrific command-line setup you have. Let's clean it up:
Code: Select all
start gzdoom -iwad doom2.wad -host 2 -extratic -skill 4 -file MM.WAD MMMUS.WAD brutalv20.pk3 smivhudwidescreen.wad +sv_noweaponspawn 1 +sv_weaponstay 1 +sv_samespawnspot 1 +sv_allowjump 1 +sv_doubleammo 1
Code: Select all
start gzdoom -iwad doom2.wad -join -file MM.WAD MMMUS.WAD brutalv20.pk3 smivhudwidescreen.wad
- -netmode 0 is implied.
- You could probably just swap in +dmflags 2228228 +dmflags2 4160, without all the gameplay settings.
- You do not need to repeat dmflags and other such gameplay settings on a guest node. They are already going to receive that information.
- cl_noprediction and cl_predict_specials are archived, and in the network settings menu. You don't need to constantly set them.