Not required, back up purposes.

Gooberman's chase cam code intrigued me, so I put it to use in a project idea that I had put on hold because of this very issue. I've sorta recreated Aerostyle, though the map is handled differently. Just like Aerostyle, control is really simple. Look Left/Right to bank, Fire to shoot, and AltFire to perform a roll (can't be hit while rolling). If you fly off the edge of the map, the game automatically turns you around. Player death is not handled yet.
I picked my Nausicaa models to test things out. I'm tempted to convert all my Aerostyle themes though (save the warbird obviously).... As well as my old flight sims....
Fly Pejitei's gunship against the aircraft of the Kingdom of Torumekia and Dorok Principalities. There is no end, just keeps spawning enemies.
Torumekian aircraft:
Strike Bomber - Forward MG
Light Corvette - Dual Forward MG
Medium Corvette - Forward Cannon, Rear MG
Armoured Corvette - Dual Forward Cannon, MG Turret
Bumblecrow - 4 x MG Turrets
Dorok aircraft:
Flying Jar - Forward Cannon, MG Turret
Air Monitor - 4 x Cannon Turrets
Bumblecrow and Air Monitor also have engines that need to be shot out.
The original Periphery Wars flight sims had a ground war element, but I'm not sure if my machine can handle adding it to this project. For now, just messing with things as they are.