A thread for the advancement of DoomRL Arsenal to a proper release.
All work created by SoloSpaghetti in this thread may not be used in other projects unless DoomRL Arsenal is no longer worked on, or if SoloSpaghetti's permission is given. If you use them without permission, he will be cranky. And if he's cranky, I'm cranky. So yeah, PM him first.
08/12/13 - Updated main post with info about SoloSpaghetti's work. Also, Beta 5 is rapidly approaching being finished with a butt-ton of new stuff.
Phaseshift Boots - Part of the Phaseshift set, I'm quite interested to see what you do here, considering how cool and unique you made the Phaseshift armor.
Cerberus Boots - Paired up with the Cerberus armor, maybe have a set of three vertical red lights on it?
Gothic Boots - Big clunky medieval boots to go with the Gothic armor.
Nyarlaptotep's Boots - Part of a set with Malek's armor, which gives you immunity to fire. Yes, it's that ridiculous.
Tactical Boots - Goes with the Tactical armor. Doesn't need to be fancy, just matches the color.
Acid-proof Boots - Techy boots with green lights built into the front upper section, or something.
Antigrav Boots - Techy boots with some sort of hovering mechanism on the bottom.
Grappling Boots - Some sort of clamp or grappler attachment on the boot to attac yourself to the floor to prevent knockback.
Lava Boots - Goes with the Lava armor. I'll probably make a nice set bonus for wearing both parts.
Fireproof Boots - Probably make this in the same style as the Fireproof Armor, the dark grey with a colored rim.
Enviroboots - I don't know. A much bulkier version of the Enviromental Boots, maybe? These things are the bees knees, though.
Environmental Boots - Not sure really. It's really resistant to floor damage.
Steel Boots - Basically, edit the Duke3D boots or something to look like the boots that the marine sprite has.
Protective Boots - A more armored looking boot, with a green colored rim.
Plasteel Boots - Same as the Protective Boots, but a blue rim this time.
Ballistic Shield - Has energy projectors worn over the torso just like the Fireshield, but the only actual armor parts are dark grey shoulder pads.
Energy Shield - Just energy projectors without any armor. Maybe connect them with a metal harness that is worn over the torso.
Plasma Shield - Like the Energy Shield, but the energy projectors are all blue.
Shielded Armor - Heavy blue armor with energy projectors on it like the other Shield armors.
Cerberus Armor - Some seriously high-tech armor, possibly with three blinking lights on it. Comes in the three main colors. It's gotta have the three lights, this armor'll be doing cool things in groups of three...
Bullet-Proof Vest - Perhaps a dark grey vest that doesn't follow the contours of the body like normal armor.
Energy-Shielded Vest - Combination of green armor without shoulderpads as well as smaller or less energy projectors.
Fireshield - Big red armor with some sort of energy projectors on the front and sides, like a tech harness worn over the armor.
Onyx Armor - Almost pitch black armor, so it can still have shading.
Power Armor - The style of it is awesome, I'm just hoping for maybe a little panel on the torso or something, little lights in it, maybe some wires extending from it.
Fireproof Armor - The armor in SoloSpaghetti's first post. I was hoping to get the yellow trim sections in the green, blue and red colors, perhaps. Or, if that looks bad, some other part of the armor recolored to those colors. Also, the non-orange suited version below it could be made into Ballistic Armor if the yellow was likewise recolored to the three RGB variants.
Phaseshift Armor - A bronzey yellow/brown combination, with a little bit of tech on it. I think the Doom pallete can have such a thing without it looking like arse, otherwise do whatever looks cool and phasey.
Nanofiber Armor - Perhaps a kind of dark weave pattern on the surface of the armor. Comes in the three main colors.
Ballistic Vest - Dark grey armor without shoulderpads, perhaps?
Cybernetic Armor - Super high-tech armor that looks like it integrates with you when worn. Maybe has eye implants at head level and stuff.
Ballistic Armor - The main torso section could be recoloured black, with the shoulders in the three main armor colours, green, blue and red.
Cybernano Armor - Also super high-tech, possibly with more underlying structure to the armor (i.e., arm and neck areas, as this armor cannot be unequipped.) Comes in the three main colors.
Necro Armor - Not sure really... It drains your health to repair it, so something evil looking I guess.
Lava Armor - Bright orangey yellow with subtle similarities to the Doom lava texture overlayed onto it.
Malek's Armor - I don't know... Dark green with a commando bandolier and a cape behind it.
Medical Powerarmor - Like the Power Armor, but white with a red cross on it.
Gothic Armor - Iron spiky armor, I guess?
Medical Armor - White armor with a red cross, perhaps a little bit of tech.
Duelist Armor - I have no idea, honestly. Some sort of armor worn in old pistol duels?
Nanofiber Skin Armor - A combination of the Nanofiber Armors with perhaps bits of the Radsuit with the weave pattern perhaps? It's similar to the Cybernano in that it cannot be unequipped. Comes in the three main colors.
Tactical Armor - Perhaps armor similar to that worn by Commandos, but a dark grey instead of red.
Any contributions to DoomRL Arsenal will be credited and loved accordingly.
Pictures of testing in progress, for those interested. Thanks to Xaser for pointing out a cool way of showing images.

Link to the list of armor and all of their stats. Armor List