[1.9a] Insanity's Requiem Mk.2 | Updated Credits.

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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by Carbine Dioxide »

I say keep going with the mod. It's really great, but I think it could use just a little more than just tiberium doom monsters and new weapons.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by TiberiumSoul »

see tiberiumdoom actualy gets its monsters from this :)
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by Carbine Dioxide »

TiberiumSoul wrote:see tiberiumdoom actualy gets its monsters from this :)
Oh, well then. Soooooorry. :oops:
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by insightguy »

TiberiumSoul wrote:...this is 50/50 chance of bieng the final build
first: it's being not bieng
Second: there seems to be a slight delay on every shot, can't you make them semi-auto (as in click=fire)? If not, at least give them a steady fire rate.
Third: the shotguns are slightly finicky, there is a slight delay between pumping and shooting and pumping again no matter how fast I click, It feels unresponsive at times.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by TiberiumSoul »

insightguy wrote: *some stuff here about grammar and improvements*
Firstly: I was aware I spelled it wrong, I just didn't give enough of a fuck to change it
Secondly: The pistols already are semiautomatic, They fire as fast as you can click.
Finally: The shotguns are meant to behave this way, If they fired and pumped as fast as the pistols did they'd be overpowered.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by -Ghost- »

I like your mods, but I swear I always get confused between them because they all have similar names and similar styles. :P i especially like the sound design in this, the shotgun in particular sounds really beefy as it should.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by Toberone »

TiberiumSoul wrote:
insightguy wrote: *some stuff here about grammar and improvements*
Firstly: I was aware I spelled it wrong, I just didn't give enough of a fuck to change it
Secondly: The pistols already are semiautomatic, They fire as fast as you can click.
Finally: The shotguns are meant to behave this way, If they fired and pumped as fast as the pistols did they'd be overpowered.
About the 3rd point, isn't there another way you could balance them?

I'm all for balancing really, but to be honest these shotguns are really unfun to use cause they just feel clunky. I'd rather the manual pump be taken all together in exchange for longer mandatory pumps, it'd at least feel less unresponsive.

Edit: Oh and to chime in on the mod itself, it's fun although it feel way to similar to tiberiumdoom (or vice-versa). One other small little thing though, why do the bullet decals look like I shot an orange paintgun?
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by TiberiumSoul »

its an effect inspired by gears of war's active reload

shooting an active reload round left a red hot smoldering decal on the wall that slowly cooled off

as for the shotguns no I'm keeping them as is sorry but after never being able to satisfy ChronoTeeth on their behaviors I'm just done with them if theres another weapon you want tweaked then please say so but the shotguns stay as the are by my standards theyre fine but the shotgun might be getting a new sprite set in build 3.0
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by Doomguy5th »

TiberiumSoul wrote:excellent gameplay please do continue as this is 50/50 chance of bieng the final build
I will continue this. However, I lost my autosave (I wonder how... wait! I already found out!), and I forgot to manually save. So I tried to attempt Map 02 (Postal Blowfish), and I have to admit. That Rocket-Bus is just fun. But then this caught my eye:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BvK4M3 ... e=youtu.be
I thought I had to restart the level when I died. I was wrong. Was this intentionally supposed to give the player infinite chances?! 'cuz I like it. But wait, how did you accomplish to make the player respawn without having the player restarting the level?!

Oh, and one more thing. I LUV THE EXPLOSIONZZ!!!
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by -Ghost- »

This isn't entirely related, but would you consider releasing the sounds you use in the mod as a separate replacer? A lot of them work really well together, especially the monster noises. I'm not sure if it was Tiberium Doom or this one, but it had an awesome idle monster noise I hadn't heard before that added a lot of ambiance to maps.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by TiberiumSoul »

@DoomCraft : What the... Fuck? that doesn't happen on my end... I'm going to look into this.

@-Ghost- : Sadly no, That would be way too much work for me
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by Doomguy5th »

TiberiumSoul wrote:@DoomCraft : What the... Fuck? that doesn't happen on my end... I'm going to look into this.
LOL! It's weird. I get infinite lives, but still. Fun glitch. YAY! I get to run into more rocket-busses. Wait, I'm using GZDoom SVN G1.9pre-664-g7fedaf. Should I update?
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by Hornetzero »

That damn black cyberdemon is really annoying in this even if legitimately playing on schizophrenia, it is just down right cheap. I hide behind a small window with a lot of barriers in place but his double laser blast of doom still manages to get in and kill me with one shot. Its so damn cheap, and I recall even informing you about this at the time I you freshly released this mod. Why must your black Cyber demon be so cheap? He has unusually large amount of health and armor, AND also has a fire mode that can kill you with one shot instantly (he fires the damn thing in a blink of an eye).

The only time you can actually go toe to toe with this thing is if you manage to have a lot of free space to run around and with no other mid to high tier enemies nearby. Otherwise, He is impossible.

Also, the standard shotgun is really a poor weapon. Its power needs to be raised. Also, most weapons in this need a hold down repeat function when fire, specially the shovel.

Other then that, great work overall. The quality is very nice. Just make some balances, and ensure that things are hard because of clever A.I with suitable fire power, not super armor and cheap instant, one hit kill attacks.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by -Ghost- »

You can make them auto fire again by removing the +NOAUTOFIRE line in DECORATE Weapons with Slade. You'll still have to pump, but holding down the trigger will shoot, pump, shoot, pump, etc. Just be advised that the pistol will go full auto that way. :P

Nice work on that shrapnel gun that has a flamethrower alt fire, by the way, it feels very Painkiller-ish and satisfying to use.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.9 I'm just that fast.

Post by StrikerMan780 »

Make sure for the next build you credit me for the heated bullet holes from SMMP. Those were created by me when I improved the Elemental Fire SSG. I notice you used a bit of my flamethrower code for the alt-fire of the I9PA-ECS as well (and recolored versions of the sprites).

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