here you go with a new weapons/gameplay modification:
'That Amazing Space Amazon'
Work on this somehow started by chance, when I was provided with a set of Strife-based resources that I liked and then wanted to use.
I tried once again to limit myself to a minimalistic-yet-versatile arsenal that mostly revives the traditional DOOM weapon canons, albeit with a few peculiar variations - and a couple totally unorthodox entries.
So let's step into the shoes of UAC 'Space Amazon' Sheila Doe, and see what she got in her handbag:
- classic arsenal reimplementation -
slot 1) 'TazerFang': the game's melee weapon. In your right hand, a knife that you can slash and stab with - using a one-two movement - that gets dramatically powered by berserk. But most of all, a handheld hidden tazer device in your left hand: approach an enemy and electrocute it to gain a little time lapse to finish it with your blade while it stays paralyzed. >-D Mind you, the tazer is fed by an auto-recharging battery - if you try to use it without enough power, you'll get the shock handed back to you.
slot 3) 'Hydra': a pump-action shotgun that you can load with up to three shells at once. You might enjoy the dismembering effect that a fully-charged blast can produce on your enemies.
slot 4) 'Manticore': this Nordenfelt-style machinegun rapidly fires its three barrels in varied combinations, thus dynamically determining ammo consumption and damage dealt with each round. With the launcher attached underneath, it can also propel Torpedo missiles (special terrain-sensing missiles that avoid accidental collisions with floor or ceiling, as long as their trajectory pitch permits).
slot 6) 'Gryphon': if you like plasma rifles and BFGs, you'll be happy to know that this is a combination of both. The rapid plasma stream is faster than average, and compensates for its small windup time; the BFG-style blast is smaller and less damaging, but also faster and delay-free, thus making this one the most powerful weapon in the set.
- weird new entries -
slot 2) 'Phoenix': this energy rifle feeds upon the same autorechargeable battery mentioned above, and can either prove very weak (and safe) or very strong (and dangerous) depending on the use you make of it. Its primary firing function lets you torment the opponent with high-rate, weak shocking bursts that keep the enemy paralyzed, and can terminate it after many rounds. On the other hand, its alternate fire mode sucks up all battery energy at once - and a few health points from the wielder, too - to create a devastating lightning ball that is capable of clearing the surrounding area - player included. In short, it's great for quick-poking enemies when you prefer to spare bigger ammo (primary), but also to get rid of a group if you can fire and then escape to search for cover (secondary).
or (with addon)
'Unicorn': a new assault rifle that uses the same projectiles of 'Manticore'. It cannot autofire, but each round is roughly two times powerful; but most of all, it has an altfire mode based on a refillable mini acid tank (you spend one gyroscopic grenade to replenish it after 4 rounds), that allows you to fire streaks of acid vapor - very effective on former humans.
slot 5) 'Basilisk': if Torpedo missiles were not explosive enough, this rotor-based grenade launcher gives you Gyroscopic grenades: these can bounce around forever like crazy - dealing damage and leaving a gas trail behind - before exploding into a cloud of acid gas. And if you get tired of playing pinball with monsters as bumpers, you can always detonate them before time with your secondary trigger...
The mod contains a couple other niceties that I'm not spoiling here, but you might notice around in the screenshots:
Spoiler: Old downloadsIDGames release 1+! (June 14, 2013)
Download here
Have fun
And check the preliminary credits list to see if your stuff is uncredited - we're still in time to fix that, I hope!