... ations.rarHorrorMovieGuy wrote:Please do. I'd appreciate that.
I'll put you in the credits if you don't mind.
Okay, so, i've fixed the HUD. Now, it works with your current weapons (but to improve the HUD, i've been forced to change some inventory.icon, from the pk3, check the ammo and armor inventory.icon if you want a better HUD experience)
So, I'll sent you The hud, a modified copy of your project and several new textures, to make the Lava nailgun and lava supernailgun, also the multi grenade and multirocket.
Note: In the modified copy, i've also modified several weapons to make them fit more like Quake (in both timing and animation, at least, in my opinion)
Later tell me what you think... BTW, you (and everyone else) are totally free to use the HUD in any of your projects. That's why i've made it for.