But the crash from ACM still happens

Thanks for testing! Your feedback has been magnificent. I haven't yet investigated the resolution issue, but I did finally fix the ACM crash.Naitguolf wrote:But the crash from ACM still happens
You are welcome! Thanks to your for your work!!!biospud wrote:
Thanks for testing! Your feedback has been magnificent. I haven't yet investigated the resolution issue, but I did finally fix the ACM crash.
Yes, standing up is my preferred way to play, until I get tangled in the cables. I'm concerned the second generation Rift DK2 head tracking might not work well when standing and turning. I guess I'll find out when my DK2 arrives in August.Naitguolf wrote:Hope biospud update, since some issues when camera shakes, for example on Call of Dooty 3...
I was playing today stand up, instead seated. Whoa, much more enjoyable
I'm unsure what a "roll actor variable" is. So I cannot directly answer your question. I set the Rift roll value directly into the gzdoom member FGLRenderer.mAngles.Roll. I directly overwrite the Roll value, under the assumption that Roll has no gameplay effect. I set the Pitch and Yaw values using the methods G_AddViewAngle() and G_AddViewPitch(). I set the absolute pitch angle from the Rift, but I make an effort to combine the yaw angle with other contributions from the game controller or wherever. I hope that answers your question.Nash wrote:Hi biospud, question about camera roll (tilt) - are you manipulating the camera directly based on the input of the player's head tilt, or are you actually making use of the unused roll actor variable?
In my source port, I am actually doing the latter - the OpenGL camera reads the roll actor variable to apply camera tilt, and I have custom A_SetRoll and Set/GetActorRoll ACS commands to make those useful...
My curiosity is how would the two play with each other... would the head input ADD to the camera tilt, or would they overwrite each other?
Yes, I agree with Valve that with the Oculus Rift it is important to avoid forced view movement. That's why I enforce absolute pitch and roll from the head tracking in GZ3Doom. In fact, it might be nice to enforce yaw (left-right-turning) too, but until everyone can use a wireless, standing game experience in which you turn by, you know, turning, we must permit some yaw control from the game controller. But with the Rift on, I prefer to deemphasize controller yaw, to the point of avoiding using a mouse.Nash wrote:I see. Yes, that's all I needed to know.I remember reading a design doc from Valve (if I recall correctly) and how they say that to reduce motion sickness effects, one thing you NEVER do in a Rift-supported game is force any view changes to the player and always leave the head tracking to the player... so if I ever merge your Rift code into my port in future, I'll definitely have to address my forced camera movement.
One day I will play Minecraft this way.Nash wrote:Slightly offtopic but: Imagine playing GZDoom with a Rift and one of these treadmill things!