[Stopped for now] DN Brutal Doom Pack

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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Mike12 »

These all look great so far - especially fond of the new shotgun sprites. Even moreso given the fact that I desperately need a new shotgun sprite to use in-game (both the current BD one and my updated one that i use in my graphic replacements have started to wear thin on me)
The new assault-rfile thing would also be ideal for a mp40 replacement if that idea for making a mutator to make Nazis into new, more-fitting human/former-human enemies ever comes to fruition.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by xenoxols »

I really like the revolver, but will it use clip ammo?
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by DoomNukem »

do you mean like does it load like a revolver would or if It will use pistol ammo? I think at this point, adding a new ammo type to brutal doom isn't something Im keen on and the revolver functions pretty well using megaherz revolver addon.
Mike12 wrote:These all look great so far - especially fond of the new shotgun sprites. Even moreso given the fact that I desperately need a new shotgun sprite to use in-game (both the current BD one and my updated one that i use in my graphic replacements have started to wear thin on me)
The new assault-rfile thing would also be ideal for a mp40 replacement if that idea for making a mutator to make Nazis into new, more-fitting human/former-human enemies ever comes to fruition.
great idea, I think the the weapon is far more suited to the mp40 over the assault rifle.
Hellser wrote:I'm not a fan of Brutal Doom, but your sprites are amazing. Keep it up, and don't be shy to submit your work to the resources thread! We could always use people like you.
sure id be happy to post up sprite sheets and working .psd's just when they get closer to being submittable.
wildweasel wrote:As a revolver nut, I absolutely approve of this. Very minor nitpick, but do you plan on adding dots, or perhaps a Glock 18-style bracket, to the rear sight as well?
I keep trying the tritium sights at the back but for some reason it always looks really weird, may add some later as I do have the orange tip at the front end.

so here's another update, considering im moving the smg to the mp40 I thought Id have a crack at a more assault-looking assault rifle and a mad max ssg.

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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Bitterman »

That Assault Rifle looks like the M1216 from Black Ops. Never seen a weapon pack so sexy. The rifle needs a polish on the irons, though.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Ctrl+Alt+Destroy »

Holy mother of god, these weapons are looking too good.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by VICE »

The new shotgun is exactly the kind of sprite replacement I was looking forward to for the SSG - wooden grip, one handed, and sawed-off barrel. Oozing with style.

I think the revolver ought to use its own ammo. In the file I sent you I set it to use clips, because I didn't see the point of including those extra actors and some crappy sprites just to show you the gun itself.

If you plan to have it use clips anyway, you might want to to counterbalance that ammo conservation factor by making it rare to find a revolver, and adjust the rate of fire so that it's not overpowered.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Hornetzero »

Wow, these are so awesome. What technique do you use to make these with, Doomnukem?

It would be really awesome if you made Chainsaw or Gattling gun. As for your expertise on shotguns, do you suppose you can make a version of a winchester lever action shotgun a with a gun rotating reload?
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Max Dickings »

:O awww neat!

Just have one... super tiny... question/suggestion.

Will the Rifle's iron sights match the ones in the V19test, and not v18? Sarge removed the (screen-filling) V18 real-world iron sights, and I'm a huge fan of this move.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by JimmyJ »

Megaherz wrote:The new shotgun is exactly the kind of sprite replacement I was looking forward to for the SSG - wooden grip, one handed, and sawed-off barrel. Oozing with style.

I think the revolver ought to use its own ammo. In the file I sent you I set it to use clips, because I didn't see the point of including those extra actors and some crappy sprites just to show you the gun itself.

If you plan to have it use clips anyway, you might want to to counterbalance that ammo conservation factor by making it rare to find a revolver, and adjust the rate of fire so that it's not overpowered.
Could have a system where one shot from the revolver would use up two or three ammo instead of one, as well.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by lizardcommando »

Woah! These sprites are really awesome! That Sawed Off Shotgun is so badass! This makes me want to load up Brutal Doom again (when you release this, heh).
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Fabricator »

Wow, lookin' awesome so far!

Although for some reason, the new AR + SSG images aren't appearing for me...
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Mike12 »

Again, looking great! The only thing I'd suggest is to tweak the AR barrel a bit - the width of the barrel makes it look as if it's just pointing a bit too high in relation to the rest of the gun. I'd recommend shortening it just slightly and making it thin out a bit towards the far end of the barrel so that it properly conforms to the perspective. (This would likely help a bit with the revolver too)

Also, not completely necessary, but if you enlarge the bolt/firing pin on the side of the gun and move it further in, you could make it snap back when shooting to give the firing animation that extra bit of power.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Crudux Cruo »

dude... this weapons pack looks sweet. my one gripe though is that the new assault rifle on page four looks a hell of a lot like the shotgun.
i was always sorta hoping the BD rifle would look like this.


the acog has iron sights built in for hip shooting and it has a small zoom capability (since rifle really turns into a sniper rifle in iron sight mode anyway.) the sprite would be similar to the current one with the picatinny rails and all, so it would be more like a sprite modification to make it more like this.

anyway, this is your art project, just thought i'd throw out an idea since you're on a roll. looking foward to playing this sprite pack.
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Hellser »

That's an AUG A3 - instantly a bad comparison, and that isn't an ACOG scope... actually, the AUG there uses the factory made Steyr AUG A3 Scope -- an 1.5 Optical Zoom Scope. Also, his rifle looks fine. It's very reminisce of the M16

Issue with the AUG, is that without the scope, it'll be pretty much just little blocks (rails) going down the center of the gun, the barrel / flash suppressor wouldn't even be visible due to the rails.

( No, not being an ass, just stating the facts. Imagine the gun from a held "ironsight" view. It'll look crappy. :( )
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Re: [WiP] DoomNukem's Brutal Doom weapon pack

Post by Ghoul_RUS »

That looks awesome!!! I whish there is be an AK, like in one of the mutators with shitload of new guns, that was pretty awesome. Can't wait for realise this one! Oh and by the way, where u get this HUD? Looks cool!

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