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[Downloaded before the time of this edit? Download it again! The bugs have been ruthlessly squashed!]
Doom 2 The Way id Did is the long awaited sequel to 2011's smash hit gargantuan, Doom The Way id Did. It comprises 32 fully texture-mapped mazes that endeavour to both look and play as though they've come from Dallas, 1994. From the very toiling hands of Sandy, John and American! The idea was originally kicked about by Jason Root aka Hellbent, whose passion for the game and knack for growing enthusiasm resulted in one of the most successful community collaborations in Doomworld history – not to mention an impressive collection of more than 100 total submissions. While not quite as successful as the first project in this regard, painstaking lengths have been made by those involved to ensure that D2TWiD is as true a doppelganger of id's Doom 2 as it could ever be. And we hope you agree!
We also hope you enjoy playing Doom 2 The Way id Did. Unless you disliked the game, in which case we'd be honoured if you regarded it with just as much contempt.
Here, have some promotional media!

>> Download! <<
D2TWiD reserves the right to contain horrifyingly awful bugs and breaks. If you've found one, chances are it has been subjected to twid software's Leave It In™ policy. If you think whatever it is you've found is just too horrendous to go unchallenged, however (the map cannot be completed. The map doesn't exist), please report it in here and we'll do what we can to correct the issue.
List of fixes made [last edit]:
- Removed teleporter closet above sector [84] in map02
- Removed multiplayer flag from SSG in map06
- Added easy and medium difficulty flags to RL in map06
- Fixed erroneously red-locked yellow key door in map09
- Changed position of walkover line from [766] to [415] in map25
- Unlocked sector [84] in map20
- raised exterior of exit door by 8 units in map21.
- Removed unneeded LANGUAGE lump
- Fixed broken teleporter closet in map25.