BD Enhanced Edition v19g (UPDATED 25 oct 2014)

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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by LegendaryFalco »

the only issue with that is that rockets will do even more damage than ever to them.. headshots would probably make them die faster than cyberdemons despite having 3X the HP then again who knows i might test this at some point
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by SigFloyd »

A better idea would be to have them occasionally fire a hitscan shot along with the explosive shots. It could use a special damage type so from the player's point of view there's nothing different, but other Masterminds can be damaged by it enough to infight.

EDIT: Alternatively, just go into the TRACERS file and look for the Mastermind's tracer. Set that to +FORCERADIUSDMG. Boom. Masterminds can now piss each other off.
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by DaffanZ »

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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by Cryomundus »

Does anyone know how to remove the forward pull of the chainsaw? It makes getting mancubus cannons and revenant launchers really irritating, since every time the chainsaw so much as touches the corpse you go flying past it.
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Cryomundus wrote:Does anyone know how to remove the forward pull of the chainsaw? It makes getting mancubus cannons and revenant launchers really irritating, since every time the chainsaw so much as touches the corpse you go flying past it.
Trying to correct this behavior, actually. Sadly no much luck for the moment, it's rather complicate... :?

By the way, I've created a new trailer in YouTube promoting this BD custom release. You all can see it in first post! 8-)
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by SamVision »

Please add a "+WEAPON.DONTBOB" to the Hellish Missile Launcher.
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by 0x29a »

There are three things that would make this Enhanced Edition an ULTIMATE ENHANCED EDITION

1) SSG for UDoom

2) Pistol with laser sights ( like in Infernal BD ]

3) Grenade launcher alt-fire for a rocket launcher.

Besides, I've seen stamina indicator in an alternative HUD, but it seems that it's useless...

Well then... Are those things doable? It could really make a difference to a DooM experience...
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by Endless123 »

0x29a wrote:There are three things that would make this Enhanced Edition an ULTIMATE ENHANCED EDITION

1) SSG for UDoom

2) Pistol with laser sights ( like in Infernal BD ]

3) Grenade launcher alt-fire for a rocket launcher.

Besides, I've seen stamina indicator in an alternative HUD, but it seems that it's useless...

Well then... Are those things doable? It could really make a difference to a DooM experience...
Well i though Brutal Doom was already making a difference to a Doom experience :lol: . There are 3 versions of Brutal Doom i know and i enjoy playing all of them because there is enough variations in those versions to enjoy them all the same.

The original Brutal Doom from Sergeant Mark IV is already awesome, SigFloyd's SE version is also awesome and of course this Enhanced Edition is really awesome too. I love playing with ALL of 3 versions because it's fun :D Now if someone could mix one of those BD versions with Project MSX(which is a very good mod to my opinion, for what it worth :lol: ) this could be epic :D Well just a though (or a wish or whatever :P )

@Hexereticdoom : Your pool is missing at least 2 choices, SigFloyd Brutal Doom SE version and of course the "I love all the 3 versions" choice should be present as well. But it's your pool so you do want you want :mrgreen:

Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by Metrasher »

The only thing I would change of this Brutal Doom version is the rifle sight. Y prefer it without any big iron sight.
It feels too annoying just to use it for aiming. I hit more targets without using it.
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by SoulBoundX »

Cryomundus wrote:
Vict wrote:The removal of shootable corpses seems to have improved the performance dramatically though, I've noticed a huge performance increase on my older machine.

They can still be hit by explosives and certain weapons though, but if someone's going to bring it back maybe make it a optional add-on?
Actually, it seems that most corpses, sans human enemies, still have a hitbox. It's about a pixel in size though, and it makes chainsawing mancubus and revenants extremely annoying. The ones that still seem to have hitboxes are

Pain elemental (after fatality)

There might be some others, but those are the ones that I've encountered.
I know this is really late but are you saying you can still chainsaw revenant and mancubus corpses for their weapons in brutal doom v19? Because I can't seem to do it.
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by SoulBoundX »

So I play the original brutal doom v19. I really like it, but I really would love the brutal nazis and mp40s in the game. Is there a way to get them back?
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by FreddBoy »

Use the mutataors available for Brutal DOOM v19. They are both compatible with the Enhanced Edition (this one) and the Sperglord Edition. That's how I got the Brutal Nazis back. Be warned tho, they will shred you as they have a zero delay before opening up with their MP40's.
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Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by SoulBoundX »

FreddBoy wrote:Use the mutataors available for Brutal DOOM v19. They are both compatible with the Enhanced Edition (this one) and the Sperglord Edition. That's how I got the Brutal Nazis back. Be warned tho, they will shred you as they have a zero delay before opening up with their MP40's.
I downloaded the mutators for it from moddb. Mutators v4.1. It had things like a new icon of son boss fight and simple weapons but I didn't see the brutal nazis. Where did u download the mutators?

Re: Brutal Doom v19 Enhanced Edition (Updated 1 nov 2013)

Post by DarkBolo »

Is there a way to change the duration of blood splatters stay longer? it seems blood vanish after 30-45 seconds. In 0.18 it stayed all the time.
Also I don't have blood puddles, can I turn them on somehow?
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Re: Brutal Doom v19a Enhanced Edition (Updated 15 jun 2014)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hello boys! It has been a long time since my last visit...

By the way, a minor update for BDEE is now available, check the first post! 8-)

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