Supplice - Out now on Steam!

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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- On hiatus until further notice

Post by osjclatchford »

TiberiumSoul wrote:those machinegun sprite have me questioning one thing:
why in the fuck is one half of the gun blue? is that to keep people from ripping it out of the screens and using it themselves or what
Captain J wrote:...i can't wait for rip that machine gun!
hope this is not out of line to post, if so I'll remove: (Removed by request)
I have previously posted on the spritingcarnival but I thought I might get lost there so I posted it here where people who are likely to want it will find it.
just an fyi, the two muzzleflashes are not intended to animate, rather i thought , due to the obvious design origins of this weapon and the type of weapon it is, it would be fun to give a choice of pistol or chaingun style flash depending on your taste.
heavy use/editing of the hands resouce spritesheet was quite helpful in getting the effect of sticking in a mag and then slapping it home :D

seriously great stuff here though guys, awaiting release with much desire...
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Captain J »

ooh my. it actually happend, thank you! :D
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Cage »

I didn't want to make a big fuss out of it, so I thought that a simple post in the spriting carnival thread will be enough.
Cage wrote:
osjclatchford wrote:cage's supplice smg with eriance hands LOL
osjclatchford wrote:I decided to have a go at compiling full frames for that cage 'supplice' smg with standard doom hands i posted earlier, just to see if i could!
I don't remember asking you for permission to edit and PUBLISH this sprite. Remove this at once.

Just to make things clear from now on - everything made by me what's posted in any resource threads (here,, my site at you're free to use them as you wish (credit would be nice). Everything else - ask first. As for my graphics made for any bigger projects - Supplice or Hacx 2.0 at the moment - this is a strict no go - you are prohibited from any use until actual official release of said projects.
Just to make things clear - It's not that I don't want to share. But I want to choose WHEN, and WHAT I share. And I think that posting this in the official project thread is a total dick move.

I've asked BlazingPhoenix to remove the images (Thank you very much!) and I hope this will never happen again.

If I see anymore of my graphics from the WIP projects I'm taking a part in any other project (before it's released) I will take all action to remove it.
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Mechadon »

Thanks for clearing this up in a timely manner Cage :).

So yes, to confirm, please do not rip and redistribute the content we post in here. It's for preview purposes only. I'm pretty sure Cage and I share the same opinion that once we make a release, the majority of the content can be reused and redistributed with proper permission. But until that time comes, we would appreciate it if you would allow us to actually release the project first before trying to rip content.

Thanks :D
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by osjclatchford »

Well, that was was a clear if not slightly over explosive response. Not sure it needed to result in name calling, though...
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Cage »

I'm commenting on your behavior not yourself. Sorry, but if you post somebody else's hard work without permission in "official channels" I treat this as an insult.

If the boards staff judges I went out of the line, I won't try to escape from consequences.
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by osjclatchford »

i'm not offended. just amused I suppose.
I meant no ill will. or insult.
I was unsure of whether I was being out of line or not which is why I asked if it was so when I posted.
As I said before I only put it in here as the people that asked for it, asked for it here.
I had no intention of stealing your thunder or taking credit for your work. :roll:
Hell, I don't even want to use it myself. I just knew others did.
you said no. its gone.
lets put it all behind us and move on, eh?
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Cage »

osjclatchford wrote:lets put it all behind us and move on, eh?
Of course! I may have reacted harshly but I'm not an unforgiving, vindictive bastard. ;)
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Hellstorm Archon »

Apologies for the seemingly pointless bump, but I just want to compliment how unique and stylized this project is turning out to be.

However, I can't help but notice that for a Doom wad, it has a very "neo-90s-FPS" visual, kind of like a more colorful System Shock. This leads to my suggestion:
Since this project still takes place in the Doom universe, perhaps I could suggest a more "neo" version of the UAC logo. I know this idea might get shot down, but I'm just getting it out there.
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Cage »

Hellstorm Archon wrote:Since this project still takes place in the Doom universe, perhaps I could suggest a more "neo" version of the UAC logo. I know this idea might get shot down, but I'm just getting it out there. ? :)
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Mechadon »

Sorry for paying next to zero attention to this thread :(. Looks like Cage has my back though, heh.

Yea so Cage and I did work in some connections to the Doom universe/lore stuff, as you can see in the computer screen texture Cage linked to. Here's what the logo design looks like:
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Oh hey, DM maps!

Post by Captain J »

most trickery also fancy uac logo ever, i really wanna see that logos on a military vehicles or another logo about it.
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Totally not dead!

Post by Mechadon »

Hi guys! Just wanted to let everyone know that this project isn't dead. I'm going to try and be more proactive about keeping this thread up to date with the project's progress. It's worth mentioning that the project is now officially being made for ZDoom (switched from MBF/Boom). So I suppose this thread's existence here is a bit more meaningful ;)

First thing to mention is that I have updated the first post. There's now an updated list of goals, links to more of Jimmy's music, some time-lapse graphic creation videos by Cage, some new screenshots, and an updated team roster.

Secondly, I'll link to the two latest dev-blog posts for those of you interested in reading them.

Supplice! It’s Doom, kinda! - This is a re-reannouncement post with the project's updated goals and a quick FAQ. It should help answer many of the questions some of you might have.
Snazzy Demon Blasters and High-Tech Boomsticks - Latest post on the dev-blog. I talk a bit about the new weapons in Supplice and the history of the weapons from the start of the project.

For those of you who don't want to read the dev-blog posts, I'll try to condense what's been happening with the project.

Sometime around June 2014, our little team decided to jump the project from Boom/MBF to ZDoom. This was a big turning point for the project and something that we talked a lot about before finally making the plunge (there was talk of moving the project to other engines like KEX and Eternity too). There were a bunch of reasons why we decided to switch. I won't go into details, but many of the reasons were because of bugs that I couldn't get around. Cage was also interested in having more leeway with animations and artwork. There were other reasons, but those are a couple of the big ones. I realize the downsides to this change (again, this decision wasn't made lightly), but in the end I think everyone on board felt like ZDoom was the way to go considering where the project was headed. I went into a little more detail in the FAQ of this dev-blog post, so read that if your interested.

Anyways, so far this year we've made huge strides of progress. A ton of graphic work has been knocked out; I'd say we're well over halfway finished by this point. There are some big monster sprites that need creating and Cage still has lots of work left to do on the weapon sprites. But, visually speaking, we've definitely created the project's visual foundation.

Mapping wise, I've recently started drafting out bare layouts. So far I've finished up 5 potential layouts which I'm hoping will be enough to work with (and only 1 of them is gigantic, heh). I also have 5 DM maps done so far this year; visually they are done, all they lack is proper item placements and testing. Overall there are 12 DM maps that are "complete", but I'm not sure how many of them will end up released in the final mapset.

I'm planning on revealing more of the project's assets in future dev-blog posts. So I will try to make a better effort of updating this thread with links to them for you all to read.

I'll leave you with a few more screenshots :)



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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Totally not dead!

Post by Captain J »

WHAT AN RESURRECTION. I mean, glad it's still alive and those are pure-awesome maps! Now i should wait more, then.
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Re: [WIP] Supplice -- Totally not dead!

Post by Tormentor667 »

Wohoo, glad that this is alvie!

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