A lightweight weapon mod for GZDoom. Adds altfires, reloading, and all the things we love to hate about modern gaming.

Future updates are very unlikely unless compatibility completely breaks.
[OUTDATED] Last Updated October 19, 2018
Classic Revival HUD Updated January 01, 2015
Spoiler: OLD VIDEO
Spoiler: UPDATES (They're in reverse order, sorry!)
UPDATE: Added an assault rifle that the zombie guys randomly drop. In order to keep things balanced, they're now a little better at shooting rifles.
UPDATE 10/7/2013: Smoke effects have been added, the shotgun and rifle can be zoomed in for better accuracy, and I've tried to add a laser sight on the zoomed in rifle, but it's so buggy that I may end up taking it out.
10/10/2013: Fixed laster sight on rifle, added smoke to plasmaballs, balanced damage on chaingun and plasma gun.
10/11/2013: Added new reload animation to pistol, and new Nazis for Doom 2's secret levels.
10/12/2013: Adjusted speed/balance issues for shotgun, minigun and rocket launcher.
10/14/2013: Rifle now throws 9mm casings to reflect it's ammo type, Invulnerability sphere turns screen gold instead of inverse as a cheap way to mask anti-aliasing issues, at least until I fix some of the sprites.
10/16/2013: Added single fire to double barreled shotgun.
10/18/2013: Added brand new rocket launcher.
11/02/2013: Cosmetic changes to rocket launcher and BFG.
11/07/2013: Added a kick attack as secondary fire to the fist and pistol.
11/15/2013: Added secondary attacks to Plasma rifle and rocket launcher.
11/22/2013: Changed the way the pistol, rifle, Mp40, and shotgun reload thanks to Patriot1776.
11/26/2013: Fixed an issue with grenade launcher, changed the sound of chaingun's windup and wind down.
01/04/2014: I don't even remember what I did this time. The 1911 is back but is cheat only, The shotgun sports a few revised sounds. The MP40 now ejects casings from the correct side, and I've edited the explosive barrel sprites to look like green slime is combusting, along with adding a few sprites thanks to zrrion the insect.
05/11/2014: Updated rifle, cleaned up a few sounds.
05/31/2014: Cleaned up pistol reloading sprites.
07/02/2014: Changed armor bonus sprites, experimented with secondary fire for the chaingun, added tracers to launcher, renamed weapon tags.
07/07/2014: Changed 1911 flash frames to add consistency.
07/29/2014: Changed 1911, general clean up.
08/04/2014: Added secondary attack to chainsaw.
08/12/2014: Re-balanced weapons, moved 1911 to slot 2 and rifle to slot 4. Increased rifle damage and gave its own ammo type. Added secondary attack to BFG(still testing), tightened pistol grouping, added new rocket launcher explosion sprites from Demon Eclipse.
08/25/2014: Removed Keyconf due to redundancy and deprecation. Removed Decaldef due to lack of implementation.
11/02/2014: Refined BFG, increased pistol damage slightly.
11/03/2014: Refined BFG reload animation, added frames to rocket launcher.
12/25/2014: Removed caution tape from plasma rifle sprites, added rocket drum to Saturn V pickup sprite, cleaned up riot gun reloading frames, changed rotary cannon's ammo capacity from 600 to 400,
increased 1911 damage.
12/26/2014: Fixed up the minigun sprites all fancy like. Rotary plasma has also been refined.
01/01/2015: Raised projectile shots from the Saturn V and pulse rifle to be more vanilla map compatible, fixed flickering laser dot on combat rifle.
02/11/2015: Added frames to pistol reload animation, removed hammer device from riot gun, removed 1911
08/09/2015: Added select animations to all weapons, chain saw causes damage to enemies when selected. Added new sounds for health bonus, pistol, riot gun, coach gun, and rotary cannon.
10/31/2015: Nova Rifle secondary fire now shoots something of a plasma rocket, exploding on impact causing splash damage to enemies. Titan projectile sprites now compatible with different color palettes. Added pickup sound to Cell Packs. Secret sound now randomized between two bell sounds.
07/09/2016: Fixed 'poorly coded' flags for chaingun and plasma rifle. Rebalanced damage output and firing frames for chaingun and riot gun, updated and cleaned up weapon sound effects for rifle, riot gun and coach gun.
Updated muzzle flash for all weapons.
07/15/2016: Added menu options for smoke effects, bullet casings and Zombiemen attack styles
Slower fire rate for riot gun with ability to shoot faster with well timed shots
Faster reloading for riot gun with more responsive interruption
Added Zoomfactor to all weapons for recoil effect
Added spark effects to bulletpuffs
1911 is back again. Again.
08/02/2016: Classic shotgun reload animation available in the options menu
New pickup sprites for 1911 and Maschine Rifle
Increased damage for chaingun and decreased damage for Maschine rifle for balance
Added weapon bobbing to minimize frame jumps between running and firing animations
02/23/2017: Added menu options to disable reload function for individual weapons
Updated Coach Gun sprites
09/21/2017: Decreased ammo count from pickups to compensate for ammo inventory
10/31/2017: Conformed menu options to GZDoom 2.3.1
05/08/2018: Re-added MP40 with new graphics and animations. Random pickup with Backpack
Decreased Nova Rifle damage from 20 to 10, and radius damage from 128 to 80
05/09/2018: Fixed infinite reload bug for riotgun. Y'welcome.
Added ADS sound effect to maschine rifle
05/12/2018: Fixed Coach Gun sprite anomaly
10/16/2018: Added secondary fire to MP40. Now a chance to pick up either MP40 or 1911 from Backpack
Increased 1911 damage from 16 to 18 and removed chance to pick up instead of clip
06/15/2020: Reworked knuckles to work better with berserk pack. Kick for pistols also works with berserk.
Named all scripts for better compatibility
Reworked Saturn V graphics
Reworked flash states for better looking gunfire in the dark
Fixed bug that causes MP40 altfire to skip frames
10/02/2020: Fixed Saturn V 6-turn bug (I think)
Aligned Maschine Rifle laser to crosshair
Added option for classic armor bonus
Added message to recommend leaving reload options on for pistol and MP40 due to a bug I'm still working out
10/10/2020: Fixed MP40 altfire glitch with no reloads
Fixed Saturn V no reload bug
Added Xaser's synthfire to riot gun and maschine rifle. Now you must hold to aim instead of toggling.
Added decaldef and decal animations
Titan decal now appears only after second burst
03/16/2021: Added fuel mechanic for chainsaw
Reduced file size by 2MB
Various optimization fixes
05/23/2021: Removed fuel mechanic for chainsaw and adjusted damage output
Reverted to original shotgun pickup amount
I know the number of weapon mods using the exact same, run-o-the-mill resources is on the higher side, and I'm not claiming to unleash anything groundbreaking with this small project. If I've violated anything, someone let me know so I can make it right.
I started out by combining sprites, sounds and code from wads like Beautiful Doom, Brutal Doom, Realm667 and a handful of Weasel's mods (as well as some coding from Ed the Bat), and while some aspects are almost verbatim to the source material, I've hopefully added enough tweaks, bends and breaks to make something new that you might have fun with. My goal was to give a little more punch to vanilla style gameplay. Nothing massive, just an edge. I've spent countless hours refining everything to keep the sight, sound and gameplay as balanced as possible. So if any part of this could be improved, let me know.