OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons ->1st jan 2016

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OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons ->1st jan 2016

Post by osjclatchford »

this is a re-release of a couple of old mods I did that I have decided to reupload to mediafire for better sharing.
I decided to repackage it as many people complained at the rubbishness of using file4shared as a host LOL!

no further updates or changes will be logged on this project from now on. - Latchford

so what the hell is this?
well, ever since I saw the lovely sprites for heretic weapons out there I knew I eventually had to make an enhancement mod for heretic's existing weapons.
I then came across the corvus_to_hexen.wad and loved the way it made heXen more appealing to us heretics, adding corvus to the realm of kronos!

I decided to change a few things and treated hexen as sequel to heretic in the truer sense. that is to say, what if corvus got banished to kronos after heretic and bypass the whole heretic2 storyline altogether.
I had never got all the way through hexen before as I got bored with the rpg style gameplay. however I was always a huge fan of heretic's fantasy doom gameplay and loved the weapon set within.
with this in mind, working on the original hexen_add_corvus.wad as a base, I imagined myself as making a sequel to heretic using hexen as a base, as such making a mission-pack for hexen that lets you add a forth class: corvus the elf!
I started by redesigning specific weapons in the heretic weapon set to better fit into the world and gameplay of hexen. each weapon taking a specific role and mana-type:

(inspired by heretic 2's staff)
It now swings to deliver two blows and altfire comes in the form of a left hand larrop, for a bit of visual randomness the altfire mode will sometimes happen when firing normally...
When powered it glows with a blue aura and has an attack very similar to that of the fighter's axe...
both unpowered It is capable of hurting invulnerable enemies...

sticking the staff under weaponslot 0 allows you to shotcut it to the 'Q' key and switch to it instantly during play, this I found somehow made the staff more accessable and I found myself using the staff more often than I ever did in heretic before...

Ultimate Elvenwand
this is your second starting weapon.
Not only a superior looking Elvenwand, but the primary attack, is an all new speedy projectile with a trail (ala heXen's saphire-wand) it has more power and of course has a powered version for the tome which fires a similar projectile but with a much beefier blast sprite and effect!
although relatively weak this weapon does not use any mana and also rips through several enemies at a time. making it an ideal alternative to the staff for longer range combat or squads of enemies.

Ultimate Ethereal Crossbow
Visually a sound mix of the Ethereal crossbow and the strife Crossbow, this new weapon is your blue mana weapon.
The projectiles are similar to the standard Ethereal crossbow blasts but are faster and bounce off of surfaces.
altfire comes in the form of a very fast and powerful single arrow that does very heavy damage and splash damage.

Ultimate Hellstaff
this new weapon is your green mana weapon.
it fires four projectiles per shot, two from either eye socket, for double the devastation!
Powered by a tome it shoots out two of the fire-rain projectiles
altfire launches two streams of mystic fire that tear across the ground*, ripping trough enemies as they go then exploding with great force when they reach a wall.

*be aware that airboune enemies are only effected by the spash damage from the final blast of the hellstaff floor-fire...

Ancient phoenix rod
your ultimate combo-mana weapon.
this advanced version of the phoenixrod you will have to find each segment of to use.
it has a long range flame attack when powered by the tome. The flame code is based off of the new wand projectiles but I added the slither movement from the serpentstaff to create an effect that was not only new and long-range but also reminiscent of the original flame effect from heretic's rod :wink:...

You can also get tomes of power in this mod, they are randomised with both the crater of might and the porkilator...
now. this was fun and made hexen much more appealing to me but it got me missing these sexy new weapons when playing heretic so i figured I'd bugger about with that too and put some of this new stuff in there as well as some completely different things too LOL!

I added each of these new weapons and a few more. below is a list of the differences and the new weapons too:
Oh, and I guess this is worth mentioning...

so there you have it. enough chat
download this pack with both mods now and get smiting!

https://www.mediafire.com/?cpxpdtyx316b0dt - download for the pack of both mods

loading instructions:
to run hexen mod add " -file Hexen_add_Corvus.wad -file osjc_zhex9.pk3" to the end of zdoom.exe in the target box of your shortcut
to run heretic mod add " -file nashgore.wad -file osjc_zher11.pk3" to the end of zdoom.exe in the target box of your shortcut

oh, also, as an added bonus, both mods have much nicer water and sludge effects based off of enjays converted shadow-warrior water texture and doom's waterfall texture...

planned 'to-do' list:

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Last edited by osjclatchford on Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:42 pm, edited 91 times in total.
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by twinkieman93 »

I'd love to enjoy your mod, but you seem to have forgotten that zip files are not pk3 files and simply renaming a zip file to a pk3 file does not in fact make it one. Properly repackage your mod and I'll give it a go.

Also, in lieu of a working mod file, screenshots would be nice.

EDIT: The Heretic one seems to work fine. It's pretty neat, but it feels... incomplete. Mainly because there's no real changes to a lot of the weapons. Also because the powered version of the staff does not share the same sense of theatrics of the unpowered version. I liked that you made the powered wand basically have a telekinetic swing type of thing to explain why it's got a perfectly horizontal spread. Not that that sort of thing bothers me, I actually dislike it when people make the shotgun in Doom "better" by making it shoot in a more "realistic" spread pattern, but it's cool.
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by wildweasel »

twinkieman93 wrote:I'd love to enjoy your mod, but you seem to have forgotten that zip files are not pk3 files and simply renaming a zip file to a pk3 file does not in fact make it one. Properly repackage your mod and I'll give it a go.
Load the ZIP like a PK3 file and it will work. A PK3 is, in fact, a ZIP renamed.
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by Average »

Is there a way to download without setting up an account at 4share?
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by Valherran »

Please post your DLs somewhere OTHER than 4shared, that place sucks really bad...
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by osjclatchford »

ok, many points/questions to address! LOL

why .zip? because its all WIP of course (guess I should have mentioned that).
as stated by wildweasel; zip is a perfectly acceptable format to be supported by zdoom. I always keep my WIP projects in zip format for easier access for changes then package it as pk3 when final.
if you want it as a .pk3 just change the extention from .zip to .pk3 thats actually all a pk3 is anyway!

want screenies? ok!
not much to show though, as the new effects are mostly dynamic in nature...

as for the heretic weapons mod, the reason not all weapons are changed is because I never intended that. this mod is supposed to enhance the existing weapons not replace them. thats why the xbow, dragonclaw and firemace are unchanged as there didn't seem to be much that needed doing to them... and yes the old powered staff looks hokey :oops: but thats not my doing, its just the original weapon. In fact I toyed with removing it, but put it back as I preferred the mod to add to not subtract from the game.
maybe i'll sex that up and other weapon in the future then again maybe not...

that said, I was thinking about a quick-kick option for the weapons that are now left without a melee altfire in the heretic mod. I've got this:
from duke LAB that I have recoloured on the heretic pallette but that sandal looks more flip-flop than elven to me...

enough yak? want more stuff?
OK then, here:
is my v2 add-on for the Corvus_to_hexen.wad mod (that can be found here: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=15564) This version fixes my spelling mistake :wink: (etherial to ethereal) and I noticed that neoworm had started to do powered versions of the weapons. so this zip now includes tomes of power, randomised with the crater-of-might too add a bit more heretic flavour!
now all weapons that use mana can be powered up! the xbow and hellstaff use the classic heretic powerup attacks whereas the phoenixrod fires a more-powerful phoenix that seeks and can bounce off of walls and objects several times!
Alas, I just couldn't get the wand to power up for some reason but I think that fits into the heXen mythos more anyway: only the mana-using weapons can be powered up...

A final note to stop further wasted pleas, I will not be uploading to other sites, if zdoom-forum can't handle it, it goes on 4shared. I'd like to remind you all this is not a service I'm providing you, but something I'm doing for myself but decided to share. so please reframe from giving me grief over this in the future. My online machine has very limited capabilities and 4shared is one of the few that actually support my machine.

however, any ideas, suggestions and alterations of your own for the mod are greatly appreciated...

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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by twinkieman93 »

Would you mind if anyone mirrored it themselves, then? And that leg is hilarious, especially with how hairy it is. Also, I wasn't aware Corvus wore sandals. The More You Know™.
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by Nash »

That leg sprite makes it look like Corvus isn't wearing any pants!!!
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by twinkieman93 »

Nash wrote:That leg sprite makes it look like Corvus isn't wearing any pants!!!
To be fair, it doesn't look like he's wearing pants anyways. When you're a badass elf, your skin tends to be as tan and leathery as your leather pants. :P
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by Blue Shadow »

twinkieman93 wrote:Also, I wasn't aware Corvus wore sandals.
He's shown wearing boots in-game (his sprites).
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by Nash »

I always pictured him wearing skin-tight leather pants when I see the in-game Corvus sprite...
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by leileilol »

If it's leather, then where's the stitches?

One thing for sure, he doesn't have the testosterone overdosage as Duke's legs have. As far as I know. A Raffel would know for sure what differences Sidhe elves have. Sidheroids?

Also, if you're looking for new Corvus faces (for hi-ressing)... just take this guy and shop the stubble off him.
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by Xaser »

Sorry, gonna have to press this: don't use the .zip extension if it's meant to be loaded into ZDoom directly. The .zip extension, by virtue of its primary use, instructs the user to extract the contents. If that's not the case, then the extension is misleading -- unnecessarily so, in fact, since there's already another extension that tells the user to load it directly: .pk3. Much easier to understand, and it's of no cost to the modder since the fact that .pk3 is just renamed .zip means you can associate .pk3s with any zip utilities and have no loss of functionality (even in the case you do want to extract things). It's easy, and it doesn't make things harder than necessary for the user.

Also, can you elaborate on which fileshares don't work? People will not touch the mod if it's on 4shared, because of the registration-required issue, and it totally defeats the purpose of putting it online if people can't get to it. Does DRDTeam work? Mediafire? Sendspace? Speedyshare? All of these are better alternatives, and even if you've tried and failed the ones listed, it's possible there's another that will, if you'd elaborate a bit on what hasn't worked for you. Someone could point you in the right direction, and then people will actually be able to play the mod. :P
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by osjclatchford »

oh, no he doesn't wear sandals does he... LOL I really don't see me using that leg-sprite as all the above comments had previously occurred to me:
1) too hairy
2) looks like he's naked or something
3) they're over pumped
4)and most of all, elves tend not to wear flip-flops...

still it transferred to the heretic pallete rather nicely though!

emerald wand.PNG
Emerald wand concept...

and as for file transfers and file formats, again i see I must repeat:
Its .zip until its finished, then its .pk3
I will not be uploading to other sites, if zdoom-forum can't handle the size, it goes on 4shared.

And if someone wants to re-upload who am I to argue? this is freeware so please do!
Please try to understand; I have very little time to work, play with sprites and mess about uploading too. again, try to realize this is not a service I'm offering, I'm doing this in my limited free-time, please be less demanding and accept the thing for what it is...
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Re: OSJC's Heretic and hexen add-ons...

Post by Xaser »

You're being unnecessarily difficult here. Let me ask again.
osjclatchford wrote:Its .zip until its finished, then its .pk3
Why? You as the modder can work with both formats equally, and even if you're .pk3-phobic, it takes approximately 0% effort to rename before upload. This is only confusing users.
I will not be uploading to other sites, if zdoom-forum can't handle the size, it goes on 4shared.
I'll ask again: can you elaborate on which fileshares you have tried that you can confirm don't work on your system? It is highly likely there is an actually-useful alternative that hasn't been tried that will not fail on your end.
IPlease try to understand; I have very little time to work, play with sprites and mess about uploading too. again, try to realize this is not a service I'm offering, I'm doing this in my limited free-time, please be less demanding and accept the thing for what it is...
This has nothing to do with either of the issues at hand. We are all in the same boat: we mod because we like to and we have very limited time to do so. The fact remains that at the end of the day you are trying to share your mod with the world, but are making very simple mistakes with the uploads (which can be fixed with practically zero effort) that are going to prevent people from downloading / properly using it, thus largely defeating the point of uploading it in the first place.

I also don't understand how you can consider an improvement suggestion of this sort as "demanding" -- again, what's the point of uploading if you're not expecting feedback? If I were to download your weapon mod (which I can't because of 4shared) and report a bug or discuss what I feel is a serious gameplay issue, would that be "too demanding" as well? It'd take more work to fix, after all.

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