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There's no Touhou Doom special handling! The Utsuho screen is just a joke I threw around for a long time. You can also find a menu setting to get a Castlevania 2 screen instead.
mpcomp wrote:Request: please add a toggle key bind option for KekDose golden emperor remote missile drone cam aka gc_guidedmissile view in mod controls section.
There's no Touhou Doom special handling! The Utsuho screen is just a joke I threw around for a long time. You can also find a menu setting to get a Castlevania 2 screen instead.
I'll add that since you said my name lel
Welp, hopefully an easy fix. o.O
In any case, definitely an interesting mod. I'm honestly most impressed with all the stuff that went into getting it to work with Strife overall.
Chaosvolt wrote:I'm honestly most impressed with all the stuff that went into getting it to work with Strife overall.
That'd be mostly the magic of Amv2k9's work; wherever he is and whatever he's doing now, I hope that he's doing alright, he was a real trooper regarding that stuff.
KeksDose wrote:Thought I had fixed that '
Yeah, you've got it fixed alright; I just have to update the files at some point... Which I guess I could do now, praise Mima and the Moon!
-Fixed Rider of the Storm not being controllable via Deadmaker's melee. (Pillow, also first lol)
-Added proper info regarding Corpseblast tweaks in shop and the forum OP. (Pillow)
-Fixed Strife aborting when starting the game due to keys not getting loaded. (Keks)
-THIS is my power...
-Fixed vm-abort from Augur / Wizard's Eye x-ray effect cuz zs Destroy pitfall is bad design (Keks)
-Fixed the mechanical swing sound with Mechasuit getting cut off while picking up a barrel. (Pillow)
-Added +NOBLOODSPLATTER on step actor. (Pillow)
-Tweaked the Mourning Glory to have old strat mode on by default, while on strat mode - turning into rapid-fire grenade launcher. (Pillow)
-Cut down the cost on the Mourning Glory strat by a half, given its more utilitarian now. (Pillow)
-Added a slight buff to kick attack. (Pillow)
-Added proper damage type to Brimstone puffs. (Pillow)
-Buffed Matriarch's direct hit damage a little. (Pillow)
-Made Longhorn ammo pickup a little chonkier. (Pillow)
-Increased Deadmaker's MaxStepHeight so you can walk over most enemies with it on. (Pillow)
-Added some new funi chests to drop; will see during tests if that was a good idea. (Pillow)
-Doubled projectile speed on non-tomed Frostbite. (Pillow)
-Strat sounds from shop now only play near the user. (Keks)
-Another lil' crows buff and got rid of gldefs on tomed crows, might help to make the rotating crows lag less. (Pillow)
-Deadmaker Skullfire meteors got a lil' buff and some neat, flat shockwave each time it hits the ground. (Pillow)
-Extended money counter to 9999999. Because one still ends up filling up his pockets so fucking fast in some cases, lol. (Pillow)
-Added +NOTELEPORT to firebreath stuff again. (Pillow)
-Mourning Glory's radiation glow is cool, but... it turns into lag-fest real quick. Given I am a lazy cunt and best solution seemed to be to remove gldef altogether, and so I did. (Pillow)
-Fixed a typo and Flamewave description got slightly updated. (Pillow)
-Another lil' Scourgebreath buff as I nerfed it too much for its price and mana cost. (Pillow)
-Reduced the amount of A_SuperExplode calls. (Pillow)
-I feel the ammo reduction use over time on Mourning Glory/Sandman was nice, but... what about to make them use just 1 ammo for that true BFG experience, yes? Yes. They're addon weapons anyway, go ham with 'em! (Pillow)
-KeksDose's shop is so easy even I can fix a fuck-up I did myself while tweaking it!... Meteorfist should unlock itself in the shop when you pick it up now. (Pillow, Praise Mima)
-Added extra page explaining stuff for Deadmaker/Mechasuit-related shenanigans in F1 menu. (Pillow)
-Added something extra to the Old Dreadful to make it da king again. (Pillow)
-Merged Voidwalker's Touch and Traveler's Journal into a singular item. (Pillow)
-Extended guiding time on Mechasuit MLRS missiles a little. (Pillow)
-Retooled the Strucker and its strat mode. (Pillow)
-Retooled Pulverizer's strat mode. (Pillow)
-Slight buff to regular Skullfire. (Pillow)
-Slight adjustment to Mourning Glory like extra impact damage and impact shockwave. (Pillow)
-Retooled tomed Darkpath. (Pillow)
-Slowed down Mourning/Sandman firing speed decay. (Pillow)
-Fixed Matriarch's drunk slug flare not getting removed after hitting skybox. (Pillow)
-Fixed Deadmaker's punch after arm-charging always shaking like it had hit something, regardless whether it did hit something or not. (Pillow)
-Fixed Augur using ammo with Extremesphere's infinite ammo powerup still going. (Pillow)
-Made shotgun ammo limit 150/300 again and had put Pulverizer bullets UP to 250/500, as I feel I went a little overzealous with backpack nerfs. (Pillow)
-Also Strucker now gives 6 instead of 4 shells. (Pillow)
-Added a toggle option for the guided Emperor mode upon mpcomp's request. (Keks)
Having a small issue since updating to 3.888a from 3.888. The quick key binds are not saving every time I launch gzdoom 4.5.0. I've deleted the .ini file twice and still have the same problem.
Alright! I played this new update a bit and there are some thoughts:
- The tomed Darkpath seems nice as a single target killer, altough I miss the slowed down time outside of the deadmaker!
- The pulverizer strat is much fun to use now! And heck, the strucker strat is such a straight upgrade that you cannot even change it back!
-It seems that I can kill cyberdemons much more easier with the morning glory right now. I like the buff on direct hits makes killing bosses much easier.
- I am glad the Deadmaker's meteor was buffed! It is one of the best looking spells for me but I always felt that the damage wasn't enough for its cost!
-Holy damn , that is the word for the buffed dreadful! Now there is those thunders hitting the enemies...King BFG indeed.
- I may sound annoying for speaking of melee , but I do think that making easier to step on enemies can be considered a buff when charging and meleeing, lol.
- I have a feeling that the Sword Strikes are not as flashy as hand strikes as you get berkeked/Deadmaker/Mechamaker? You can feel the screen freaking shake and the freaking punch explosions , but the sword effects stays mostly the same.Perhaps a "swordexplosion" when striking with it when you power the melee up may sell the power better?
-I found neat those new "bfg" boxes that drops from bosses. No more too much waiting for that sweet Bishop suit!
That is my thoughts for now! Also, what is the Rider of the Storm?
And what about those rectangles!?
Gourry wrote:Having a small issue since updating to 3.888a from 3.888. The quick key binds are not saving every time I launch gzdoom 4.5.0. I've deleted the .ini file twice and still have the same problem.
Me too. The shopkeeper key get deleted every time i quit. Tested with latest git.
Gourry wrote:Having a small issue since updating to 3.888a from 3.888. The quick key binds are not saving every time I launch gzdoom 4.5.0. I've deleted the .ini file twice and still have the same problem.
Me too. The shopkeeper key get deleted every time i quit. Tested with latest git.
Yeah, given it was literally done and uploaded the same day, didn't notice that adding the Emperor guidance switch button made the binds get flushed after quitting the game; I've fixed it, redownload the addon please!
So, I did a quick playthrough and here's the feedback thus far.
Since we're tossing away balance for Sandman and Mourning Glory, I'm not going to comment on how they compare to their regular counterparts as they're always the superior choice, to the point you don't even need to remember the pulverizer or the matriarch exist if you get either Sandman or Mourning Glory.
-Mourning Glory: Hell yeah! The grenades feel so good for wiping out a large crowd, carpet bombing at its best! And the enhanced impact is noticeable, even if it doesn't make too much of a difference.
-Frostbite: This has been one of my most used spells since it was changed from its bouncy origins, and the enhanced speed make this sooo much better!
-Skullfire Meteors: I didn't notice much of a difference on this one, maybe it kills stuff quicker now, but it hasn't impacted how I use the spell most of the time. The shockwave is very pretty tho.
-Dosh count: Thank god(read Mima)! This is a godsend on slaughterwads.
-Old Dreadful: It has always been one of my favorite guns, which was only reinforced when you managed to reduce the lag on this baby, but hot damn that buff! Golden Emperor is still cool, but it's not much of an emperor anymore!
-Mechamaker Missiles: These are so cool, but sadly also pretty laggy. Particularly when they're blowing up a lot of monsters. Maybe take out some of the smoke when they go off?
-Matriarch: The increase in potency was sorely need IMO, and you could stand to make it even stronger. Let's be real, most weapons take out enemies way quicker than the matriarch, the pulverizer is faster and way more common; the augur packs much more of a punch and goes through enemies, and has a bigger blasting area too. An exception might be the strat which turns this into an explosive shotgun of homing explodey bukkake, but the regular fire is very lackluster compared to the rest of your arsenal, even when compared to other "lesser" guns. Maybe load up the rocket with napalm or shrapnel so it has more blasting range and deal some stacking DoT? Or maybe you could have it cause an weakening effect so every following explosion get incrementally more powerful. Or just straight up buff this girl up.
-Strucker: I love the new stratocaster and making the old strat become its main function works great. There really was no reason to use regular Strucker when you got that in the past, the new strat gives great utility with its DoT and the accurate shots allow you to use Strucker at a much wider range. Pure damage seems a little inconsistent at longer ranges, but that is really not why you'd use the strat in the first place.
-Pulverizer: Love that you're able to spew bowling balls faster. I kinda liked to see the good ol ball forming, but the new way it works does feel and work much better, much faster too! Think you could be more generous with the base ammo pool for this gun, it tends to run out rather fast, but then again base pulverizer is pretty darn strong too. Stronger than the matriarch, I think.
-Darkpath: Having a limited range on the teleport is fine for me. Overshooting my destination was a common mistake and telefragging is a REALLY good effect. Untomed, I couldn't get rid of a spiderbot, tomed I had no problem with it. Not sure of the upper limits of tomed, but if it can take down big baddies like a cybercow... If I were to suggest ANY improvement at all, it would be to be able to hold the spell to place a marker of where you will land or maybe a spectral clone of Cyg. This is one of the best utility spells, after all, and being able to use it more reliably for escaping certain doom would be great, though I'm not sure you'd have time to aim anyway. Store description says it has unlimited range when tomed, but that doesn't seem to be the case. You can't warp from one end of MAP12 (the factory) on doom 2 to the other in the large outside area. To be clear, I'm fine with that, I actually prefer it that way personally, but the store did mention infinite range.
Not sure I understand what you mean by cosmic rectangles, based on the description I thought it had something to do with the Sword strat, but I didn't see any particular change there. Maybe the sword reach was improved? I'm not sure.
All in all, I love the changes! Hope the teaser we got last time doesn't take too long. Whatever it happens to be, I'm sure it'll be one hell of a ride!
Gourry wrote:Having a small issue since updating to 3.888a from 3.888. The quick key binds are not saving every time I launch gzdoom 4.5.0. I've deleted the .ini file twice and still have the same problem.
Me too. The shopkeeper key get deleted every time i quit. Tested with latest git.
Yeah, given it was literally done and uploaded the same day, didn't notice that adding the Emperor guidance switch button made the binds get flushed after quitting the game; I've fixed it, redownload the addon please!
I have a question for you guys that play Guncaster: What you guys think about the possession mechanic of the Draugh? I always thought it as rather underpowered , specially with the new mechanic that it draws from the riftwalk gauge than the mana itself. Id rather use the temporary damage reflection and invisibility of the riftwalk than just possess a baron or two. Even when I am messing around with the Addon's deadmaker it is not fun enough for me.
Dalse wrote:I have a question for you guys that play Guncaster: What you guys think about the possession mechanic of the Draugh? I always thought it as rather underpowered , specially with the new mechanic that it draws from the riftwalk gauge than the mana itself. Id rather use the temporary damage reflection and invisibility of the riftwalk than just possess a baron or two. Even when I am messing around with the Addon's deadmaker it is not fun enough for me.
It's underpowered until you think about what you can actually hijack with it, including but not restricted to Cyberdemon, Barons, Spiders, etc. You can posses more than one enemy at a time, the enemy becomes pretty much immortal, it will exclusively target your enemies and won't hurt you. So it's basically a free kill on your (strongest) enemy and they become your ally in the process, for a time. Pair this up with monster mods and/or legendary and you'll see that this is actually really powerful.
A pack of pinkies under your control can be absolutely devastating.
An amusing character-related mental exercise came to mind while poking through the end-of-episode texts to see how overriding those works, I'm left with the amusing thought of how well Cygnis would get along with the vanilla protagonists.
Some mental images for your amusement:
1. Any interaction between Doomguy and Cygnis inevitably devolves into a "who can kill more hellspawn" contest.
2. Cygnis and Corvus mostly getting along due to both being members of the "homeworld got fucked over by D'sparil" club.
3. Baratus and Parias trying to explain the difference between mages and "wazards" so Cygnis will stop trying to punch/shoot/eat Daedolon.
As for Strifeguy, uh...I got nothing, sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That reminds me, where'd the idea of referring to wizards as wazards come from anyway? Did it start as a one-off typo that became an official malapropism after it got pointed out, or...?