Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

For high-res texture/sprite projects, sprite-fix patches, music add-ons, music randomizers, and other graphic/sound-only projects.
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Re: Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

Post by wildweasel »

Really seems like this is more of a Projects thread...
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Re: Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

Post by sdk2k9 »

an you do the same thing for Ultimate Doom, Plutonia & TNT, please :?:
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Re: Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

Post by Captain J »

bookmarked, also i wanna see the plutonia and tnt textures in a next update too.
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Re: Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

Post by Abba Zabba »

Nice work! My only suggestion would be to put the images in your first post into a spoiler.
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Re: Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

Post by Skrell »

Haso3Doom wrote:
brutal doom 2 all hi res

Comingsoon 2013
I'm sorry but i'm confused as to what is actually in this addon? Is this new background in the pack ? Does it apply to all maps? Is it for Doom2 maps only? etc...

Re: Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

Post by eliascasta »

I have downloaded it and tried with zandronum 1.2 and it just appears as an small picture on the corner, all remain screen are yellow. what is wrong? :?
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Re: Personal Patches Hi Res Doom II in PK3

Post by Cataflexia »

eliascasta wrote:I have downloaded it and tried with zandronum 1.2 and it just appears as an small picture on the corner, all remain screen are yellow. what is wrong? :?
Hey dude!

The way to do it in the simply way is doing the following:
I've been trying to get jDUI loading in GZDoom (v1.1.2 r101) but it is only working partially. I am putting most of the UI graphics into the "hires" dir, except for menu screens (like TITLEPIC or INTERPIC) which won't get stretched if I don't put them into the "graphics" folder instead.

So, for example, I've modified the hi res texture pack for zdoom (usable with gzdoom and zandronum too) and I added to it a folder called "graphics":

Step 1: Create / Add a folder called graphics in the .pk3

Step 2: Create / Add a sub-folder called doom2 for replacing the graphics in Doom 2

Step 3: Paste the desired file to replace the original one. In this case, titlepic.png for replace the title screen in Doom 2

And you got it ! 8-)



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