(Designed for Brutal Doom v19)
Please ensure you are using the latest Git build of GZDoom. (obtainable here)
When you load the patch, do not load Brutal Doom alongside it, because the patch will load it automatically.
Just make sure that Brutal Doom's pk3 is in the same folder as GZDoom or is in any of your custom filesearch paths.
Zandronum will NOT be supported until it supports the following features:
Spoiler:Please ensure you are using the latest Git build of GZDoom.
Code: Select all
* Fixed "Unknown" value for "Drop Items on Death" in menu (turns out this bug also stopped you from disabling the feature)
* Added "NoAmmo" state for Shotgun (a.k.a it now clicks when it has no ammo and you try to fire/reload)
* Patch version number is now listed at startup
* Fixed bug that caused the shotgun infinite ammo fix to only work with manual reloads
* Fixed bug that caused you to throw all of your meatshields upon death/suicide if you had the "drop items on death" option enabled
* Fixed bug that caused you to only drop SOME of your weapons when you die if you had that feature enabled.
* Removed DoomMetal autoload
* Added "Allow >100 Regeneration" option to menu
* Increased regeneration slider maximum from 100 to 200
* Added blood fade options, can go from instant to 5 minutes, or never fade.
* SSG improvements
* Fixed a mistake I made where I forgot to give the player "Melee_Attacks2" instead of "Melee_Attacks" (this would prevent you from using Melee unless you used cheats)
* Added full reload function for SSG
I'm working on the patch again, with some old and new fixes:
* Brutal help menu works in Ultimate Doom/Registered Doom (Doom 1)
* Loads DoomMetal, DoomMetal2, DoomMetalVol3 and\or DoomMetalVol4 in proper order if present
* Automatically loads Brutal Doom v19 if present, no shortcuts or batch files needed, just load the patch by itself!
* Large amount of fixes to the SSG
* Custom "fuck yourself" sounds can be used, hell, you can change it to the sound of an imp just by changing a console variable (cl_fuckyourself)
* Infinite ammo works
* Built-in regeneration addon, can be enabled/disabled in the options menu
* You now have the option to have all your weapons drop on the ground when you die (like in Postal 2)
* MP40 shows ammo count
* SSG shows ammo count
* You now start with a pistol as well as the rifle. The pistol is completely optional to use of course.
* Minor cosmetic fixes
* Weapon tracers look the same in GL and Software thanks to voxels
Options Menu:

Download (or get it on ModDB):