Valherran wrote:There is a problem with getting hit by projectiles in this MOD. Every time I am hit I freeze in place for 1 second.
More information is needed when you report a bug. Which IWAD were you playing, namely, would be extremely helpful here. There are three different sets of monster data for the three different idTech 1 games, and all of those monsters have all of that projectile data individually defined. I have never experienced this bug before with any monster or any projectile (even when the projectiles were solid), and I've never seen anyone else report this either, so you'll have to be more specific.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:For you, or anyone who would like to add level up or skill points, or stuff, to a character, never, EVER use Give All, nor Give Ammo (I'm sorry for your ear drums. I'm so sorry). Experience seems to be a type of "ammo" that levels you up when it's maxed.
Yes; like most mods that wish to have some sort of consistent mechanic (like stats in an RPG), WoC uses the inventory to store all of the stats, level-up, and skill data. As far as I know, it's the easiest and least janky way to implement something like an RPG system into a ZDoom game. Experience points is an ammo type, everything else is just an invisible inventory item, I think.
Triple S wrote:Anyway, I can't seem to replicate it at all. Weird. I was playing through Epic2 and threw about five green flasks on each side of the Baron of Hell trap in Map05. I hit the switch and as they took damage I got bursts of health gain. Can't seem to trigger it again.
What class were you playing? What weapon did you have out when you experienced the health gain? Did you have any powerups activated?
EDIT: Shield bash for Cleric is kinda wonky. Most of the time when I use it on an enemy it'll do the shield swipe, hitting for 1 damage with no knockback. If I hold the button down or alternate between shield swipes and standard melee manually, it'll always do the swipe. But if I swipe an enemy and tap the button a second time, I'll do a shield bash without fail. Is this intended? It seems that the shield bash only works if the last time I hit the enemy, it was with the shield swipe (as in I can't shield, mace, bash, but I can shield, mace, shield, bash or mace, shield, bash)
Hmm. Can't say I have had issues with enemies being properly knocked back with the shield before, even on the first hit. Holding the button down to swing with the mace in-between is intentional, however. I think Lloyd coded the shield bash that way so that players couldn't spam it very easily. It is also supposed to hit for only one damage, being a tool for knocking monsters away from you. I'll look at it and make sure there aren't any inconsistencies.
EDIT: Lloyd's weapon states have different branches for "hit" and "miss" animations. The knockback effect only occurs on the hit animation, which wasn't being reached every other shield bash because somehow the timing was changed so that the attack that fires and deals 1 damage (which returns a "hit" counter to the player) and the check for the "hit" counter was occurring at the same time, meaning that the check would miss it, since it all happened at the exact same time instead of checking immediately afterwards. This results in the player with a "hit" counter for his shield, which would then trigger the next time he swings his shield, when normally the hit counters aren't supposed to sit in a player's inventory after a weapon animation finishes.
TL;DR: I fixed it. Still weird, though, since I didn't have this issue before, and I didn't mess with the shield bash other than to add a script execute when I was fucking around with the crazy projectile stuff, which I have since removed. Also, the "shield swipe" you're referring to is an animation for missing and isn't ever supposed to happen fi you hit something.