Periphery Wars

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Periphery Wars

Post by LilWhiteMouse » (Nov 17 2013) Drag and drop on GZDoom to play. Not required, back up purposes.


Gooberman's chase cam code intrigued me, so I put it to use in a project idea that I had put on hold because of this very issue. I've sorta recreated Aerostyle, though the map is handled differently. Just like Aerostyle, control is really simple. Look Left/Right to bank, Fire to shoot, and AltFire to perform a roll (can't be hit while rolling). If you fly off the edge of the map, the game automatically turns you around. Player death is not handled yet.

I picked my Nausicaa models to test things out. I'm tempted to convert all my Aerostyle themes though (save the warbird obviously).... As well as my old flight sims....

Fly Pejitei's gunship against the aircraft of the Kingdom of Torumekia and Dorok Principalities. There is no end, just keeps spawning enemies.

Torumekian aircraft:
Strike Bomber - Forward MG
Light Corvette - Dual Forward MG
Medium Corvette - Forward Cannon, Rear MG
Armoured Corvette - Dual Forward Cannon, MG Turret
Bumblecrow - 4 x MG Turrets

Dorok aircraft:
Flying Jar - Forward Cannon, MG Turret
Air Monitor - 4 x Cannon Turrets

Bumblecrow and Air Monitor also have engines that need to be shot out.

The original Periphery Wars flight sims had a ground war element, but I'm not sure if my machine can handle adding it to this project. For now, just messing with things as they are.
Last edited by LilWhiteMouse on Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by Yholl »

Haha, you never cease to amaze, LilWhiteMouse. This is awesome, having some fun with this now.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by MarioHR »


...I am....speechless...
This is incredible. Excellent work

Sincerely, Mario
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by Abba Zabba »

Reminds me a bit (from the screenshot anyway) of Radical Aces.

May I ask how many levels there are?

Sequel that I haven't played yet but looks good
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Misc cosmetic additions (including new HUD).
The "title image" is there to hide the background world generation. When the map is ready it starts automatically.
Lava Grunt wrote:May I ask how many levels there are?
What you see is what you get ATM.
Last edited by LilWhiteMouse on Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by The Zombie Killer »

I really am jealous of your modding skills, LWM :p
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by Enjay »

Hah! Fantastic, and very Aerostyle-like in the way it plays.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by Nash »

That blue craft is in desperate need of some AO baking... XD May I tinker with it?
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Nash wrote:That blue craft is in desperate need of some AO baking... XD May I tinker with it?
Technically, all the models do, but texturing is past my skill set. As to tinkering, go ahead. Just be forewarned though I'll probably stick with mine, as baking will probably require you to entirely re-texture the model, which will take it outside my ability to edit on a whim.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Just for historical reference, screenshots from the original Periphery Wars:
Note the models used flat shading.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by Nash »

Alright, noted. And about the original screenshots (never heard of the original, sorry :S)... well, flat shading is still better than no shading. :P

(Another one of those "I wish GZDoom has shaded models" moments I guess...)
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Nash wrote:(never heard of the original, sorry :S)
How is that possible? I advertised my sims even less then I do my mods here, and in a community that was much (much, much...) smaller then Dooms. It's inconceivable....
Nash wrote:(Another one of those "I wish GZDoom has shaded models" moments I guess...)
I prefer to be thankful I can use models at all.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by Nash »

It's not your fault, my library and knowledge of known games is just rather... limited. :S I guess I haven't been playing enough video games that's all.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by LilWhiteMouse »
Ground war added. Defeat the invading force's "boss" ship to stop the flow of troops. Once the ground troops are cleared, it alternates to the other force. ATM it's infinite, but I'm thinking of having a set number of troopers garrisoned to declare victory.
For every three enemy targets destroyed, an allied brig will be dispatched to reinforce the troops.
Brigs can also sometimes deliver repair balloons that will rise up from Pejitei City. Shoot it down to restore some health.

New (background) units:
Periphery Brig transport
Periphery Rifle Squad
Torumekian Horseclaw Cavalry
Torumekian Armor Squad
Torumekian Tank
Dorok Warrior Monks
Dorok Siege Tower
Dorok Heedra

Now that I've gotten this far, I've got it into my head to turn this into a campaign, featuring the key locations of the manga.

Idea spoiler (If you've read the manga, nothing surprising.):
Nash wrote:I guess I haven't been playing enough video games that's all.
Tsk Tsk. Shame on you. I was a naughty girl today myself. I went for a walk. Fresh Maine air. Oh, how I suffered.....

[EDIT] Updated first post with new screenshots.
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Re: Periphery Wars

Post by LilWhiteMouse »
Hit a bit of a creative slump, so I'm uploading what I have so far. Various tweaks and improvements. The first four maps are playable: Pejitei City, Valley of the Wind, Sea of Corruption, and Fukai. The latter two I haven't spent much time with.

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