It's being tested on Zandronum only right now, since it's my favourite sourceport. But i'm not sure if it'll work in Co-op, some scripts may breakSergeant_Mark_IV wrote:Very beautiful level design! Is this Zandronum-compatible? It makes me want to play it on coop.
The ceiling height of the room is 128, the door is 44x77 pixelsNash wrote:
May I ask how high is the ceiling in this shot, and how high is the door texture? I like how everything feels "realistic" in this.
Awesome project, too! Can't wait to play this. It's so good to see colourful cheery Doom mods for a change.
EDIT: Second level texture test, Map02 will be called "Vanilla Hills", and you'll have to collect 8 red coins to find the Golden Soul